Celebrando el cumpleaños de mi Mamá 🌺 // Celebrating my mom's birthday 🌺

Versión en Español ✨

Celebrando el cumpleaños de mi madre🌺

Hola mi amada comunidad de Family & Friends

El pasado nueve de mayo celebramos un año más de vida de la mujer que me trajo a este mundo, mi madre, sí, ella es mi mamá, no mi hermana, antes de comenzar a decirles como festejamos este día quiero contarles un poco sobre ella, ya en otras ocasiones lo he hecho y un próximo post hablaré de lo orgullosa que me siento por la madre que me tocó.


Mi mamá inició a maternidad muy joven pues, de 15 años, dio vida a un ser humano y ese ser humano era yo, para lo niña que era no fue tan difícil criarme, ya que contó con la ayuda de mis abuelos, aun así se dedicó a mí y suplir todas mis necesidades siempre trabajó para mí agradezco su crianza y la forma en la que llevo mi infancia llena de mucha inocencia y diversión, ella sabe que es mi todo junto a mis hermanos somos un solo corazón.


Este años queríamos hacer algo diferente porque todos los años festejamos su cumpleaños junto con mi abuela y para los que no lo saben falleció hace un mes, aun viviendo esta etapa de duelo, nuestro corazón quería hacerla sentir lo especial que es para nosotros y más que pasar el día lleno de tristeza y nostalgia queríamos darle un momento de felicidad y celebrar su vida.


Nos fuimos al Centro comercial Sambil porque es el más cercano a todos y vernos allí para después decidir donde comer, mi madre quería comer al grill y no pensé en un mejor lugar que Maranello este restaurant es de esos que uno no se arrepiente de ir, se come delicioso hay gran variedad en el menú desde pizzas, hamburguesas hasta comida mexicana, sinceramente es uno de mis lugares favoritos para comer en ocasiones especiales como esta, mi mamá se encontraba de buen ánimo ayudo mucho llevar a las niñas (nietas), ya que son en este momento su luz en medio de la oscuridad.


Estuvimos presentes mis dos hermanos, mi cuñada, mi esposo, Camila mi hija y mi sobrina Danna, por supuesto mi papá y mi tía quien es muy especial con mi mamá, brindamos con una cerveza aunque no somos de tomar mucho, pero la ocasión ameritaba el brindis, José y yo pedimos una deliciosa ensalada Tijuana que de verdad estaba para chuparse los dedos y una bandeja que traía nachos, dedos de mozzarella, pinchos y alitas a la barbecue que también estaban demasiado buenos, igual entre todos intercambiábamos comidas y así probamos los otros platos.



Luego de compartir bastante rato allí nos tomamos fotos y fuimos a casa de mi mamá para cantarle cumpleaños y finalizar este día, no voy a mentir que cantar cumpleaños por primera vez sin mi abuela me hizo un nudo en la garganta, pero necesitaba fuerzas para no entristecer este día y gracias a Dios las tuve, comimos torta que estaba divina y luego partimos a nuestro hogar.


This was part of her celebration because during daylight hours her co-workers held a meeting for her there where she received gifts and sang her birthday, they also gave her the cake with which we sang her birthday. At the end of the night I asked her how she felt and she told me that she was happy because her day was completely different than what she thought it would be and that many people showed her how much they love her, including us, this made me feel so happy because we are going through a very hard time, however, she was able to feel good.


Así fue este maravilloso día de celebración de mi madre, agradezco a Dios que todo se dio de la mejor manera para pasarla bien pese a la situación, como hijos siempre vamos a querer ver a nuestras madres felices y nos corresponde esto, dibujar un arcoíris en medio de la oscuridad por ver esa sonrisa tan valiosa.

Gracias por llegar hasta acá, deseo que pasen una feliz noche, hasta un próximo post.

Fotos propiedad del autor.
Aplicaciones usadas, Picart, Inshot.

English Version ✨

Celebrating my mother's birthday🌺

Hello my beloved Family & Friends community

Last May 9th we celebrated another year of life of the woman who brought me into this world, my mother, yes, she is my mother, not my sister, before starting to tell you how we celebrate this day I want to tell you a little about her I have already done it on other occasions and in a future post I will talk about how proud I feel for the mother who touched me.


My mother began motherhood very young because, at the age of 15, she gave life to a human being and that human being was me. For the girl that I was, it was not that difficult to raise me, since she had the help of my grandparents, even so She dedicated herself to me and supplying all my needs, she always worked for me. I appreciate her upbringing and the way in which I lead my childhood filled with much innocence and fun, she knows that she is my everything, together with my brothers we are one heart.


This year we wanted to do something different because every year we celebrate her birthday together with my grandmother and for those who don't know she passed away a month ago, even living this stage of mourning, our hearts wanted to make her feel how special she is to us and more than spend the day full of sadness and nostalgia, we wanted to give him a moment of happiness and celebrate his life.


We went to the Sambil shopping center because it is the closest to all of us and to see each other there and then decide where to eat, my mother wanted to eat at the grill and I couldn't think of a better place than Maranello, this restaurant is one of those that you don't regret going to. It's delicious, there's a wide variety on the menu, from pizzas to hamburgers to Mexican food. Honestly, it's one of my favorite places to eat on special occasions like this. My mom was in a good mood, and it helped a lot to take the girls (granddaughters), since who are at this moment your light in the midst of darkness.


My two brothers, my sister-in-law, my husband, Camila my daughter and my niece Danna were present, of course my dad and my aunt who is very special to my mom, we toasted with a beer even though we don't drink much, but the occasion warranted the toast, José and I ordered a delicious Tijuana salad that was really to lick your fingers and a tray that brought nachos, mozzarella fingers, skewers and barbecue wings that were also too good, the same way we all exchanged meals and that's how we tried the other dishes.



After sharing a lot of time there, we took pictures and went to my mom's house to sing her birthday and end this day, I'm not going to lie that singing birthdays for the first time without my grandmother made me feel a lump in my throat, but I needed strength not to sadden this day and thank God I had them, we ate cake that was divine and then we left for our home.


This was part of her celebration because during daylight hours her coworkers held a meeting there where she received scolding and they sang birthdays to her, they also gave her the cake with which we sang her birthday. At the end of the night I asked her how she felt and she told me that she was happy because her day was completely different than what she thought it would be and that many people showed her how much they love her, including us, this made me feel so happy because we are going through a very hard time, however, she was able to feel good.


This is how this wonderful day of celebration of my mother was, I thank God that everything was given in the best way to have a good time despite the situation, as children we will always want to see our mothers happy and this corresponds to us, draw a rainbow on through the darkness to see that valuable smile.

Thank you for getting here, I hope you have a happy night, until a next post.

Photos property of the author.
Used apps, Picart, Inshot.


Yo quiero ir la próxima vez jajaja


Que bonito amiga @francysfiore celebrar el cumple de tu mami ese lugar se ve genial espero que lo hayan pasado muy bien te envío un fuerte abrazo 🤗
