Makarovo. Private stables

Makarovo is a village in the Vologda district of the Vologda region, part of the Kubensky rural settlement. The population is about five hundred inhabitants.


I have never been to a quieter place than in Makarovo!

No wind, no barking dogs, no noise from cars–just a vacuum.

You can only hear the blood flowing through your veins and the heartbeat that pumps it.

And the heartbeat quickens at such moments when you see the stars and the moon coming out of the horizon.

At first, I did not dare to get out of the car at all – there was not just darkness around, but blackness.

But I forced myself to take a walk and did not regret it: my eyes gradually got used to the darkness, and the absence of frightening knocks like rattling dilapidated structures from the wind, all sorts of rustling and rustling, created a comfortable atmosphere.

At first, I decided to take a walk among the sheds, which look more like private stables.

It was immediately clear from the map that there were no dugouts here, but it was necessary to check.

Private barns are the most common outbuildings, after car garages.

All of them are abandoned and unused.

To be continued...
