Daily quest 26-1-22: A lionesque day


Surprise, surprise. With 5 more days left in the season I already did break open the door to Gold I. Makes me curious if I could be possible to end the season in Diamond II in stead of Diamond III. We will know it within 5 days.
Does make me wonder if people did stop playing. I didn't purchase a lot of Chaos Legend packs and most of them are delegated to my alt account. So my deck hasn't become stronger.

Schermafbeelding 2022-01-26 om 10.38.02.png

For once I don't mind all the potion because I ran out of them and I still have 100 unopened Chaos Legend Packs.
It also looks that the run on Chaos packs has slowed down, which is probably a good cause. Suppose that they would have been sold out in one week, this would have created a big problem. For new players and the Splinterlands Management team. I do assume that they do want to focus on the land part of the game now.

Rewards 2022 so far

I have updated the values of the cards and it does drop rather fast. It does drop harder than the new cards per day can compensate.

