House Flipper: Bunker + Finishing my bathroom [Let's Play Games #30]


It's never too late for a little game, right? Even if there are just a few days left until Christmas! Or... am I wrong? 🎁

I know that not everyone is celebrating Christmas on 25th of December, but most likely, a big part of the hivers will do, and definitely understand me when I say that these few days left before Christmas and New Year Eve are going on really fast with a lot of things to be done.

But while some take a break from everything by having a nap, reading a book, going outside or having different activities, I really enjoy opening up a game and spend some time into it, even if it's just for a few minutes or more hours.

This time, it was the moment to take another job in House Flipper that was entitled pretty short and objective, "Bunker".

The email was sent by Mr Steve Mariner who recently purchased a house but which was inhabited by the previous owner who turned the bunker into a storage room, so while Steve took care of the house by renovating it, the job was mainly focusing on the help needed to get rid of all the mess created in the bunker and have it set up professionally.

The entrance to the bunker via courtyard

To be honest, I never heard about places in my country where there are also bunkers. I'm not excluding this but since tornadoes are not a thing for this part of the world, most likely that's why it's a pretty uncommon thing to meet this in a game.

But as strange as it seems, I'd actually enjoy having one and turn it into a real man cave with home cinema and gaming rooms, because, who wouldn't enjoy having a place like this? Even if the main purpose of a bunker is a lot different from how I envision this, but hey, it's still a nice idea, right? 😀

BEFORE renovation

Anyway, let's keep our feet on the ground and focus on the job from today's place needed to be renovated.

The view I got from the ladder was quite sinister honestly, but overall, I play this game because I totally enjoy turning horror places into luxury and eye-catching ones, so let's wait no more and get rid of all this trash!

AFTER renovation

I decided to keep the main idea of having the first room renovated as a bathroom, but there were still unnecessarily things, like the storage shelf and empty boxes, as well as the usual things you see in a bathroom that were completely missing.

So instead of losing time trying to fix these or make them look better, I simply sold everything, added the wall titles and only after that I purchased the bathroom items. I absolutely love how clean and minimalist this turned out!

BEFORE renovation

The next room I got into, was hard to understand what it was supposed to be, but the task list showed that Mr Steve would like to have this place turned into a resting place with two beds and some shelves.

Again, I decided to start by cleaning the surface, selling everything and getting rid of the empty boxes and then adding the tiles to forget about the scary walls the bunker was having.

AFTER renovation

I know this is still a bunker, but considering that perhaps Mr Steve will have some kids in one day, I thought that it would be nice to have some toys on the shelves too, just so children won't get too serious the time spent there.

Oh, and those beds fit exactly in the space of the room which was really small. Just imagine how few things you can do with an 8 squared meters room!

BEFORE renovation

Going a little bit further, we got into another small room which was just one squared meter bigger than the previous one but which from the things I could see on the shelves and on the ground, I figured out that this is going to be the storage room with food supplies and other food when needed.

AFTER renovation

Since a chair was not needed here, I decided to sell it and add one more set of shelves where to have more supplies for Mr Steve and his family.

I know a poster was not required here, nor a safe box, but since we are talking about a place that should could be used for a while in case of a new war or different invasions, it's better to have it all set up in a way to feel nice while you'll live there, so I tried my best to bring a different touch to the bunker.

BEFORE renovation

The last room was a tad bigger but it also represents probably the most important place from the whole bunker, namely - a kitchen with a living room.

I know that nobody really thinks of a couch and a TV in a bunker because the main interest is to have what to eat and how to prepare the food, but I managed to split the space in a way that both of my ideas would fit perfectly.

AFTER renovation

This was mainly restored with the thought of having two people living here, but in case of being more, I'm sure a solution would be found since there are enough parts of the bunker that could be adjusted if needed.

But what I really like about this place, is that I got rid of the way of looking at bunkers as a very dark and cold place where you will find lots of spiders and cockroaches. Right now this looks even a lot better than many houses out there, the single differences being that you will climb a ladder to get outside and the windows which are missing!

Job done!

... but a pretty nice salary too!
And how else to enjoy the over 10k euros earned if not by finally setting up the last room from my own house and office?

My bathroom after renovation

I know that it's been a while since I first renovated my house which was actually my first episode from this series of House Flipper sessions that you can read more about HERE, but since it's a game where you need to renovate a lot of places in order to meet different situations and learn to do new things, I had to wait a while until I got the experience needed to put tiles on the walls, but here we go!

As my favourite colour was always green, there was no way to have this missing, even if it's just a 4 squared meters room!

It actually turned out pretty well and I would love to have this in real life on my home place too, but until that moment will come, I have to get satisfied only by doing this in a game, ha! 😅

GameHouse Flipper
Release Date17th May 2018
Played OnSteam
Hours Played21.3 hrs

01.Setting up my office and dream house
02.Student's house to clean up
03.Save me from these horrible colors honey ;<
04.Inhabitable bunker
05.Christmas cleaning!
06.House in need of a renovation
07.Bunker + Finishing my bathroom
08.Painting the house
09.Garage :)
10.Necessary extra bathroom
11.Laser tag in a bunker
12.Sauna and base build
13.Bathroom and home workshop
14.All out
More coming soon...

All rights reserved.

Discord: GabrielaTravels#0104
PayPal/Contact: [email protected]


Comfortable accommodation room. Merry Christmas and happy new year! I Hope you have a great holiday!


I thought so too! Thanks for stopping by and hope you have nice and safe holidays! 😊


Man, there's something so satisfying about taking a room from grungy to clean in this game, every. Single. Time!

My wife and I have over 100 hours played on the console version, but we're waiting for more of the PC DLC to make the jump. Trying not to burn ourselves out, too quickly.

In that same vein, have you heard of Paralives at all? It's missing the cleaning aspect, but the raw building potential for interior decorating is bonkers. Seems like something you might enjoy as well (when it's finally released :P).


So happy to finally meet another person who's playing this! Do you own any of the DLCs? I've heard that there is going to be released one for the garden which I'm sure I'll make us add a lot more hours into this.

Just like you said, everything is so satisfying Shen you have the power to turn horror places into really nice ones!

And no, I haven't heard about the game mentioned but I'll definitely look into it and add it on my wishlist until it will be released!

Thanks for the heads up and for stopping by! ❤️
