Weekly Engagement-WK 21: My Obsession



Thanks to my dad, I became a lover of our African dress and had more of our African printed dress sewn by my tailor, designed and cut exactly as our I wanted it to be.

My dad made sure that every Christmas he got every one of us two or more of African-printed material, he gave us the privilege of taking it to our tailor ourselves and choosing the style we wanted by ourselves.

The Western world is big and so is the African continent as a whole, as you go down below the bigger umbrella you realize that although one dress could give ideas of African or Western descent there could always be more to it, but we are leaving that to you, tell us your preference between western style dressing and African style dressing.


As I grew up, I became a lover of the African printed materials and even while he was away, I was conscious of getting a good tailor who sewed them perfectly well. I didn't realize how I was shifting drastically away from the Western world type of dressing because of my obsession with the African dressing until when it was time for me to go to school, I realized that my wardrobe was filled with the African type of dressing and the funny thing is even when I tell myself that I am never going to sew that again, I always ended up buying them and sewing them for occasions.

One thing I always loved about the African dress is the way it makes me feel like a queen and how I always confidently carry myself when I am dressed in one. The aesthetic, the beauty, the colour, the redefinition it gives me after the tailor has taken her time to design it to my taste.


I mean, the way I walk with confidence any time I am wearing any of my African dresses can not be compared with the way I walk around wearing the Western dress, I do like Western dresses, in fact, I am trying to Incorporate them in my dressing but it still can not stand on the same grade with the African dressing.

Secondly, I have never been a fan of matching two or more colours and as we all know, Western dress most times requires that one reason I went with the idea of loving just black and white colour since I do not like to be stressed by petty things especially trivial things like having to look for a matching colour for an occasion, the African dress has helped with the stress of having to choose what two matching colours to pick for an occasion. With the Western dress, you do not have to bother about that. All you need is a shoe to complement your dress as the dress already has two or more colours.

So, I would pick the African dress over the Western dress because it has all in need.


African dresses are very colourful and can be styled anyway. That’s what makes African clothing special. You actually look great in all these styles. Keep doing your thing.😃💃

Wave Media


First and foremost, let me say you are beautiful, the second thing would be to remind you to say thanks to your Dad for making you love African dressing, it suits you quite well


Thank you for the compliment 😳☺️, I won't forget to do that.
