Snowdrifts in the city. Part 1

This winter turned out to be very snowy, although every year I catch myself saying that I'm talking about big snowdrifts. No, still, this year they are just huge! It will be necessary to review last year's shooting ...


In general, in order to avoid questions and doubts about which year is snowier, you need to shoot the same place at the same time in different years.

And so, snowdrifts..

Most often they occur next to the road, as snow removal equipment cleans yard areas and roads

There are no snowdrifts in the field.

The main thing for people is to be able to drive and pass.

But closer to spring, the towering snowy mountains begin to look frightening and take up a lot of space in the urban environment.

And, accordingly, this causes a lot of discontent among people.

Well, my task is to capture this document of reality.

I've never seen anything bad in snowdrifts.

For children, this is generally more of a plus than a minus: you can ride them like a slide, you can dig tunnels in them...

Snowdrifts can only be beautiful when fresh snow has fallen.

And the ugliest ones are obtained in the process of melting and cleaning roads from snow porridge.

For documentary photography, there is no concept of beautiful or not – there is what there is.

Although you can capture the beautiful ugly, or you can show the beauty in the ugly.

To be continued...
