The first snowfall 2021. Pt.2

All associations with the first snow from childhood are associated with falling in love. This is also a certain frequency, or simply a state of mind, when everything around becomes somehow different.

Why is the first snow so strongly associated with falling in love?

Because all youth is study, and all study (school, college, university) begins in September.

But falling in love begins after some time, when in a month and a half you have already taken a closer look at people, studied new ones, and the choice will already fall on some specific person.

And when all the chemistry begins, then the first snow falls.

But when all the studies ended and life entered a new working channel, the first snow began to be associated with the beginning of the street drift season.

Yes, there was a time when I did not miss a single winter and, as they say in modern slang, I was sliding sideways.

Now I am so immersed in photography that everything around me is connected with this case.

I also like the process of changing summer tires to winter ones. I love everything about it, from finding the right size and choosing a model, to the process of changing and enjoying the ride.

There is some special magic in preparing for winter. Maybe this is partly due to the purchase of new things, such as a down jacket, winter boots, warm clothes.

All my late autumn times were especially sensual and spiritual.

Each season has something different that sets them apart from others.

You can also talk about frosty winters, early spring, hot summers.

But I am used to trusting statistics and verified data, and those that I have personally verified.

This is my diary. And so he says that the most memorable moments happened to me in the middle and late autumn.

I hope I explained in detail why I look forward to the first snow every year and why it is so important to me.

The point is not even the very first snow, but at the beginning of winter, that is, in the established snow cover.

The first snow has melted, but there will be a second.
