4 days of #nofap | My battle to free myself from porn


Hello there to the Love & Sexuality community, glad to have found you on Hive. Sex is a big topic for me but I usually refrain from posting much about it as Hive seems to be a bit closed up on such topics. However, it seems I might have been wrong!

At this point, many probably have read or heard about the concept of nofap, but in case you haven't, it's an internet slang referring to avoid masturbation. Personally, I think masturbation is great and when done consciously, it's a good way to practice self love and join your sexuality and spirituality into one experience.

Yet, like many men, I've been a porn addict since I was a teenager, hence my masturbation practice is often not so conscious, but just the repetition of a pattern that seeks quick gratification, and worst of all, drains much of my energy and creativity.


There's ton of material online as to how porn can be destructive to relationships, your own sexuality, and overall motivation towards life. I don't mean to condemn porn, I think it's delicious to be able to watch whatever fantasy you desire on a screen, but let's face it, just like fries and burgers can be delicious, they can be equally harmful.

It's been 4 days since I posted my first #nofap entry on my blog and I am not proud to say this is as far as I got on this try 😢. BUT, the good thing is I didn't watch porn, so at least it can be considered a conscious exploration of my own sexuality as I wasn't aiming to release semen, but rather give myself pleasure without doing so. I failed the mission, but it was a good experience anyway.

I plan to keep journaling my progress, hopefully my next will be when I hit a five day mark (starting from cero now). I want to get eventually to at least 21 days, as I've read many times that's how long it takes to develop a new habit. The idea is to keep adding useful information to the entries, in case anyone else is in a similar quest.

So, what do you think on porn, nofap, and self-pleasure? Do you have any particular practices that help you have a healthy relationship with all this? I would love to learn from you!

Thanks for reading 🌱


I have never heard of this one!!

I don't think it drains creativity but you never know. Good luck not fapping!


Well, all truths are half truths

Perhaps porn is the best thing that's ever happened to us because now if you're with someone, it's because you really want to and not because you're a needy little animal trying to burrow somewhere.

But then again, there's lots of evidence on how harmful it can be. Depends on the people and their current state of mind



Oh yeah, don't get me wrong. I think porn has mutated beyond the realms of the acceptable in a lot of cases. I say that as a parent now thinking of how I want my kids to perceive sex and it certainly isn't double dipping/ foot on head/objectifying madness that is so prevalent now!

I am not being prudish but it's ready accessibility and gateway to more extreme types presented as normal is a bit worrying. I used to love it too 🫤
