RE: Hive Stock Images: Toy Tank On Top Of Euro Coins Macrophotography


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That is so sad in retrospect, the fact that you took them in 2015. How strange the world we live in.

True right. We feel wars are always 1000km away from us. My brother is in London, still far-ish away, but close enough if things go bad. We here in South Africa have our own troubles but we kind of feel like you said now, 1000km away problems. But it puts things in perspective when you imagine/think about it getting closer to home.

Stay safe, my friend.


The occupation of Crimea in 2014 was one of the reasons I took those photos but of course also the obvious reason why any wars are ever fought and what it takes to be in a war. Money and wealth. Economical reasons.


I should have just said far far far away because 1000km is close. It's less that how long Finland is and it's about the length how far the northernmost point of Ukraine is from the southernmost point of Finland. But I think you got it, that I just meant far far far away or "on the other side of the world" or "not in Europe" which is pretty horrible thinking but of course true and understandable when thinking which wars in the world are people most concerned of. The ones that are the closest.

Your brother should move to your hoods, it's probably safer there. Just saying because Russia now has caused a fire near the largest nuclear plant in Europe, which is in Ukraine. The fire has been put out, it was in some of the nearest buildings that belong to the nuclear plant facilities but if this is the way they are fighting something worse might happen.

I will. Be safe. And am safe. :)


Money and wealth. Economical reasons.

This is the saddest part of war. The economic implications of (i) the cost of the war itself and (ii) the money spent to rebuild after the war. Money that could have gone into health and education and a myriad of other things.

The ones that are the closest.

True, but also the ones that get the most media coverage. In South Africa, for example, we now hear so much of Russia-Ukraine, but almost nothing about ISIS leaders/members in South Africa and Mozambique which is on our doorstep. It is funny how our modern minds work. But in any case, everything about human suffering is bad, especially when innocent people get hurt. Far away, close to home, both cases are bad.

Your brother should move to your hoods

True! It is funny, my granddad always wanted me and my brother to move overseas from here (that is, either UK, Europe or US). His reasoning was financially but mostly about safety. (SA is not that safe depending on various factors.) But with this war and everything, it seems like we in SA are very far away from everything! Or so we hope.

I will. Be safe. And am safe

That is always the most important!


And then there's also the greed part. Something I've never understood as my brain just apparently isn't wired to think like that. To never be satisfied with what one has or to think that one deserves money or land more than the person next to you. And its beyond my comprehension to try to understand people who do not react to human (or to animal) suffering or who think that it's right for the one who is bigger or stronger in any way to bully or oppress smaller or weaker people.

In South Africa, for example, we now hear so much of Russia-Ukraine

That is weird. Truly weird. Why is this war that Russia fights more important that the ones before. As if Russia hasn't killed people like this before because this is just a repetition of the wars fought in other areas. Why is Europe so important? I know why this is more important in Finland but in South Africa... that is truly a weird thing.


And its beyond my comprehension to try to understand people who do not react to human (or to animal) suffering

This. I am in the same boat as you. I cannot wrap my head around greed and not reacting to human suffering. We live in a world where it has been normalized and it "grinds my gears".

but in South Africa

It can also be my own mindset or fascination with something so far away (looking at it vicariously and from a safe distance) or because it impacts our economy and politics. I tend to stay away from politics but SA has some ties with Russia and with the increase in oil prices our living costs rises. So maybe we are also looking at it through that lens.
