A single event that changed everything [ESP – ENG]





"This isn't going to work."

"What are you talking about, Joshua?"

"I'm uncomfortable in this relationship, Lisa, I've been putting up with too much."

For Lisa, those words felt like a stab in her heart, leaving her immobile on the spot and with an immense urge to cry. Taking a deep breath she turned her eyes away trying to hide the pain she was going through, focusing on everything that was happening on the other side of the window of the restaurant where she was supposed to enjoy a romantic evening. People walked through the streets oblivious to the dilemma she was facing, reluctant to face the implications of the situation but knowing that she needed to react, even if she didn't quite know how. When she looked back in the direction of her companion, she found Joshua concentrating on typing on his cell phone with a big smile on his face paying no attention to his surroundings, it seemed as if minutes ago he hadn't just ended a months-long relationship and she wasn't in front of him still processing the information.

"Did I do something wrong?" She asked in a mumble.

In a gesture of annoyance, Joshua tossed his cell phone on the table with a frown.

"Look, it's not that deep, okay? I don't like you. When I first met you I thought I wasn't going to mind dating a person... you know, like that, but it's not the same, it's weird. The best thing we can do is break up and go back to our own stuff."

If he had expected any response, Lisa didn't hear it, because after hearing that, the tears started to come and her mind completely disconnected from everything else around her, bringing her back to all those moments where she had been abandoned by being tied to something she never chose. Rejection was a circumstance she knew all too well from the number of times she had experienced it, starting during her childhood when her parents left her abandoned next to a church. She was the child who was never adopted, whom no one wanted to choose for group activities, and even as she grew up, she felt she was constantly being judged. Yes, it affected her, but she hadn't let that stop her from moving forward in life, graduating from college with excellent grades, getting a job in an area where she could demonstrate her skills, becoming independent in an apartment where she felt comfortable... but alone.

"Miss, do you need help?"

Pulling herself together a little, Lisa looked at the waiter, apologetic.

"No, no, thank you." She replied hurriedly as she gathered her things from the table.

"Do you need help with the wheelchair?"

Closing her eyes at the question, Lisa shook her head, tightening her grip on the push rings after making sure she wasn't forgetting something to head towards the exit of the restaurant, with a waiter behind her watching her closely. She hated that many treated her as a helpless being who always needed help but from so many times someone offered her help in the day she had simply gotten used to ignoring it, at least when it came to people she saw frequently like co-workers and neighbors, there came a point where they stopped offering. The feeling that invaded her as she left the restaurant was one of freedom, not only because she was leaving the place that from that day on would bring her bad memories, but also because she was free of the uncomfortable company of the waiter, who had accompanied her in silence even in the elevator that took her to the first floor.

A shiver ran through her body when the cold of the night hit her, hurrying to get to her apartment, which was two blocks from the restaurant. Maybe making the appointment at one of the few good restaurants accessible to her that were close to where she lived hadn't been the best idea in the world, but she would get over it, as she had no plans to move anytime soon. One of the reasons she had decided to rent an apartment in that area was precisely because they had many spaces where she could move around more freely, with wide sidewalks where it was not so uncomfortable to walk. The only thing she could think about was sitting in front of the TV with ice cream and cookies while watching any Disney movie between all her tears, because if there was one thing she was sure of, it was that two seconds after entering, she could no longer hold back the urge.

The reception she got when she arrived at her apartment was something different.



"There's no elevator." The watchman commented, looking at his phone disinterestedly.

"What?" the question came out as an unintended shout at her.

At this, the watchman looked up, sighing when he saw her.

"The elevator was damaged and the technician isn't coming until tomorrow morning."

At that moment, she noticed the presence of someone else arriving at the building, which was the only neighbor she shared an apartment with, Abbigail.

"Can't you get someone to come and fix it now?" She asked with annoyance. "There are people who need the elevator."

"Everyone needs the elevator."

"You're unbelievable." Abbigail grumbled. "Did you call to ask if they could make some kind of exception and come now?"

"They told me tomorrow morning, there's nothing I can do."

"You're such a..." Whatever she was going to say next, she kept to herself.

Lisa's gaze was on the stairs that she obviously wouldn't be able to climb on her own unless she crawled and considering she lived on the tenth floor, it wouldn't be a very easy trek, plus it wouldn't be the smartest decision either.


Hearing Abbigail's soft voice, Lisa realized that Abbigail was still beside her, now looking at her intently.

"Hi, Abbigail, how are you?" She tried to sound casual.

"Hungry, I got caught up with work and forgot to eat dinner, I went out to get something." She answered her, holding up her hand with two paper bags.

"Yeah... you must want to get home already."

"What do you want to do?"

"Excuse me?"

"What do you want to do about the elevator thing? Travis isn't going to help you." She said, looking at the watchman who was already oblivious to the world staring at his cell phone.

"I don't want to bother you with something like that, I know I need help."

"I could... carry you?"

She didn't like the idea, but what else could she do? If the elevator wasn't going to work, she had no choice but to use the stairs, and if she couldn't use the stairs by herself, someone would have to help her. She could sense that Abbigail had no intention of making her feel uncomfortable, at least she asked her in the first place what she wanted to do in that situation where she obviously needed help, without offering it to her before she agreed to need help.

"I guess that's the only thing we could do now." She replied resignedly.

The ride upstairs was not as difficult as she had expected, Abbigail being an athletic and muscular woman, carrying her was easy, something that surprised her completely since she had never noticed that detail before, but once she was in her arms it was very difficult not to notice it. Either way, the delicate way she set her down on the couch in her apartment while she went back downstairs to get her wheelchair, without making her feel like she was a porcelain doll, was what she liked most about the interaction.

"Hey... wouldn't you like to have dinner with me? I think I bought too much food?" She asked as she returned, once she had finished moving the wheelchair into position.

"I'm vegan." Was all she managed to say.

Abbigail smiled at her.

"So am I."

Who knew that this would be the beginning of a beautiful friendship that would end in the relationship she had always hoped for? A not at all pleasant event that led her to an unexpected encounter that probably would not have presented itself under different circumstances. Now when she was asked if she believed in destiny, she couldn't say anything other than an effusive yes, because she was sure that was what had led her to meet Abby that night, the night where she found someone who finally loved her as she was.




— Esto no va a funcionar.

— ¿De qué estás hablando, Joshua?

— Me siento incómodo en esta relación, Lisa, he estado aguantando demasiado.

Para Lisa, aquellas palabras se sintieron como una puñalada en su corazón, dejándola inmóvil en el sitio y con unas inmensas ganas de llorar. Respirando profundo desvió su mirada intentando ocultar ese dolor por el cual estaba atravesando, enfocándose en todo lo que pasaba del otro lado del ventanal del restaurante donde se suponía iba a disfrutar de una romántica velada. Las personas caminaban por las calles ajenas al dilema que se le presentaba, renuente a querer afrontar las implicaciones de la situación pero sabiendo que necesitaba reaccionar, aunque no supiese muy bien de qué manera. Cuando volvió a mirar en dirección a su acompañante, se encontró a Joshua concentrado escribiendo en su celular con una gran sonrisa en su rostro sin prestarle atención a su alrededor, parecía como si minutos atrás no hubiese terminado una relación de meses y ella no estuviera en frente todavía procesando la información.

— ¿Hice algo mal? —Preguntó en un murmullo.

En un gesto de molestia, Joshua lanzó su celular sobre la mesa con el ceño fruncido.

— Mira, no es tan profundo, ¿de acuerdo? No me gustas. Cuando te conocí pensé que no me iba a importar salir con una persona… tú sabes, así, pero no es lo mismo, es extraño. Lo mejor que podemos hacer es terminar y que cada quien vuelva a lo suyo.

Si había esperado alguna respuesta, Lisa no se enteró, pues después de escuchar aquello, las lágrimas comenzaron a salir y su mente se desconectó por completo de lo demás a su alrededor, regresándola a todos esos momentos donde había sido abandonada por estar atada a algo que nunca eligió. El rechazo era una circunstancia que conocía muy bien de la cantidad de veces que la había experimentado, empezando durante su niñez, cuando sus padres la dejaron abandonada al lado de una iglesia. Ella era la niña nunca adoptada, a la que nadie quería elegir para las actividades en grupo, y que incluso al crecer, sentía que estaba siendo constantemente juzgada. Sí, le afectaba, pero no había dejado que eso le impidiera seguir adelante en la vida, graduándose de la universidad con calificaciones excelentes, consiguiendo un trabajo en un área donde podía demostrar sus habilidades, independizándose en un departamento donde se sentía cómoda… pero sola.

— Señorita, ¿necesita ayuda?

Recomponiéndose un poco, Lisa miró al mesero, apenada.

— No, no, gracias. —Respondió apresurada mientras recogía sus cosas de la mesa.

— ¿Necesita ayuda con la silla de ruedas?

Cerrando los ojos ante la pregunta, Lisa negó con la cabeza, apretando fuerte los aros de empuje luego de asegurarse de que no estaba olvidándose de algo para dirigirse hacia la salida del restaurante, con un mesero detrás mirándola de cerca. Detestaba que muchos la trataran como un ser indefenso que siempre necesitaba ayuda pero de tantas veces que alguien le ofrecía ayuda en el día simplemente se había acostumbrado a ignorarlo, por lo menos cuando se trataba de personas a las que veía con frecuencia como compañeros de trabajo y vecinos, llegaba un momento donde dejaban de ofrecerse. La sensación que la invadió al salir del restaurante fue de libertad, no solamente porque se estaba alejando del sitio que a partir de ese día le traería malos recuerdos, sino también por librarse de la incómoda compañía del mesero, quien la había acompañado en silencio inclusive dentro del ascensor que la llevó a planta baja.

Un escalofrío le recorrió el cuerpo cuando el frío de la noche le impactó, apresurándose en llegar a su departamento, que se encontraba a dos cuadras del restaurante. Tal vez el haber agendado la cita en uno de los pocos buenos restaurantes accesibles para ella que estaban cerca de donde vivía no había sido la mejor idea del mundo, pero se dispondría a superarlo, ya que no tenía planes de mudarse pronto. Una de las razones por las que se había decidido por alquilar un departamento en esa zona era precisamente porque tenían muchos espacios donde podía moverse con mayor libertad, con aceras amplias donde no se le hacía tan incómodo transitar. En lo único que podía pensar era en sentarse frente a la televisión con helado y galletas mientras veía cualquier película de Disney entre todas sus lágrimas, porque si de algo estaba segura era que dos segundos después de entrar, no podría seguir aguantando las ganas.

El recibimiento que tuvo cuando llegó a su departamento fue algo diferente.



— No hay ascensor. —Comentó el vigilante, mirando su teléfono desinteresadamente.

— ¿Qué? —La pregunta le salió como un grito sin pretenderlo.

Ante esto, el vigilante levantó la vista, suspirando cuando la vio.

— El ascensor se dañó y el técnico no viene hasta mañana por la mañana.

En ese momento, notó la presencia de alguien más llegando al edificio, que se trataba de la única vecina con quien compartía piso, Abbigail.

— ¿No puedes conseguir a alguien que venga a repararlo ahora? —Preguntó con molestia— Hay personas que necesitan el ascensor.

— Todos necesitan el ascensor.

— Eres increíble. —Refunfuñó Abbigail— ¿Llamaste a preguntar si podían hacer algún tipo de excepción y venir ahora?

— Me dijeron mañana en la mañana, no hay nada que pueda hacer.

— Eres un… —Cualquier cosa que iba a decir después, se lo guardó para ella misma.

La mirada de Lisa se encontraba en las escaleras que evidentemente no podría subir por su propia cuenta a menos que se arrastrara y considerando que vivía en el décimo piso, no sería un trayecto muy fácil, además de que tampoco sería la decisión más inteligente.

— ¿Lisa?

Escuchando la suave voz de Abbigail, Lisa se dio cuenta de que esta se encontraba aún a su lado, ahora mirándola atentamente.

— Hola, Abbigail, ¿cómo estás? —Trató de sonar casual.

— Con hambre, me entretuve con el trabajo y se me olvidó cenar, salí a comprar algo. —Le respondió, alzando su mano con dos bolsas de papel.

— Ya… debes querer llegar ya a casa.

— ¿Qué quieres hacer?

— ¿Disculpa?

— ¿Qué quieres hacer sobre lo del ascensor? Travis no te va a ayudar. —Dijo, mirando al vigilante que ya se encontraba ajeno al mundo mirando su celular.

— No quiero molestarte con algo así, sé que necesito ayuda.

— Podría… ¿cargarte?

No le gustaba la idea, pero ¿qué más podría hacer? Si el ascensor no iba a funcionar, no le quedaba otra opción que usar las escaleras, y si no podía usar las escaleras por ella misma, alguien tendría que ayudarla. Podía sentir que Abbigail no tenía intenciones de hacerla sentir incómoda, al menos le preguntó en primer lugar qué era lo que quería hacer en esa situación donde evidentemente necesitaba ayuda, sin ofrecérsela antes de que aceptara necesitar ayuda.

— Supongo que es lo único que podríamos hacer ahora. —Respondió resignada.

El trayecto arriba no fue tan dificultoso como había esperado, al ser Abbigail una mujer atlética y musculosa, cargarla se le hizo sencillo, algo que la sorprendió por completo ya que nunca había reparado en ese detalle, pero una vez estando entre sus brazos resultaba muy difícil no notarlo. De cualquier manera, la forma tan delicada con la que la dejó en el sillón de su departamento mientras volvía a bajar para buscar su silla de ruedas, sin que se sintiera como si se tratara de una muñeca de porcelana, fue lo que le gustó más de la interacción.

—Oye… ¿no te gustaría cenar conmigo? Creo que compré comida de sobra. —Preguntó al regresar, una vez terminó de colocar la silla de ruedas en su posición.

— Soy vegana. —Fue lo único que atinó a decir.

Abbigail le sonrió.

— Yo también.

¿Quién le iba a decir que ese sería el inicio de una hermosa amistad que terminaría en la relación que siempre estuvo esperando? Un evento para nada agradable que la llevó a un encuentro inesperado, que probablemente no se hubiese presentado en circunstancias diferentes. Ahora cuando le preguntaban si creía en el destino, no podría decir otra cosa que no fuese un efusivo sí, porque estaba segura de que eso era lo que le había llevado a encontrarse con Abby aquella noche, la noche donde encontró a alguien que por fin la amaba tal y como era.


Hahaha, a very powerful use of the prompt fate.

The closed-door opens newer ones, I hope vegan becomes the man of her dreams.

Thanks for sharing.


This is absolutely beautiful, @gabrieladifazio. Thank you for joining us in The Ink Well, and welcome! You have a very nice writing voice, as well as a knack for integrating narrative, action and dialogue, which is something we always look for in good fiction. And finally, you have added a very interesting conflict with the issue of the elevator and the different ways people approach a person with a disability. The story arc and resolution are wonderful.

You seem to have familiarized yourself with how our community works, and have already begun engaging with other community members, which is great. Just let us know if you have any questions we can answer. (The best place is our "ask-theinkwell" channel on Discord.)


Thank you very much! I'm glad you liked this story that I wanted to share with the community, these dynamics are wonderful to improve in writing and it's always good to have people who help us improve through their critiques.

So far I have read entertaining stories, I love how everyone lets their imagination run wild creating different stories on the same theme. I look forward to continuing to participate in the community and share with everyone else.


Now and then a story actually makes me cry, @gabrieladifazio, and this was one of those times. Lisa's grit and perseverance in spite of everything she has endured broke my heart. I was not expecting a happy ending, but I was glad to find it! Welcome to The Ink Well.


Thank you! For some time now I have been trying to integrate into my writing topics that are not usually talked about. Finding love, not only in relation to finding a partner but also to ourselves in the form of self-love, can be a complicated process for everyone but especially for people with disabilities. Giving Lisa a happy ending seemed appropriate to me.


I can imagine how Lisa felt with the breakup, it must have really hurt her deeply to be dumped but the fantastic thing was that she wasn't hurt for long.

Somehow Abigail replaced Tom in her life and I won't deny the fact that fate played a huge role in Lisa's story. It was quite emotional and I enjoyed reading.


Thank you very much!

Fate has a strange way of manifesting itself sometimes.


I agree with you on that, looking forward to reading more awesome piece from you.
