[EN | ES ] Degen Pills # 12 | Pastillas Degeneradas #12



Hello FOXers 🦊

Today is the day to bring you the top news in the DeFi market, bringing news that happened in our governance and other ShapeShift DAO partner protocols.

Launch of FOX Success Tokens

Last week ShapeShift DAO announced the launch of its new product: FOX Success Tokens. UMA Protocol is responsible for developing an oracle with greater reliability based on economic guarantees. Its differential lies in the decentralization of decisions regarding the sources of information used by the oracle. This is responsible for providing the information for smart contracts to work.

As smart contracts depend on the veracity of the data provided by the oracles, it was necessary to develop a more decentralized solution, especially for such a critical part of the process. To do this, the protocol implemented voting in its governance through the UMA token, making the tokenholders the main agents to choose the source of information for their oracles. With this mechanism, UMA made it difficult for malicious actors to act and falsify data to exploit vulnerabilities, making the cost of corruption greater than the gain from corruption. Therefore, the oracle developed by UMA has a higher degree of reliability.

Aware of this, the protocol began to develop financial products using its oracle. The last one is the success token. Aware of the market demand for ways to sustainably attract capital to DAOs, UMA found the solution by creating a mechanism that conditions investor profitability on the success of the DAO and ends with the sale of tokens at a discount to venture capitals. .

Through the tokenization of calls -the right to buy a certain asset-, UMA set the operating parameters in smart contracts with information normally contained in options, in the traditional market. Expiration price and exercise price are programmable factors according to the need and desire of the developer and are essential for the correct functioning of the Success Tokens. This is because upon reaching the strike price, instead of the token holder having the right to buy the asset, they will receive a bonus for holding the asset until the expiry price.

This award given to investors of the scFOX token serves as an incentive for those who were exposed to the volatility of the project and trusted in the success of DAO. Coinbase Ventures and Chapter One purchased 1,764,482.25 worth of scFOX, with the aim of investing in the future of DAO.

ShapeShift DAO users and contributors can also purchase scFOX on Uniswap V3. scFOX's strike price has been set at $0.8 USD and its expiry price is March 1, 2024.

Proposal for the making of a ShapeShift movie

On March 25 a proposal was filed in the ShapeShift government with the aim of making a movie about ShapeShift DAO. According to neillien and Jeremiah Rounds, the intention of the film is to bring a different narrative to the one that appears in the most cryptographic films ever made.

Many of them end up targeting users who started investing in crypto very early and got sky-high valuations. However, no films have been produced that address the importance of decentralization, the advent of DAOs, and a context on the evolution of blockchain.

The absence of film production with these themes was seen as an opportunity for both. Both intend not only to discuss DAOs in the crypto documentary, but also to fund it out of their treasury, should the government find it plausible to request capital to finance the film, making it the first DAO-funded film. .

According to neillien, the budget required for the production of the documentary is $465,000 USD. The requested money will go to CMM Digital, an experienced film production company, of which Jeremiah Rounds is CEO. The final delivery of the film, if the proposal is approved, will be delivered in 13 months, being: 3 months in pre-production; 2 months in production; 8 months in postproduction.

The pre-production will consist of hiring personnel for the film, renting spaces for recordings, hiring insurance for everyone, among other things. The production is the actual shooting of the film, interviewing people who are part of the decentralization and ShapeShift DAO. Finally, the longest period of work will consist of how to record the work, make edits, insert animations and discuss the most efficient means to carry out the distribution of the documentary.

With a movie, DAO can reach a larger number of people, evangelizing the non-coiner community or even crypto natives about the importance of ShapeShift DAO in the crypto ecosystem. While there is also the financial advantage of being able to attract an alternative revenue stream to DAO through film distribution, the proliferation of knowledge about ShapeShift is perhaps the main driver of film production.

The proposal is still being conceived in the ShapeShift DAO Forum and the discussion can be followed here.

Annex to the Budget Proposal for Infrastructure

A discussion to extend the validity period of the proposal SCP-43. This consisted of using a native solution to overcome the dependency on the ShapeShift AG infrastructure, which provided the back-end for the ShapeShift DAO applications. Through the proposal, con5cience detailed the motivations on the importance of decentralizing the sources of information for the ShapeShift DAO dapp. Partnership with TaxiStake: Responsible for setting up validators for DAOs on Cosmos SDK-based blockchains, such as Cosmos, Osmosis, and Terra.

TaxiStake's reliability provided the necessary conditions for its appointment as the person responsible for setting up and operating the cloud service provider. Thanks to his knowledge of the niche, the legal knowledge and the transparency in the processes that he exercises in the other validators, TaxiStake assumed the position of responsible for the configuration and choice of the cloud service provider.

The initial budget was set at $4,500 DAI/month to be transferred through Sabler to TaxiStake, in order to pay the operating costs obtained from the activity they carry out.

Proposal SCP-70, published on March 28, introduced an addendum to the SCP proposal -40 , which requires an update to the amount sent via broadcast on Saber. Because the release of funds for TaxiStake is only intended for four months, con5cience has submitted a new proposal to the DAO, with the aim of idealizing the conditions for the continuity of the financing of the infrastructure organized by TaxiStake.

Among the changes presented by them in the proposal, we highlight

  • (1) the exchange of DAI to USDC as a token to receive as a payment method

  • (2) increase in the budget of $2,000 USD, totaling $6,200 USD;

  • (3) sending of refunds - USDC - by Colony, which allows greater efficiency and transparency in the transfer of tokens to TaxiStake

  • (4) fusion of the budget of Engineering Workstream with Infrastructure, turning it into one.

Continuing to maintain the service maintained by TaxiStake is a key part of maintaining the decentralization of the ShapeShift DAO backend. FOXchain will be our future, but until it is finalized and ready to use, tools like the one discussed in the proposal are essential to improve decentralization in DAO.

These were today's degenerate pills, bringing what's new in ShapeShift DAO and the ideas surrounding its rule.

Do you have questions about FOX Success Tokens? Or about the discussions in our governance? Bring your questions to our Discord, Telegram and/or Twitter and we'll discuss your ideas!

Follow us on our networks!

This article is not an investment advice, but only a newsletter with strictly educational content and is not a solicitation or Advice to buy or sell assets.



Hola FOXers 🦊

Hoy es el día para traerles las principales noticias en el mercado DeFi, trayendo noticias que ocurrieron en nuestra gobernanza y en otros protocolos de socios de ShapeShift DAO.

Lanzamiento de los tokens de éxito de FOX

La semana pasada ShapeShift DAO anunció el lanzamiento de su nuevo producto: FOX Success Tokens. UMA Protocol se encarga de desarrollar un oráculo con mayor confiabilidad basado en garantías económicas. Su diferencial radica en la descentralización de decisiones respecto a las fuentes de información utilizadas por el oráculo. Este es responsable de proporcionar la información para que los contratos inteligentes funcionen.

Como los contratos inteligentes dependen de la veracidad de los datos proporcionados por los oráculos, era necesario desarrollar una solución más descentralizada, especialmente para una parte tan crítica del proceso. Para ello, el protocolo implementó votaciones en su gobernanza a través del token UMA, convirtiendo a los tokenholders en los principales agentes para elegir la fuente de información de sus oráculos. Con este mecanismo, UMA dificultó que los actores maliciosos actuaran y falsificaran datos para explotar vulnerabilidades, lo que hizo que el costo de la corrupción fuera mayor que la ganancia de la corrupción. Por lo tanto, el oráculo desarrollado por UMA tiene un mayor grado de confiabilidad.

Consciente de ello, el protocolo comenzó a desarrollar productos financieros utilizando su oráculo. El último es el token de éxito. Consciente de la demanda del mercado de formas de atraer capital de forma sostenible a las DAO, UMA encontró la solución creando un mecanismo que condiciona la rentabilidad de los inversores al éxito de la DAO y termina con la venta de tokens con descuento a venture capitals.

A través de la tokenización de calls -el derecho a comprar un determinado activo-, UMA fijó los parámetros de operación en contratos inteligentes con información normalmente contenida en opciones, en el mercado tradicional. Precio de caducidad y precio de ejercicio son factores programables según la necesidad y el deseo del desarrollador y son esenciales para el correcto funcionamiento de los Success Tokens. Esto se debe a que, al alcanzar el precio de ejercicio, en lugar de que el poseedor del token tenga derecho a comprar el activo, recibirá una bonificación por mantener el activo hasta el precio de vencimiento.

Este premio otorgado a los inversores del token scFOX sirve como incentivo para aquellos que se expusieron a la volatilidad del proyecto y confiaron en el éxito de DAO. Coinbase Ventures y Chapter One compraron 1.764.482,25 de scFOX, con el objetivo de invertir en el futuro de DAO.

Los usuarios y colaboradores de ShapeShift DAO también pueden comprar scFOX en Uniswap V3. El precio de ejercicio de scFOX se ha fijado en $0,8 USD y su precio de vencimiento es el 1 de marzo de 2024.

Propuesta para la realización de una película ShapeShift

El 25 de marzo se presentó una propuesta en el gobierno de ShapeShift con el objetivo de hacer una película sobre ShapeShift DAO. Según neillien y Jeremiah Rounds, la intención de la película es traer una narrativa diferente a la que aparece en las películas sobre criptografía jamás realizadas.

Muchos de ellos terminan enfocando a los usuarios que comenzaron a invertir en criptomonedas muy temprano y obtuvieron valoraciones atronadoras. Sin embargo, no se han producido películas que aborden la importancia de la descentralización, el advenimiento de las DAO y un contexto sobre la evolución de blockchain.

La ausencia de producción de películas con estos temas fue vista como una oportunidad para ambos. Ambos tienen la intención no solo de discutir las DAO en el criptodocumental, sino también de financiarlo con su tesorería, en caso de que el gobierno considere plausible solicitar capital para financiar la película, convirtiéndola en la primera película financiada por una DAO. .

Según neillien, el presupuesto requerido para la producción del documental es de $465,000 USD. El dinero solicitado se destinará a CMM Digital, una productora de cine con experiencia, de la cual Jeremiah Rounds es director ejecutivo. La entrega final de la película, si se aprueba la propuesta, se entregará en 13 meses, estando: 3 meses en preproducción; 2 meses en producción; 8 meses en postproducción.

La preproducción consistirá en la contratación de personal para la película, alquiler de espacios para grabaciones, contratación de seguros para todos, entre otros hechos. La producción es el rodaje real de la película, entrevistando a personas que forman parte de la descentralización y ShapeShift DAO. Finalmente, el período de trabajo más largo consistirá en la forma de grabar la obra, realizar ediciones, insertar animaciones y discutir los medios más eficientes para llevar a cabo la distribución del documental.

Con una película, DAO puede llegar a un mayor número de personas, evangelizando a la comunidad no coiner o incluso a los nativos criptográficos sobre la importancia de ShapeShift DAO en el ecosistema criptográfico. Si bien también existe la ventaja financiera de poder atraer un flujo de ingresos alternativo a DAO a través de la distribución de películas, la proliferación de conocimientos sobre ShapeShift es quizás el principal impulsor de la producción de películas.

La propuesta aún se está concibiendo en el Foro ShapeShift DAO y la discusión se puede seguir aquí.

Anexo a la Propuesta de Presupuesto para Infraestructura

Una discusión para extender el período de validez de la propuesta SCP-43. Este consistió en utilizar una solución nativa para suplir la dependencia de la infraestructura de ShapeShift AG, que proporcionó el back-end para las aplicaciones ShapeShift DAO. A través de la propuesta, con5cience detalló las motivaciones sobre la importancia de descentralizar las fuentes de información para el ShapeShift DAO dapp. Asociación con TaxiStake: responsable de configurar validadores para DAO en cadenas de bloques basadas en Cosmos SDK, como Cosmos, Osmosis y Terra.

La confiabilidad de TaxiStake brindó las condiciones necesarias para su designación como la persona responsable de configurar y operar el proveedor de servicios en la nube. Gracias a su conocimiento del nicho, el conocimiento legal y la transparencia en los procesos que ejerce en los demás validadores, TaxiStake asumió el cargo de responsable de la configuración y elección del proveedor de servicios en la nube.

El presupuesto inicial se fijó en $4.500 DAI/mes para ser transferidos a través de Sabler a TaxiStake, con el fin de pagar los costos de operación obtenidos por la actividad que realizan.

La propuesta SCP-70, publicada el 28 de marzo, introdujo un apéndice a la propuesta SCP -40 , lo que requiere una actualización de la cantidad enviada a través de transmisión en Sabler. Debido a que la liberación de fondos para TaxiStake solo está destinada a cuatro meses, con5cience ha presentado una nueva propuesta a la DAO, con el objetivo de idealizando las condiciones para la continuidad del financiamiento de la infraestructura organizada por TaxiStake.

Entre los cambios presentados por ellos en la propuesta, destacamos

  • (1) el cambio de DAI a USDC como token para recibir como método de pago

  • (2) aumento en el presupuesto de $2000 USD, totalizando $6200 USD;

  • (3) envío de reembolsos - USDC - por Colony, lo que permite una mayor eficiencia y transparencia en la transferencia de tokens a TaxiStake

  • (4) fusión del presupuesto de Workstream de Ingenieria con Infraestructura, convirtiéndolo en uno.

Continuar manteniendo el servicio mantenido por TaxiStake es una parte clave para mantener la descentralización del backend ShapeShift DAO. FOXchain será nuestro futuro, pero hasta que esté finalizado y listo para usar, herramientas como la que se comenta en la propuesta son fundamentales para mejorar la descentralización en DAO.

Estas fueron las píldoras degeneradas de hoy, trayendo lo nuevo en ShapeShift DAO y las ideas que rodean su gobierno.

¿Tienes dudas sobre los tokens de éxito de FOX? ¿O sobre las discusiones en nuestra gobernanza? ¡Traiga sus preguntas a nuestro Discord, Telegram y/o Twitter y discutiremos sus ideas!

Siguenos en nuestras redes!

Este artículo no es un consejo de inversión, sino solo un boletín con contenido estrictamente educativo y no es una solicitud ni un Consejo para comprar o vender activos.


The operators doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved in the same discord groups around @fyrstikken and friends. Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. Shes in some groups with seemingly detached characters that dont even acknowledge the others in the group, looking oddly staged. She starts projects and does nothing with it or the delegations after its used to sway people. Like @steempowertwins does<------fake along with her @teamgood <------fake. No substance in her comments and has a following that adores her for what? Life coach she is not nor is she insightful with any meaningful skills to follow. Ruler of pixie dust maybe? I would like for someone to show me but probably wont out fear maybe? @fyrstikken groups around him down voted me into censored and not viewable on my accounts as soon I told what they were doing.
I cant prove @battleaxe is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing V2K because she cant and could care less. I guarantee she knows this is going around and still wont prove it because she cant. Many of us here can prove what they have been doing to survive the past 5 years. What does she live off of? It definitely isnt in public view here.

I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have been trying to kill me using RNM with applied V2K mental games while revealing as many accessories to the crime as they can. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. Pretty serious accusations to just blow off and leave the crypto community hanging in fear of this danger.

They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome. They should start by looking at the communications between the top witnesses of Hive and the connection to @fyrstikken groups. Google his fucking name and see where his other interests lie around at least once maybe? The connections between @fyrstikken groups and all the exchanges built for Hive? Bet that would reveal some crazy ball less nutty shit. Homeland security should start preparing for their own incarcerations seeing how sloppy this was done. Patriot act my ass. Think we are really fools? Bad position your not getting out of. Dont be last to blow the whistle. Who will protect you?

People in and around @fyrstikkens groups are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 long torturing years and counting. That is a long time to wait for someone to die.

What would you say while having a gun pointed at your head from an undisclosed location? Have people find it? My hands are tied while they play like children with a gun to my head. Its a terrorist act on American soil while some yawn and say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and why nothing is being done. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control that have ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers prevented from telling the truth from being treated as criminals? Not to mention civilians we let our leaders treat the same way. https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism-terrorism
