Dragons den aka Shark Tank aka Hive Whale hunting!

It is always nice to find similarities between shows on TV or anything else in life with Hive.
Probably you do know Dragons Den or Shark Tank. This is a TV show when small entrepreneurs have 3 minutes to pitch their company or product to a panel of investors, aka the dragons or sharks. Here in the big Hive Ocean we do give the Dragons or sharks a more friendly name: Whales.
I do know precisely how much HP one must have to be a Whale on Hive, but it will be more than 500K HP. But I do assume that the Orcas (> 50K HP) also can have a seat in the panel.
The entrepreneurs do want some investment in their product or company, they always do start with an offer like so many $ for a X% share in their company. Some do walk out with a investment and partners but most do walk out with nothing. Things which are proposed their do vary. From dapps to food, from services to complete products.

So how can we relate this to Hive.
Pinpointing the entrepreneurs is relatively easy but is a wider group than one would expect. We do have the authors, the curation projects, the dapps and so on. All looking for an investment. This could be upvotes, investment into a project or even HP delegations.
In case somebody is looking for an investment into a project this is pretty straightforward, take for instance Splinterlands or Kryptogamers. For the curation groups it is also clear, they just want some of your HP and do give you some ROI as return, the great thing here is that you can withdraw your investment at any time.
But when we do look at the regulars blogger, we have to use our imagination a little bit more.
First we do need to assume that everyone’s blog is their company and each article is more or less a separate product. Some do have a blog dedicated to a specific topic, while other do wander around and post about various topics, which of course makes it harder to establish a grand brand.
Most of us are more or less posting for themselves and friends, while other did move a step forward and could be seen posting on a market, the lucky few are posting for the big guns. And let’s all be honest, while we all claim that we aren’t interested in Orca or Whales votes, we all do secretly dream about them. So, we could see each post as a pitch, a pitch to lure in new investors. The investors do upvote your post and do get in return curation rewards.

Most of us are plankton, minnows or dolphins and probably do blame the whales and orcas to be a more or less closed upvote circle. But is that true?
Most of them did start when Steem was still in their diapers. Back in those days not a lot of people where using it, so it was relatively easy to make connections. Connections will are still lasting. I do upvote some friends, regardless of what they are posting. But nobody complains about this, because I am a nobody on Hive. But when the big accounts do the same, we do have for some strange reason a problem with it, while there are just doing what we are doing. The only difference is the impact of it. But does this make it wrong? Don’t think so.

But back to the shark tank. When we are writing a post and for sure the ones who only do post about the popular topics are more or less pitching their post time after time in the dragons den of the shark tank. Hoping on a investment, aka upvote, from somebody from the panel. Most don’t care about the interaction, they do care about the upvote and maybe try to build up a connection with them. Aka whale hunting. To be honest I do have no idea who the whales are, I do get an occasional upvote from an Orca. I do follow some orcas, but only reply on their post if I do find the post interesting and just speak out my mind. If they like the comment fine, if they don’t fine also.

While on the TV show the pitch may only may take 3 minutes to get their attention. We, here on Hive, don’t get 3 minutes. The only pitch you really have is the title of your post. That and only that here on Hive is your pitch. And let this be one of the most difficult things when writing the post, finding a title which does trigger the community enough to read your post, maybe even score an upvote and hopefully some comments.

It is always strange that when I am thinking about an article it does look so great in the back of my mind, but once on paper it does like shit. Just like this post 😊.

So that is it from me for today. Feel free to comment on this post! I do like comment, there are my Hive fuel.
And yes the sharks do makes mistakes, like missing out investing into Ring, which was sold a few years later to Amazon for 1 billion!



It is always strange that when I am thinking about an article it does look so great in the back of my mind, but once on paper it does like shit. Just like this post 😊

This I believe happens to every blogger. At least at one point in his/her career.

No one is perfect, whales are humans, orcas are also emotional and we all do have family and friends here so it's not a big deal when you vote for them.

I agree that title matters a lot when writing a post, that's the first connection to attract readers and curators.

No matter how votes you get or how the sharks partner with you at one point, it's always best to keep at it and improve every day. You might get lucky someday. someone is always watching

I don't have a bug with but here's a !PIZZA slice for you. Had a nice time reading this

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I'm always reading you my friend and not because I want you as a follower but because I mostly aligned with your content.
Keep up the good work, and btw, it's not a bad post at all


Thx mate, appreciate this comment a lot.
It is the same the other way around.


I do upvote some friends, regardless of what they are posting. But nobody complains about this, because I am a nobody on Hive. But when the big accounts do the same, we do have for some strange reason a problem with it, while there are just doing what we are doing. The only difference is the impact of it. But does this make it wrong? Don’t think so.

Like what you said nobody complain because you are nobody on hive but whale is on a different level, they don't only curate they influence others also ,i they lead my example don't you think the rules will stand,the main product will market on hive is the article will post in a daily basis and this should be rank base on the content it brings not base in who you are or who you know on hive , don't you think if we curate base on what we write not who we know ,the curate will reach important person and it will encourage them to write more article,but I guess not hive is too big to start thinking the way I am thinking


Nice comparison here man, it is quite like dragon's den now that you say it! I am happily posting away everyday and cover a good few areas but mainly music, family adventures, travel, photography, sport and some Finance. I don't think I will ever just concentrate on one specific area to be honest, as I like variety.
