Secrets hidden in the dark [ENG – ESP]




“Why didn't you ever tell us that grandfather lives in a castle?”

“I did tell you, when you were little I told you about your grandfather.”

“Mom, that was a long time ago.”

“You talk as if they were fifty years old.”

Before I could reply, the car stopped. The woman behind the wheel turned back after removing her seat belt, looking seriously at the pair of teenagers who were visibly confused about what was going on, each with their respective backpacks on one side.

“Listen to me carefully, both of you, I want you to stay where I tell you and don't touch anything without asking me first, is that clear?”

“You're crazy!”

“Maddox, you can't talk to me like that, I'm your mother.”

“And you can't bring us here without explaining anything, we snuck out of the house behind Mark's back in the middle of the night to come here because grandpa was supposedly lonely, that doesn't make sense.”

“He's right.”

“I was hoping for a little more support from you, Nox.”

“I also want to know what's going on.”

“All right, that's enough, we don't have time for this. The three of us are going to go in now, give a big hug to your grandfather who has missed us very much and talk calmly about what is going on. Everything is going to be fine, just fine.” She finished whispering to herself as she opened the car door with some desperation.

Looking at each other, Maddox and Nox shared without words that great sense of worry that had enveloped them from the second they had left their house in the middle of the night into the unknown, watching their mother behave the way she was behaving, leaving everything behind.

As they got out of the car they were greeted by a cold draft that made them shiver, so they hurried to keep up with their mother who was already a few steps away from the entrance of the castle that thanks to the fog around it looked like a place out of a horror movie.

Contrary to what anyone would expect, the interior did not provide much warmth as it was almost as cold as outside. Without giving them time to detail their surroundings, their mother hurried into the castle, leaving the suitcases lying at the entrance. They didn't know what she was looking for but it was clear she wasn't getting it.

“Dad, we're here!” She shouted.

“Welcome back, Miss Bray.”

Both Maddox and Nox were startled by the sudden appearance, but their mother surprised them even more when she let out a cry of happiness, rushing into the arms of the elderly woman who welcomed her back with laughter. They had never seen their mother react like this in the presence of anyone but them.

“I've told you a million times to call me Madelyn, Rose, please.”

“I'm so glad you're here, Miss Madelyn, we miss you.”

“Do you know where daddy is? He must have told you by now that the reasons we are here are not ideal.” She tried to lower her voice.

“Yes, he's been very worried and hasn't stopped sending letters to everyone he knows since he found out.”

“Take me to where he is, we need to resolve this as soon as possible.”

“Of course. All of you follow me.”

“No, no, they're staying here.”

“What?” The teenagers asked at the same time.

“You heard me, they stay here. Don't touch anything and don't go anywhere before we come back, I'm very serious.” She pointed at them, pointing at them.

Once the two women had left the room, Maddox started walking towards one of the doors, followed by Nox.”

“Mom is going to be mad at us.”

“We're not doing anything wrong, just exploring a bit.” He replied with a smile that hinted otherwise. “We'll be back before she realizes we're gone.”



Unconvinced, Nox decided to follow Maddox in silence until they entered a room that appeared to be a studio where darkness prevailed, with a couple of dim lights being the only ones that provided some illumination so they could tell where they were stepping, but not enough to make Nox avoid tripping over the carpet on the floor.

“Stop laughing, you idiot!” Nox complained, annoyed.

“Okay, okay, okay, but fix the carpet.”

One of the corners of the carpet had been lifted up as a result of that trip, so Nox bent down to put it back as it was before, realizing that there was a plank of the wood on the floor that was in a strange position, as if it were lifted up. Both of their hearts skipped a beat as they noticed the movement of the plank, followed by the others around them.

In a synchronized movement, the wooden planks began to disappear to make way for stairs leading to a wooden door carved with a large lion showing its claws. The door opened on its own seconds after Nox took a step in their direction, but all that could be seen was absolute darkness. As if calling out to them in whispers, they both descended the stairs.

“Do you think it's a good idea?” Maddox asked.

“Probably not.”

Pulling out her cell phone, Nox used the flashlight tool to try to illuminate a little of what lay beyond the door, discovering that it was a long hallway. Willing themselves to face their fears to discover the unknown, they walked to the end of the hallway which led them to a room filled with dust-covered books, stones of many colors, and a countless number of glass jars filled with strange substances.

“Do you feel that?” Nox asked in a whisper.

“What does it feel like?”

“It's like... tingling in your hands.”

“I'm sure it's dust allergy, don't pay attention to it. More important is what's all this stuff Grandpa's got hidden down here.”

“I think it's best if we go back to where we were, Maddox, I don't like it here, it's strange.”

“Wait a bit, let's see what else is here.”

Approaching a mirror, Maddox ran his hand over it to remove the dust that was covering it, becoming mute when he saw the image of his mother next to an elderly man. He backed up so fast that he tripped over his own feet and ended up falling backwards in a clatter. Nox had intended to ask him if he was all right, but the voices coming from the mirror made her hold her words.

“Do you think the kids are going to take it well? He's still their father.”

“Mark has been anything but a father to them and you know it, he's a madman obsessed with something he shouldn't be pursuing, we can't allow him to upset the balance we've worked so hard for.”

“That's grandpa.” Maddox muttered, looking up from the floor.

“Maddox and Nox are too young to understand that.”

“For they must understand that their father has chosen to be on the wrong side and as the Bray that they are they must uphold the Ten Families' pact.

“They don't know about the pact, Dad.”

“It's your fault and that ungrateful Mark, I never agreed with you hiding their origins from them, they should have known from the beginning what they are, the kind of power they have in their veins.”

“I don't know how to tell them.”

“You don't have to worry about that, dear daughter, they already know.” He replied, looking directly at Maddox and Nox through the mirror.




— ¿Por qué nunca nos dijiste que el abuelo vive en un castillo?

— Sí se los dije, cuando estaban pequeños les hablé de su abuelo.

— Mamá, eso fue hace mucho.

— Hablas como si hubiesen cumplido cincuenta años.

Antes de poder replicar, el auto se detuvo. La mujer que se encontraba al volante volteó hacia atrás después de quitarse el cinturón de seguridad, mirando con seriedad al par de adolescentes que se encontraban visiblemente confundidos sobre lo que estaba pasando, cada uno con sus respectivas mochilas a un lado.

— Escúchenme bien los dos, quiero que se queden donde les diga y no toquen nada sin haberme preguntado primero, ¿está claro?

— ¡Estás loca!

— Maddox, no puedes hablarme así, soy tu madre.

— Y tú no puedes traernos aquí sin explicarnos nada, salimos de la casa a escondidas de Mark en el medio de la noche para venir porque supuestamente el abuelo se sentía solo, eso no tiene sentido.

— Tiene razón.

— Esperaba un poco más de apoyo de tu parte, Nox.

— También quiero saber lo que está pasando.

— Muy bien, es suficiente, no tenemos tiempo para esto. Los tres vamos a entrar ahora, le daremos un fuerte abrazo a su abuelo que nos ha extrañado mucho y hablaremos con calma sobre lo que está pasando. Todo va a estar bien, muy bien. —Terminó susurrando para sí misma al tiempo que abría la puerta del auto con cierta desesperación.

Mirándose entre sí, Maddox y Nox compartieron sin necesidad de palabras aquella gran sensación de preocupación que los envolvía desde el segundo en que habían salido de su casa en el medio de la noche hacia lo desconocido, viendo a su madre comportarse de la forma en que lo estaba haciendo, dejando atrás todo.

Al salir del auto fueron recibidos por una corriente de aire frío que les hizo temblar, por lo que se apresuraron en seguirle el paso a su madre que ya se encontraba a unos pasos de la entrada del castillo que gracias a la neblina a su alrededor parecía un sitio salido de una película de terror.

Contrario a lo que cualquiera esperaría, el interior no les proporcionó mucha calidez ya que se encontraba casi tan frío como afuera. Sin darles tiempo a detallar sus alrededores, su madre se adentró en el castillo rápidamente, dejando las maletas tiradas en la entrada. No sabían qué era lo que estaba buscando pero era evidente que no lo conseguía.

— ¡Papá, ya llegamos! —Gritó.

— Bienvenida de regreso, Señorita Bray.

Tanto Maddox como Nox se sobresaltaron ante la repentina aparición, pero su madre los sorprendió todavía más cuando soltó un grito de felicidad, abalanzándose a los brazos de la mujer de avanzada edad que la recibió con gusto entre risas. Nunca habían visto a su madre reaccionar así ante la presencia de nadie que no fuesen ellos.

— Te he dicho un millón de veces que me digas Madelyn, Rose, por favor.

— Me alegro mucho que esté aquí, Señorita Madelyn, la extrañamos.

— ¿Sabes dónde está papá? Debe haberte dicho ya que las razones por las que estamos aquí no son las ideales. —Trató de bajar la voz.

— Sí, ha estado muy preocupado y no ha parado de enviar cartas a todos sus conocidos desde que se enteró.

— Llévame a donde está, necesitamos resolver esto lo más pronto posible.

— Por supuesto. Síganme.

— No, no, ellos se quedan aquí.

— ¿Qué? —Preguntaron al mismo tiempo los adolescentes.

— Ya me escucharon, se quedan aquí. No toquen nada y no vayan a ningún lado antes de que regresemos, les estoy hablando muy en serio. —Les resaltó, señalándolos.

Una vez las dos mujeres se habían ido de la habitación, Maddox comenzó a caminar en dirección a una de las puertas, seguido por Nox.

— Mamá se va a molestar con nosotros.

— No estamos haciendo nada malo, solamente explorando un poco. —Respondió con una sonrisa que insinuaba lo contrario— Estaremos de regreso antes de que se dé cuenta de que nos fuimos.



Sin mostrarse convencida, Nox decidió seguir a Maddox en silencio hasta que entraron en una habitación que parecía ser un estudio donde predominaba la oscuridad, siendo un par de luces tenues las únicas que proporcionaban algo de iluminación para poder saber dónde estaban pisando, pero no la suficiente como para hacer que Nox evitara tropezar con la alfombra del suelo.

— ¡Deja de reírte, idiota! —Se quejó Nox, molesta.

— Está bien, está bien, pero arregla la alfombra.

Una de las esquinas de la alfombra había quedado levantada como consecuencia de ese tropezón, por lo que Nox se inclinó para colocarla como estaba anteriormente, dándose cuenta de que había un tablón de la madera del suelo que se encontraba en una posición extraña, como si estuviese levantado. El corazón de ambos se aceleró cuando notaron el movimiento del tablón, seguido de los demás a su alrededor.

En un movimiento sincronizado, los tablones de madera comenzaron a desaparecer para darle paso a unas escaleras que llevaban hacia una puerta de madera tallada con un gran león enseñando las garras. La puerta se abrió por si sola segundos después de que Nox dio un paso en su dirección, pero lo único que podía verse era absoluta oscuridad. Como si los estuviera llamando entre susurros, ambos bajaron las escaleras.

— ¿Crees que sea buena idea? —Preguntó Maddox.

— Probablemente no.

Sacando su celular, Nox usó la herramienta de linterna para intentar iluminar un poco lo que se encontraba después de la puerta, descubriendo que se trataba de un largo pasillo. Disponiéndose a afrontar sus miedos para descubrir lo desconocido, caminaron hasta el final del pasillo que los llevó a una habitación llena de libros cubiertos de polvo, piedras de muchos colores y una infinidad de frascos de vidrio lleno de sustancias extrañas.

— ¿Sientes eso? —Preguntó Nox en un murmullo.

— ¿El qué?

— Es como… un hormigueo en las manos.

— Seguro es alergia al polvo, no le prestes atención. Más importante es qué es todo esto que tiene el abuelo escondido aquí abajo.

— Creo que lo mejor es que regresemos a donde estábamos, Maddox, no me gusta estar aquí, es extraño.

— Espera un poco, vamos a ver qué más hay aquí.

Acercándose a un espejo, Maddox le pasó la mano por encima para quitarle el polvo que lo estaba cubriendo, quedándose mudo cuando vio la imagen de su madre al lado de un hombre de avanzada edad. Retrocedió tan rápido que tropezó con sus propios pies y se terminó cayendo de espaldas en un estruendo. Nox tuvo la intención de preguntarle si se encontraba bien, pero las voces provenientes del espejo le hicieron guardar sus palabras.

— ¿Crees que los niños vayan a tomarlo bien? Sigue siendo su padre.

— Mark ha sido todo menos un padre para ellos y lo sabes, es un loco obsesionado con algo que no debería estar buscando, no podemos permitirle que rompa el equilibrio que nos ha costado tanto.

— Ese es el abuelo. —Murmuró Maddox, mirando desde el piso.

— Maddox y Nox son demasiado jóvenes para entender eso.

— Pues deben entender que su padre ha elegido estar del lado equivocado y como los Bray que son deben defender el pacto de las Diez Familias.

— Ellos no saben del pacto, papá.

— Es culpa tuya y de ese ingrato mal agradecido de Mark, nunca estuve de acuerdo con que les escondieras sus orígenes, ellos debían haber sabido desde un principio lo que son, la clase de poder que tienen en sus venas.

— No sé cómo decírselos.

— No tienes que preocuparte por eso, querida hija, ellos ya lo saben. —Respondió, mirando directamente a Maddox y Nox a través del espejo.


I loved your story and the secret that Madox and Nox discovered, through the mirror.


Greetings, @gabrieladifazio! You take us to a place that hides a mystery that young people begin to know. By the end of the reading we also want to know what that mystery is and what are the powers that the family has so jealously guarded. Thank you so much for attending this week's fiction call for entries. Thanks for interacting with the rest of the writers.


Thanks to you! For me it was a pleasure to participate and I hope to continue reading the participations of the other members of the community that I found very interesting.


I love the magical and quaint setting, and details you add to it. You are great at building suspense throughout the story
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა It definitely has a sudden unexpected ending, too.


Quite inquisitive and stubborn teenagers.

Well, the suspense could be felt throughout the story. I loved the part where it was revealed that Nox and Maddox had supernatural powers.

I wish there could another part🥺
Thanks for sharing 💯✨


Sometimes I make stories to participate in dynamics but at the end I get that feeling of wanting to explore a little more, this has been one of them. I love the theme of magic, secrets, family legacies...

Thank you very much for your words, I'm glad you enjoyed this stories that I made with love for the community.
