Gave it back - Cross posting error adjustment completed


There's a lot of conjecture flying around on cross posting; Uncertainty and thoughts on the pros and cons of it. A lot of the talk seems to be about how it could be good for steem although there's much chatter on the way it could be abused also - How it could be utilised for more nefarious purposes such as incessant cross posting of one's own posts in a bid to gain double reward payments.

A couple days ago I cross posted one of my own posts without realising the voting implications of doing so. You can read about it here and get up to speed if you like.

Essentially I cross posted, got a second round of votes on the same post I'd already earned on, and I felt (feel) that that sort of behaviour, or use of cross posting, is not a good thing.

I spoke to my brother @tarazkp about it and he seemed to think I should put it down to a learning experience and leave it at that, which I did, but I also floated the idea of giving back the rewards on that cross posted post and that's what I decided to do in the end.

I chose three users I'd not engaged with before, gave a 100% vote to each and then transferred 10 steem to each of their wallets. The image below is a snapshot of those transfers from my own wallet.

I also wanted to give them a little more exposure so here they are; I'm sure they would appreciate you heading over to have a look at their work.

@mrhill, @jayjayjeffrey and @manthos.

My brother wrote a pretty good post about the cross posting topic which you can see by clicking here. It talks about the pros and cons I mention above, and other things.

I've seen others write about cross posting also, some of which is simply their opinion, and some of which asks valuable questions or raises concerns. I'm sure you'll find them if you look hard enough.

My 10 cents worth? Well, I'm actually not sure. It's new and still has to shake out although, having said that, I feel there could be a lot of abuse on the way with cross posting-circle-jerks probably already grabbing the KY Jelly and lubing up their hands circle-jerking-hands.

I'll not be supporting users cross posting their own work and will be keeping an eye on the small number of auto-votes I have to ensure it doesn't happen by accident.

What I do know is that I have made an attempt to redress my own cross posting mistake as above and hope that the situation doesn't get out of control.

With 90% of the cross post reward going to the original author I'm not sure if it could be seen as legitimate use of a cross post to do so with one's own posts.

What do you think? cross posting one's own posts...Do you think it's legit and will you be doing it?

Tomorrow isn't promised - Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default
An original post written by a human
Discord: galenkp#9209 🇦🇺


According to the Bible, The Mark of a True Witness: No More, No Less

Watch the Video below to know the Answer...

(Sorry for sending this comment. We are not looking for our self profit, our intentions is to preach the words of God in any means possible.)

Comment what you understand of our Youtube Video to receive our full votes. We have 30,000 #SteemPower. It's our little way to Thank you, our beloved friend.
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It was something that had kinda passed me by until I saw people mention it and this place being this place my first thought was pretty similar to this

with cross posting-circle-jerks probably already grabbing the KY Jelly and lubing up their hands circle-jerking-hands.

Which is a fine way to describe it



Haha, no better way to describe it...But if there was it would be you who found the better way.


Lol, cheers. That one though, untoppable! :O)


According to the Bible, Jesus said chew ass as you would want your ass chewed.

The bible also says Fear not with your limp dick in hand, for your savior Projekt Melody is showing her explosive rocket titties on chaturbate as we speak, my son.


Cross posting could be useful in gaining exposure on old work that has since passed payout date (and perhaps been underappreciated) that has new relevance to a communities as they pop up.


If one is cross posting their own work I'd be very reluctant to vote it again. It would have to be the best post in the world, ever, for all time, and even then it would need to have been cross posted by someone I trust implicitly, and not the original author.

The more I hear about it the more I believe it is not the way to go for the platform. It's too open for abuse, the sort of abuse we've seen in the past, and has held steem back, in my opinion. Pool raping.

I will not be voting on cross posts by the original author, and if I see it repeatedly will simply unfollow that account so I don't see it anymore. I don't believe in it for many reasons, and I know for a fact many others don't.



Yes, unfortunately it's a flawed system that is very much open to abuse, and I think we will see a lot of that, particularly with auto voting.

I wonder if the SteemAuto and SBI guys could/would consider somehow excluding cross posts.


Yes, a lot of flaws around here these days, and going back some time too. I guess time will tell how it shakes out.


The joys of living in a changing environment


Llegué hasta esta publicación porque ando buscando muchas respuestas antes de los cambios ocurridos recientemente. ¿Publicación cruzada? ¿Eso significa que se coloca la misma publicación en dos o más comunidades diferentes? ¿Tal vez dos idiomas distintos? Estoy un poco desinformado porque estuve de Steemit un buen tiempo ... a pesar de que no soy muy experto en Blockchain, criptomonedas y mucho menos en el tema de las comunidades. Me lleva mucho tiempo poder aprender un pequeño punto acerca de estos temas.
Por otro lado, me parece totalmente honesto que devolvieras las ganancias de tu publicación cruzada (aunque tu conciencia es la que dicta que es lo que está bien o mal) y muy altruista, ayudar a otros con el 100% de tu voto más el steem adicional. Creo que eso es tener carácter; una virtud que pocos tienen.
Es probable que los más codiciosos lo hagan sin escrúpulos y obtengan mucho más de lo que realmente merecen. Si esto en líneas generales parece ser un gran problema, ¿No pudiera corregirse tal situación y evitar este tipo de comportamientos de abuso en Steemit? Y si no hay nada malo, además de ganar de nuevo por lo mismo, ¿Qué otros beneficios tendría la publicación cruzada?

I came to this post because I am looking for many answers before the recent changes. Cross publication? Does that mean that the same publication is placed in two or more different communities? Maybe two different languages? I am a bit uninformed because I was on Steemit for a good time ... although I am not very expert in Blockchain, cryptocurrencies and much less in the issue of communities. It takes me a long time to learn a little point about these topics.
On the other hand, I find it totally honest that you return the profits of your cross publication (although your conscience is what dictates what is right or wrong) and very altruistic, to help others with 100% of your vote plus the steem additional. I think that is to have character; a virtue that few have.
It is likely that most greedy do it unscrupulously and get much more than they really deserve. If this, in general, seems to be a big problem, couldn't such a situation be corrected and avoid this kind of abusive behavior on Steemit? And if there is nothing wrong, besides winning again for the same, what other benefits would cross-publishing have?


Hi there...Yes, cross posting is a mechanism that takes a post, creates a link within a new post, then places that post somewhere, in a Community or tag. For example:

Person A makes a post in the Lego Community. Person B thinks it is good and should also be in the Hobby Community. Person B cross posts it there and person A receives 90% of any reward it gets. 5% goes to person B and the platform takes the last 5%.

It's that 90% thing I have the problem with. It will inspire reward-pool abuse in my opinion which is why I gave the rewards back to three users when I mistakenly cross posted one of my own posts. I know better now.

Some of the benefits are outlined in my brothers post which I have linked in this actual post so take the time to read it. It will explain it far better than I could in this reply.

For me, well I'll not be voting on cross posts generally, and will be looking out for abuse and down-voting it.

Thanks for your reply, and for translating it into English for me.



Gracias. HA sido muy amable al recomendarme las publicaciones de sus hermanos que ya tengo abiertas para leerlas más tarde. Aprender cualquier cosa es fácil; Aprender de los que saben y leer bien su contenido, lleva tiempo asimilarlo, pero vale la pena.
Nuevamente, gracias.

Thank you. He has been very kind in recommending me the publications of his brothers that I already have open to read later. Learning anything is easy; Learning from those who know how to read its content, takes time to assimilate, but it is worth it.
Thanks again.


You are welcome. Feel free to drop by anytime. :)


Hey brother. I applaud you for your integrity. I'm not sure i entirely agree however that it's always "bad" to crosspost your own post. But for now i will not. Here is my comment on your brothers post on the subject:



There may be circumstances where a person may legitimately cross post their own work, but these will be few and far between. I will base my own vote on cross posted material on a case by case basis. I will not make a habit of voting for them though, and will look out for those abusing the system and use my downvotes on them. Thanks for your comment.


Howdy sir galenkp! I can't imagine anyone doing it on purpose!


Cross posting? Many are mate. It's not cool.


Oh. Well, maybe eventually they'll put punishments in place for that because I agree, that certainly ain't cool.


Time will tell...I saw a guy get many downvotes yesterday. Apparently he'd cross posted the same post to 14 Communities or some such thing. It's unlikely that guy would ever get any more votes from me either.


Holy cow...yeah that ain't gonna fly around here especially if he tries it again.


Dear @galenkp

Interesting choice of topic. I've found your post thanks to @oneray. Thank you for sharing your view on cross-posting.

Uncertainty and thoughts on the pros and cons of it.

I've noticed and it seem to be just a matter of time for new flag wars to begin.

Just like you said, cross posting indeed gives opportunities for some abuse (double posting). Also since each time we cross-post - it's like publishing new post on our profile. Not only it does make our account look quite messy on all front-ends (Except of steempeak).

I personally will discourage everyone from cross-posting to our project.hope community. Such a posts (on steemit) look like spam. Nothing inside except of link to original source.

ps. is tarazkp your real brother?

Upvote on the way,
Yours, Piotr


Thanks for your comment and thoughts. I think cross posting has a place although it is far too easily abused as I have seen happen many times already.

Thanks for reading and commenting. (Yes, he is really my brother.).



It's me again @galenkp

Thanks for reading and commenting. (Yes, he is really my brother.).

I must admit that I didn't see it coming :) It doesn't seem to happen often that 2 brothers may have similar interests towards steem blockchain.

I would need to ask you for little favour. Recently I've decided to join small contest called "Community of the week" and I desribed our project.hope hive/community. Would you mind helping me out and RESTEEM this post - just to get some extra exposure? Your valuable comment would be also appreciated.

Link to my post: on steemit or on steempeak

Thanks :)
Yours, Piotr
