To have a speech


I've always wondered how the lives of people that have specific speeches are. Whether an environmentalist, an animal defender or human rights activist, it's weird to me how people can hold on to a speech and keep it going for years, even lifetimes.


This is not to say I don't have convictions, I do and they are very strong. However, the more I've thought and spoke about them, the more I realize that the only way to give them true meaning is to live by them, to incarnate that which you preach as the right path.

When I became vegan I went heavy on the speech, I talked to everyone about it and even did so in awkward social scenarios. But with time it became clear to me that the nature of duality in this world applies to any philosophy: you will find many supporters and detractors. Of course, the number of supporters is nowhere near that of detractors where I live as it is a cold rural place where eating animals basically gives sense and meaning to people's lives here. It's a culture and many things revolve around it.

But I don't preach veganism any more and I'm not even strict with it as I have begin preferring local produce over industrial food. So every now and then I will eat some cheese if it's local and I don't say no to the eggs that come from the chickens at my mother's house, as they roam freely and are well cared for (not even killed). I'm even considering fishing as there seems to be an abundance of fish in the stream where I live and I still an not able to grow all the veggies needed to survive a year.

So a speech which to me was black or white, has been losing more and more meaning as I observed reality around me. I still believe that animals should be free and not used as tools, but things have many layers. In the event that I was to fish, this clearly is more respectful of life than buying plant based food at a supermarket, which means energy is taken from Nature to refrigerate and operate all the machinery involved. That's not even considering the damage agroindustrial production does to ecosystems harming many animals in the process.

Back to the original question, how could anyone manage to stay on a speech through a whole life without changing their perspective on things? It makes me wonder if it's due to these people finding a way to make money through a particular idea. Because every idea has infinite perspectives from which it can be invalidated so the only way to stay fixed on a speech is by not listening to the diversity of the world.

Once again, you can establish convictions for your life. You design your life the way you want it to be and this must be respected by others even if they disagree. However, in the moment you want to say your way is the right way and that others should listen it's a different matter.

Of course, this makes me think of slavery and other injustices in which speeches were useful to putting an end to. But did they put an end to the though? Only partially. There are modern forms of slavery, only more sophisticated. There is still racism and there is abuse of power. The point is that I find there is more to gain by not practicing slavery than by talking against it, and that is a tough one, because many things we buy were fabricated by modern slaves.

Either way, I don't know what the reality of people who walk through life with a fixed speech is. It's just something I was wondering and felt like writing about because when I don't know exactly what to write I often think about how easier it would be to just have a speech and repeat it over and over.

There's literally people who dedicate everyday to saying how the government is bad, how we are being deceived, how this is a Matrix that we need to wake up from, etc. Are they for real? I mean, after a year of repeating the same thing, don't they realize they gotta start living by what they say? If you don't like the government, get together with a group of like minded individuals and organize yourselves to stop depending on it. Or do it on your own. Grow your food, build your houses, produce your own medicine, empower each other, etc. No, you don't do that because it's hard, and it's easier to bash on those in power but still rely on them.

Ahhh whatever, each on their own path and their time of discovery. All is well! That's what I want my speech to be.

"Each on their own path and their time of discovery. All is well!

Each on their own path and their time of discovery. All is well!

Each on their own path and their time of discovery. All is well!"

And so on, to infinity ♾️


It makes me wonder if it's due to these people finding a way to make money through a particular idea.

and THIS!!

If you don't like the government, get together with a group of like minded individuals and organize yourselves to stop depending on it. Or do it on your own. Grow your food, build your houses, produce your own medicine, empower each other, etc. No, you don't do that because it's hard, and it's easier to bash on those in power but still rely on them.

Life is not easy, nor is it meant to stand still for anyone!

Long ago, I learned to never say Never! And it's true.

This year my morals and beliefs were put to the test. So many told me to stop what I was doing. My reply was always the same. I am doing what I believe in. It might kill me, but how can I tell others to be kind and help others if I can not pass the ultimate test.

It almost killed me and put me back healthwise for a good year, but I would do it all again because it is what I believe in.

GREAT post!! I wish more people saw this.


Thanks, good to know you appreciate it. May I ask what it is you're doing that creates this situation for you?


My 85 year old Mom lives in Florida. 2 years ago, she broke her arm and left leg. I was down there for a month to help her heal. If she had had to stay in a rehab home, she would have lost her small house and all her savings.

This year at the end of February, she broke her right leg. This one broke worse than the last, and she was told NOT to walk on it for 12 weeks. Once again, if she would have had to stay in a rehab center, she would have lost everything.

She is not the easiest woman to live with. She is used to getting her own way and makes you feel guilty if you don't do things her way.

I have a lot of health issues, and being there for me is stressful. I had no help. None because she never has seen me as a person with chronic pain or a disability. I was.....a tad insane by the time the 4 months were up, and my body and brain went into hibernation once I got back home to my Husband.

I have spent the rest of the year trying to get BACK to where I was last February.

That is the short version. The long version is not so pretty. LOL

Tomorrow, well today, in 6 hours, I am off to get a test that I should have had in July....

If I had left and come home, How could I look in a mirror and tell others to help those in need?

So while I didn't do it to say I carried a cross, I did do it because it was the RIGHT thing to do. but sometimes, the right thing to do is not easy...


That's a heavy burden, I've also cared for old people and it does drive you crazy. Wish you lots of strength and keep an open mind to the spiritual side of things. Remember our reality is a reflection of who we are and maybe this situation is telling you something that goes beyond the apparent, something personal you might need to heal in order to move to a different stage of life that is more fruitful and healthy.
