I Stand In Amazement Of Things.

The heart of mankind fills with darkness and loves every evil part of life, that is the real man for you, sometimes it makes me wonder how man prefers evil, all his parts are filled with darkness, I wonder, why is a man so wicket? Everyone is filled with gloom, so the human race has been in need that can't be satisfied by any man, nothing can ever satisfy the need of man.

We are like graves that never got satisfied with anything but only the creator can satisfy our desire, the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer, what is the difference? Is mentality, in a country like mine that before you can make it you must have a Godfather, some will tell you, you have to go to school and acquire a degree but after that, they will say you need to have your master degree after all this struggle at school still you won't have any work to do.

All this makes one to be speechless and filled with awe, that the more you struggle to make sure you make it, still end up in lack, you work hard yet have nothing to show, and they will say you are lazy because you don't have cash, I wonder, why will someone be in power for long and don't want to step down, you want to lead people that don't want you to be their leader, we call it democracy but yet we are not practicing democracy, that is, we are left far beyond our expectations, leaders that lead our parents, today they are still leading we children, they said to us that we are the leaders of tomorrow, but which tomorrow? Today they are still leading us with our children, hmmm, life doesn't always give you what you desired.


Thanks for your time


Thank you for sharing this. It seemed you had a lot to say and get off your chest. I do as well, just don;t know when or how I want to do it yet.
