Courtyard spaces. Among the construction buildings

I have already visited a relatively new, but partially formed microdistrict. On Arkhangelskaya Street, on the edge of the 5th microdistrict, there is a dense intensive development of multi-storey apartment buildings. So that you understand, in two years a whole block has appeared here. When I came here to live, there was a field in this place...

You will think that I am taking time not to start photographing the Riverside part, since I have already re-shot everything in the first half of Vologda...and you will be right.

I want the most leafless time of the year. Snow doesn't matter.

But I would call it mostly finishing off unexplored parts of the city, and not delaying the start of photographing the second part of the city.

Sometimes I cannot believe that I know almost every courtyard of the regional center, although I recently studied the district center, which is ten times smaller in area. It is about of Veliky ustyug where I lived

I like to re-read old posts and revise the material - this is how I see the result, the work done.

The account takes place in front of myself, which is the highest authority, subject to high awareness and comprehension that I=system=universe=matrix. Or if you think more down-to-earth, you simply cannot fool yourself.

September came and my feelings were justified: there was a change from the material frequency to the spiritual one. But this is in the world, in the matrix, in the system. (Each time I write several definitions in order to convey that they are all the same, only called by different names).

But at the same time, I did not go completely into space, but I observe a certain balance so as not to lose my livelihood, like last fall.

But in general, what difference does it make to you when I show you the night courtyards of the Riverside or any other neighborhood? All plans and reports are only in my head...
