Coconut Love šŸ„„



When was the last time you had coconut?
I grew up in a tropical country and basically had access to coconut all year round. As a kid, I had two trees in my backyard, My dad would pick them for the family to enjoy. Sadly, those trees were destroyed by a hurricane.
My mom would make several treats from the mature coconuts. We would also blend it to make coconut milk to add flavor to our dishes. Itā€™s safe to say, coconut was always in my kitchen.
To this day, itā€™s my belief that any
sauce made with coconut milk, must be good and flavorful. Lol!

Missing Coconuts

Iā€™ve been living away from ā€œhomeā€ and away from tropical climate for many years. To this day, I really miss them. Whenever I see coconuts, I go ā€œnutsā€. Lol! Usually if I travel to another tropical or even sub-tropical country, I go in search for the gem.
I occasionally see them at my supermarket. Theyā€™re usually imported from the Philippines or Vietnam. I recently bought three of them from a supermarket that I donā€™t often visit. My family enjoyed the water and the flesh. Ofcourse, I had to do a ā€œcoco photshootā€.


Coconut Water

Coconut water is very healthy, refreshing and nutritious. Iā€™m usually reluctant to buy it canned or boxed. Though having it natural, no additives, no preservatives, is clearly the best way, there is also something special about drinking water from a freshly picked coconut. I havenā€™t had that experience in a long time. In the meantime, I enjoy finding them by the supermarkets.

Do you have access to coconuts where you are located ? Are they imported or naturally grown there?

Thank you for reading my post. Have a great day. šŸ˜ƒ


People go nuts for coconuts. Lolz!
Such a healthy treat.


It is! I love it so much. I always ask my husband to chop them for me. Kinda weird but I love watching him cut them open. I really love it when he does. Itā€™s also special to me because it reminds me of how my father would chop them open for me when I was a kid and how he still would should I visit.
Maybe I should learn to chop them myself but that would spoil everything. Lol!! Now I feel spoilt. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ This is the only time I MAY agree that I'm spoilt.


I guess ladies sometimes subconsciously find qualities they see in their father in their partner.


I love coconut, but have never lived in a tropical place where they grow natural, so I have only ever had them from the grocery store.

I have used the "fresh frozen" coconut in some of my baking and occasionally the flaked coconut, but it has sugar added. At Christmas time someone always makes a real fresh coconut cake, buying the coconut, cracking it, digging out the flesh and peeling it. It is quite a chore, but the end product is so delightful.

I even like the dried coconut occasionally just for a snack.

I know that had to be really good to actually have coconuts fresh from the tree. I'm sure that is when they would be at their very best.
