Dilapidated Vologda. Blagoveschenskaya and Chekhov Streets

There are still uncaptured places with dilapidated houses located dotted around the city,. But I like it when dilapidated houses occupy entire blocks, when the space is massively organized.


Although if we take the center of Vologda, then the chaotic infill development is also interesting.

In general, the quarters were built up only with corridor-type barracks, or with apartments.

Old communal houses never stood in the city en masse.

Perhaps this is due to their dilapidation and the inconvenience of planning for modern living.

But communal houses are the oldest and their appearance is the most beautiful.

It would seem that wooden apartment buildings are outwardly very similar.

But I have long distinguished the layout even by the height of the window openings, or by the size of the whole house.

My childhood was associated with such houses, so I know their types well.

The most amazing thing is that people live in such houses and there are a lot of them all over the world.

And the saddest thing is that in appearance no one will build anything like it.

I used to think that it was not necessary to resist the new.

And now I see that the new does not warm the soul.

And not only to me. For some reason, everyone wants to visit the ancient cities, where the atmosphere still remains, but no one wants to keep it under their noses.
