Weekend-Engagement writing topics: WEEK 160 || NEVER EVER

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For the ladies
Have you ever asked (or would you ever ask) a guy out for a first date? (I mean in person, not on devices.) Tell us about it in 300+ words and use photos you took yourself where you can.

Apart from the normal societal belief and norms we've been made to adhere to, I think any lady who makes the first move of asking a guy out in person, I mean face to face, eye ball to eye ball, has got a whole lot of balls and should be applauded for that because it takes a lady with so much courage to make the first move.

As for me, I am not sure, I have such balls, to be the first to make such a move, especially in person. I could try to create an avenue where both of us could become friends if I realize I love him so much and want him that bad all to myself but being the first to make a move, a date move for that matter is something I can never and will never have the courage to do.

Don't get me wrong, we know we can not direct our heart to love who it wishes to love, and I am not of the ideology that a lady taking the first move makes her look desperate or cheap, even though we all know in this part of the world where I come from if a lady makes such step first, she is tagged desperate and cheap even by the same person she tries to woe except the said guy is matured enough not to believe most of these societal norms around him but if reversal is the case, then I think the said lady is in for a long thing 😂😂.

So, apart from this said ideology, I personally do not think I have the confidence to try such a move, and for my kind of person who knows how to hide her feelings for someone, I think I do a better job hiding my feelings and just trying to be friends with the person to check his character.

So, my answer is a BIG NO, I am never, ever going to ask a guy out for a first date. If lucky we become friends and we realize that our feelings are mutual, we can take up from there but I won't be the one to make the first move but we end up not becoming friends, then I guess I am just going to kill the feelings and make sure it is dead, to never resurrect again. 🤣🤣🤣

As they say, life continues, we move on to the next and probably have a crush on the person and if it works, good, if it doesn't, we still move on.

This is my entry to the Weekend-Engagement writing topics: WEEK 160


It is same woth me. I have no problem to those woman asking a guy in personal, but if its me, I can never do thay in personal too. But doing it online is muvh easier, that, I can do but in person? A big no too.


Hahaha 😂😂
It will be difficult to do so physically but some people are bold enough to do so and I think it's not bad ..this is 21ist century


Smile I understand your opinion on this, it isn't really about the Norms we're use to in this part of the world, but about your level of boldness to approach a guy.

I understand your plight and even some men has such issue's.
