Mother’s and Self-care


It is a lovely evening in the house, between making dinner for my husband, watching my son play alone, and cleaning the house as I go, this new mom keeps wondering if this was all her life was going to be about now if she knew the person she has become.

She enjoys doing all these things, she loves her kid and her husband dearly but she also knows it had just been all about them lately and she has neglected herself badly, feels like she is now lining to serve her family alone. Even if she leaves the kid for more than 20minute mummy guilt set in or neglect to care for the home in the process the feeling of an irresponsible wife sets in. so she wonders

where does it end?

With the routine from doing laundry, cleaning up the house and baby constantly from spill up and specks of dirt, trying to stay on time because 24 hours is not enough and in all these still trying to create time for herself😔😔
At the same time, she has to enjoy every moment with her child because with the way time flies next thing we know he is in college and out of the house.
So how can a new mom refresh herself, clear her mind without feeling like a horrible mum?

I have learned to understand that

“It is not an option for me to care for myself it is a necessity”

I have always refueled myself else I break down just like every car and if I break down I can not function for my child or my home. Besides if I don't refresh or recharge it shows, I get irritated, angry and all in my feelings my child would feel the energy and it would cause a really bad impact on our daily relationship and no one wants a fussy mum and a fussy baby.....its a disaster

These are what I did to help me recharge and stay afloat, and sane through it all.

  • Asking for Help: my husband is super against getting a nanny for the house, cause I needed the help but it was a No for him so I had to ask him to work from. home at least a few times a week and since he owns his business that wouldn't be a problem and he agreed the days he is home I ensure I do a lot of work at hand as he looks after the baby and I try to sleep longer, take a long bath, watch a movie I just do something that I can to recharge and I would do that with little or no guilt because daddy is home.
    ASK FOR HELP! No matter how strong we seem we need as much help as we can get

  • Be Thankful: amid the daily workload; meal prep, smelly pampers, and lack of sleep I take out time grateful for it all. If you feel like a programmed machine doing the same routine over and over again a little gratitude would go a long way to remind you of all the blessings you have, it would help you change how u feel at that moment and energize you up.

A wife and mother’s role is not easy but remember that as a mother or wife you have needs too .so if you want to give your family the best of care and love, take care of yourself first like I said you can never give what you don't have.


Please share what ways a mother can take care of herself or ways you have used and how it works for you too?


It's not easy being a mother, but it doesn't mean you should not take care of yourself. Being a mother require many strength and lots of activities involved.

A mother shouldn't look unkept because she's taking care of her baby, instead, she should always appear neat.

If you're new in this system, you can take advise from those that knows how to handle things, like your mother. I'm pretty sure a mother is willing to teach her child how to go about nurturing a baby.

I don't really know much about this because I'm yet to become a mother but very soon, I will. Lol
