Ladies of Hive Community Contest #137 ~ Sexual Pleasure

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Getting to know every area of our body and knowing every part of our body and how we can derive pleasure from it. I mean God crafted our body specially and romantically in such a way that every tip and part of our body organ pleasure can be derived.

Unfortunately, religion and society have made talking about our sexual pleasure, satisfaction, or gratification taboo to be spoken aloud.

Good enough, in our 21st century (GenZ) everyone is learning or looking for ways to make themselves happy without the help of anyone and is not ashamed of taking care of their sexual satisfaction without the help of anyone.

Our clitoris has a lot of nerve endings and any tip we want to use for our pleasure can work for us depending on how we want to pleasure ourselves, making it easier for us to reach orgasm by ourselves which is of a better advantage.

If we can not and do not know ourselves and what arouses us, how then can we tell or educate our men on how to make our sex lives enjoyable and not boring for us leading to us always having orgasms at every point we come in contact with our men because not having sexual pleasure either for a man or a woman can be so frustrating leading to depression or divorce in a marriage.

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Exploring oneself or touching our nerves to know how we react to certain touches, to know what keeps us in the mood and what is required for us to be in the mood and ready for pleasurable sex and not painful sex especially how our clitoris reacts when we are touched in certain ways shouldn't be a thing of taboo because knowing that vital information about ourselves will save us and our partner the stress of having to assume that all women are wired the same way.

Of course, no two women are wired the same way especially when it comes to our sexual gratification, we have a lot of nerves and each woman has two or more nerves that can wreck her senses and put her in a mood that is not only she will enjoy the sex but also her partner because she has full control of her sexual pleasure and as well helping herself and her partner to reach her peak

I do not think that any woman should leave the job of her sexual pleasure to her partner at least if you can not know all of those things, know the little and vital ones, starting from somewhere can help one get to know more about herself.

I do not have a partner yet, but I have been schooled enough to know that I am also accountable for my sexual pleasure so, I may not know all but with the few things I know about myself, I do know and have the confidence that I have full control over my sexual pleasure and will not leave the job to my partner.


You are a very wise girl. You are in control and God created us this way with clitoris, there is no reason for man to take away what God has put in place.

