Pokemon Unite | Amazing Warm Recovery | Gameplay


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Desde que salió Pokemon Unite me he emocionado mucho por jugarlo y la verdad es que vale la pena.

Puede verse como un MOBA más, pero no la verdad es que tiene cosas muy interesantes, entre animaciones, mecánicas, personajes, jugabilidad, etc, todo lo hace un juego atractivo.

En esta partida elegí este personaje Alolan porque su apariencia me gustaba, veo Pokemon desde pequeño pero hasta ahora me he perdido entre muchos personajes y este me llamo mucho la atención por su apariencia de misterio y de solitario.

Pensé que iba a ser Melee como absol y la verdad es que este Pokemon a distancia es bastante brutal y da gusto jugarlo, sus habilidades son muy eficientes.

Es cierto que en esta partida morí varias veces gratuitamente pero creo que al final tuve buenos números en cuanto a asistencias y kills.

Creo que es la primera partida de pocas casuales que he hecho donde ocurre algo emocionante. Íbamos perdiendo el juego que aunque solo nos digan si vamos perdiendo o ganando sin estadísticas remontamos en el último minuto metiendo pokeballs y ganando una teamfight muy agresiva, donde tuve que morir pero hice mi daño correspondiente y anoté mis puntos.

Es un juego en el que me gustaría escalar en cuanto a competitivo, ya quiero subir niveles para empezar en Rankeds.

Espero disfruten de este gameplay, gracias todo!

Since Pokemon Unite came out I've been very excited to play it and the truth is that it's worth it.

It can be seen as just another MOBA, but the truth is that it has very interesting things, between animations, mechanics, characters, gameplay, etc, everything makes it an attractive game.

In this game I chose this character Alolan because I liked his appearance, I see Pokemon since I was a child but so far I've been lost among many characters and this one called my attention because of his appearance of mystery and solitary.

I thought it was going to be Melee as an Absol and the truth is that this Pokemon at a distance is quite brutal and it's a pleasure to play it, its abilities are very efficient.

It is true that in this game I died several times for free but I think in the end I had good numbers in terms of assists and kills.

I think it's the first casual game I've played where something exciting happens. We were losing the game and although they only tell us if we are losing or winning without stats we came back in the last minute getting pokeballs and winning a very aggressive teamfight, where I had to die but I did my corresponding damage and scored my points.

It's a game in which I would like to climb in terms of competitive, I already want to climb levels to start in Rankeds.

I hope you enjoy this gameplay, thanks everything!

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