RE: Trust: The Crux of COVID & Bitcoin.


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Why is being anti-mask a conservative ideology? Most of the people I know are "right wingers" and are not anti-mask. Then to jump to the hyperbole of saying people that call anti-maskedness idiocy (it is idiocy) want anti-maskers to die? It reeks of the false idea that all humans are right wing or left wing. Totally false dichotomy. Just for instance, you frequently cite bs to claim masks are bad - even repeatedly make false claims about the research after you've been called out on it (usually because you weren't paying very close attention and lump everything together into a "they" that tells you stuff)

This is some pretty nasty stuff, man. I hope your next post gets back to your more usual quality


Well at this point I can be pro-mask and anti-multiple masks.
I've been given so many options.

This post had a lot of topics in it, and you are focus-firing a very narrow laser at it. More than half of the content here is about trust (or lack thereof) and the complete failure of the system mixed with toxic cancel culture and extremely counterproductive negative reinforcement.

The word "die" appears one time in the original post, and that is in reference to the abysmal safety standards and lack of long-term testing for experimental vaccines that apparently don't even grant immunity, let alone give us the ability to remove our masks. It should be very alarming to everyone that compliance keeps getting more and more strict while nothing is being taken off the pile.

Got the vaccine? Good! Now keep wearing a mask and stay 6 feet away at all times. What? Why?


So you were referring to the kind of death that doesn't involve dying?

Social media is a way to let the Left Wing riot without even causing any property damage. UPGRADE! Cancel all those SOCIOPATHIC FUCKING MORONS! FIRE THEM FROM THEIR JOBS! They deserve death! They are Nazi Domestic Terrorists! IF ONLY EVERYONE THOUGHT LIKE US AND HAD OUR IDEALS THE WORLD WOULD BE A BETTER PLACE!

This stuff is what plays on people's paranoia and promotes the need for violence. By combining a litany of misinformation with the idea that "they" will harm you if you live in fantasy land, you create a false narrative. The internet bogey man is not going to come to life and start murdering people. Pointing at that truth and logic matter is not the same as calling someone a Nazi. Calling an idea ridiculous is not the same as calling for death. Of course calling Trump supporters evil is silly, but the hyperbole you added to it in the context of the rest of the article is completely off base

Got the vaccine? Good! Now keep wearing a mask and stay 6 feet away at all times. What? Why?

Not sure why this is thrown in, but sure, I'll try to help you out with this one (you ignore me all the other times I try to explain this stuff to you, so I have no reason to believe this time will be any different).

Having the vaccine greatly increases the chance that the infection will be removed in your system. It isn't instant fairy magic - if someone huffs disease into your mouth, then you turn and spray it on the person next to you, you still spread the disease - even though you didn't get sick. You can even be infected with covid - vaccination doesn't stop the infection, it enables the body to fight the infection. Someone with a vaccination can still spread the disease


Perhaps there's been miscommunication somewhere. People on both sides of the political chasm cry out for each other's blood all the time. Very few actually go out and do it. Even PizzaGate guy didn't shoot anyone.

I was raised in the public school system: an ocean of toxic masculinity, racism, and other disgusting Lord of the Flies type shit. Was that not your experience? Are we getting past that by pretending it never happened?

Point being that even as just a gamer I've been told and have told others to die in a fire screaming as a joke. Haha, so funny.

What's black and sits at the top of the stairs?
Stephen Hawking in a house fire.


Such a comedian over here.

I have never endorsed violence and have multiple posts on-chain damning the police-state, the prison industrial complex, and negative reinforcement itself.

If we want people to care about and protect one another, they have to trust each-other first. And they clearly do not. And nothing going on in the world today is helping in that regard. In fact, the system promotes the exact opposite, by design, as far as I can tell. It's two powerless sides fighting each other as the powerful swoop in to scoop up more of their share.

I haven't changed anyone's mind about anything by writing this post. That is the standard. It takes a lot to actually change someone's mind about something.


Science gets more corrupted every year that goes by.
This is a scaling issue, and it won't be solved until crypto goes into overdrive.


Quite the dodge and ignoring the issues raised. Even slipped in some more misinformation. When you tell someone "those people are trying to hurt you", you are telling them to prepare for violence. Almost everything in your response is unrelated to the preceding conversation. To justify it all away as "I knew some other people that said stuff like that", "what I say doesn't matter", "I only infer that violence is coming to people and tell try to make them afraid of it", or "it's not my fault, I only think how people told me too when I was a kid" is completely beside the point

Do you. I've unfollowed. You won't have to worry about pesky reality trying to break through your cloud from my angle (unless you tag me. I didn't mute your account or anything)


Seems extreme.

That post a day popping up in your feed is that distressing eh?
To the point of being compelled to inform me about it?

What other thing happened today that is also stressing you out?
Or has this just been building since the last time?

Not really sure what you want from me here...
Sorry for sometimes representing the community that supported me here first?

You know what I like about people who believe in flat Earth and the underground lizard master-race? Those people don't take anything at face value. In this climate seems like a net gain. Deception is everywhere, and even when people believe crazy shit that isn't real, it doesn't make them dumb, and even if it did, calling them out on it in a pretentiously offensive way doesn't help anything.

The path to salvation isn't as simple as telling people to believe what they are told. We tried that. It didn't work.


You are really off the mark here. My emotions don't dictate what makes for misinformation. My principle of standing against the misinformation I encounter isn't "distressing". It's not anything built up. Posts with stuff like "50% of the planet wants to murder the other 50%" is just encouraging people to join a team and take up arms. Lying and spreading bs around for profit isn't distressing - there's just no need for me to support it. You've seen the evidence. You know what you're saying is lies. You know you're avoiding almost every point that was called out about your post - but you think it's my emotions that are way I don't want to see your posts? Aren't there like hundreds of posts on Hive you haven't seen today? Do you find them all too distressing?

Maybe it's hard to believe.... but I just don't like your posts. I'm sure you'll be ok without my viewership or support


Maybe it's hard to believe.... but I just don't like your posts.

Ha damn! I thought making 10 cents a post for the first year I was here helped me to exude a persona of not really caring about the money. Just trying to get my messages out there: bein' a scrapper! Turns out I'm just a thirsty little bitch who will do anything for upvotes! What a sick twist!

Something... seems... off...

I could edit that "They deserve death!" statement out of the original post and the message would be exactly the same. In fact if I recall correctly I injected that in there after writing the paragraph just for dramatic effect.

You are full-on attacking the core of my "brand" right now by making the claim that I am just another nameless greedy capitalist willing to do anything for a quick buck. That's actually a lot more offensive than the other conflicting insults you threw out like:

You won't have to worry about pesky reality trying to break through your cloud.

So which is it?

  • Cutthroat capitalist or crazy conspiracy theorist?

You don't get to have both.

Eh, it's cool you're in attack mode and whatnot. I forgot that I used to have conversations like this on-chain. Although in those situations it was usually me arguing with the Qanon peeps and/or the men's-rights-activist angle. How strange being on the other side.

This might be the most disappointing thread of all time so far! Kudos to us for making it happen! I removed the "they deserve death" statement, seems like an improvement. Of course the overall message of the OP remains constant. Trust is in short supply! Point proven right here in this thread.


So which is it?

Cutthroat capitalist or crazy conspiracy theorist?
You don't get to have both.

Of course someone can be both. Those don't conflict at all. Like... which is Alex Jones? (Or was. I honestly don't know what he's up to these days). There's a massive, corporate industry around conspiracy theories and FUD - and you're worried about your brand 😂

I could edit that "They deserve death!" statement out of the original post and the message would be exactly the same

Still avoiding the point. It's the "50% of the country thinks x!" and "They are trying to hurt you!" mentality combined with misinformation that creates the FUD. That the actual word "death" or "die" is used isn't what creates the animosity. It's telling people that a secret enemy is trying to hurt them and spreading lies to back it up

You're not under attack ffs 🙄
You're brand isn't under attack
You'll continue to make plenty of money from your FUD
I just don't want to support the FUD. Me not supporting something is not me attacking something. Me calling out misinformation and pointing out calls to put each other in one of 2 warring camps is not attacking anything. If I don't see your posts, then my personal convictions don't require me to call out your FUD. It seems pretty straightforward, but it is my own thinking, so it would seem that way to me


Of course someone can be both.

You know, sometimes it's easier to win a war by sacrificing a few battles. You are simultaneously making the claim that I know exactly what I am doing, but I'm also living in Fantasy LaLa Land and have no idea what I'm doing... all at the same time gaslighting the issue into a reductive statement "Of course someone can be both." Which surprisingly also makes sense within niche context.

You are fully lawyered up right now and undermining your own position with conflicting statements. It's not a good look when one person in an argument is like, "Nah, I'm right about everything 100%, I made zero errors and I did everything perfectly." Like... Ya didn't though.

Normally this is where I would lawyer up right back and pick apart everything you just said, but truly my heart just isn't in it this time around.


I did not invent this chasm between the left and the right.

I did not do anything wrong by pointing at the chasm and being like, "Holy shit! Look at that heinous thing! That's not going to end well..." There is a tidal wave of shit on the horizon, and I'll consider myself lucky to even survive the next ten years.

It is not a crazy thing to believe that the response to COVID is going to lead to much worse ramifications down the road than COVID itself (confirmed by respected medical professionals). I'm not high as a kite when I make claims that COVID and Trump will be used as a scapegoat for everything bad that happens over the next decade. It is not silly to question the official narrative when trust has all but evaporated.

I'm not quite sure who you think you are talking to. Like I'm some thin-skinned money-grubbing opportunist master manipulator with delusions of persecution and grandeur. I once picked a fight with Sanders and lost $100 (entire week's worth of blogs) just for the lawls. Yeah, I didn't cry about it either like most people do. Got what was coming to me, obviously. It's all on-chain.

Me saying you're trying to attack "the brand" is not the same as claiming to be under attack. Does that make sense or is it contradictory enough to use as ammunition for the next volley? I am not this thin-skinned crybaby that you're painting a picture of. Not sure where all that is coming from, and I only bring it up because it kind of just seems like you are firing all cannons in attack-mode.

It makes it harder to take this thread seriously, watching you fire off every cylinder and give zero ground while painting this overall picture of me that is largely inaccurate. I don't take people seriously when they lash out like that, for obvious reasons.

Time is the great equalizer, and clearly my responses to this issue have only exacerbated it. Business as usual for me. I should learn to let time do its thing, methinks.


You did that thing again:

Eh, it's cool you're in attack mode and whatnot

Me saying you're trying to attack "the brand" is not the same as claiming to be under attack. Does that make sense or is it contradictory enough to use as ammunition for the next volley? I am not this thin-skinned crybaby that you're painting a picture of. Not sure where all that is coming from, and I only bring it up because it kind of just seems like you are firing all cannons in attack-mode

Not sure how I can communicate that I'm not attacking. Attacking not happening. There is not attacking. Not sure how else to phrase it

I did not invent this chasm between the left and the right

Obviously. I am starting to figure out this is probably all trolling. The falseness is in claiming that 50% of the country is left and 50% is right and they are 2 sides and at war. It's a much smaller percentage. Telling people that they must belong to one of the 2 camps, and that there is a huge chasm between those camps is the issue. That one I'm sure I've been clear about, which is what leads to believe this must be trolling. The particular baseless claim or failure of logic involved in something isn't really a big deal. That's the normal stuff we all have. Using the misinformation to divide people into two camps and tell them they're fighting isn't something I enjoy

You presented a false narrative. I pointed out that it was false. You've said several times that you are not a reliable narrator... or don't claim to be one. You know the thing I mean

Somewhere up there, you wondered about what I wanted. Trying to be clear there to: I don't want anything. Seeing these things is tiring when I think I should respond, so I unfollowed. I won't see it now. It would be hard to fathom that having any impact for you in any direction. It doesn't seem like a big deal to me. Someone says stuff I find harmful. I don't support the stuff.... and the world keeps turning. IDK if you've heard, but I'm not a fan of that Justin Sun guy. He's doing just fine


Ah! So many things left to be said! I can't tell you you're right or wrong without writing another essay. Hmmmmm... let's just say that I plan on building a lot of value here when I have the resources to accomplish such things. Blah blah blah abundance for everyone. Looking to build a lot of trust around here. Of course that statement is one of credit and I have a history of failing to deliver. I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

Ah, there goes that theme of time again!

Tick tock.


If you think someone is worth taking the time to debate, why downvote their post and comments? That's not very sporting of you.


The downvote is 100% warranted and let's me know the seriousness of the issue right off the bat. I interpret it more symbolically than actually a reward disagreement.

Although the downvote, unfollow, letting me know he unfollowed, and removal of a witness vote in combination with some other actions also tell me that this is an emotionally charged reaction.


@edicted is worth a great deal. He's an excellent part of Hive and I'm always happy to talk with him. That's why I was following him. I appreciate his insight and way of thinking. This post has a particular issue that I don't think should be rewarded - if I had a huge stake, I'd probably worry more about percentages. If it was making a big impact on his earnings, I'd remove it for sure - heck, even if the dv just bugs him, I'll remove it. It also won't impact his reputation

For me, that downvote says "foxon is on record as seeing this and giving it a thumbs down". It's not a thumbs down on @edicted. Not going through all his posts or comments or anything. The issue we've been discussing has been growing on his posts more lately. Not calling for mass downvoting or a boycott on him or anything like that 😄

If it is unsportsmanlike, do feel free to take me to school sir. It's nothing bothering me if someone finds me a bit annoying, but I don't want to be a jerk


In my opinion, downvotes are for adjusting rewards with the goal of disincentivizing spam and other abuse.. Expression of disagreement through open and honest discourse precludes the need of using them. For me it harkens back to a more web 2.0 mindset. Clearly you were both engaged in healthy debate, so I felt their use was completely unnecessary within that context.

Of course, if that is some understood signaling mechanism between you, my opinion doesn't really apply. Nevertheless, to the casual onlooker, a healthy exchange with downvotes applied in disagreement looks a bit petty. This is how I interpreted it, and I normally bring it up when I see it, because I love to see healthy debate. It's something I want to foster here.


harkens back to a more web 2.0 mindset

This is probably accurate. Removed the downvote. The record from comments is clear about what I'm not supporting from the post which makes the dv redundant anyway.

Thank you for your time and effort


I appreciate your consideration, and you're welcome!
