Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 192|| Sueños-Dreams

Hola amigos!

Los Sueños se gestan en el corazón, se desarrollan en la cabeza de cada ser, no tienen edad y solo mueren cuando muere el soñador. La esperanza de verlos cumplidos siempre será la última en abandonarnos. Así piensa Anny y todo aquel que se niega ver desvanecer sus sueños.

Sigmund Freud afirmaba que los sueños existen para satisfacer los deseos que cada persona tiene, pero Anny sabe que con esfuerzo y trabajo podrá alcanzar el suyo que, aunque en ocasiones luzca muy difícil e inalcanzable, siempre encontrará el camino.

"Los sueños son la meta. la imaginación el transporte, la realidad el punto de partida"

El haber hecho este collage ha sido punto de partida para la reflexión. Las imágenes de quienes han contribuido en #lil, han sido de gran ayuda. Espero les guste!

Hello Friends!
Dreams are born in the heart, they develop in the head of every being, they are ageless and only die when the dreamer dies. The hope of seeing them fulfilled will always be the last to leave us. So thinks Anny and all those who refuse to see their dreams fade away.

Sigmund Freud affirmed that dreams exist to satisfy the desires that each person has, but Anny knows that with effort and work she will be able to reach hers, which, although sometimes seems very difficult and unattainable, she will always find the way.

"Dreams are the goal. imagination the transport, reality the starting point."

Making this collage has been a starting point for reflection. The images of those who have contributed to #lil, have been a great help. I hope you like it!

Este es mi collage/ This is my collage

Esta es la plantilla por @shaka /This is the template by @shaka

street lantern-@quantumg
sentada- @agmoore
tree- @onyechi
Editado con Photoscape

La semana recién comienza, anímate a participar. Por acá dejo el enlace

The week has just begun, come on and participate. Here is the link


Gracias por tu visita. Tu apoyo y comentarios siempre son bienvenidos

Thank you for your visit. Your support and comments are always welcome


As long as we can dream, we can hope. Your narrative is beautiful, as is the collage that reflects its sentiment.

Thank you for using LIL images, @esthersanchez. Good luck in the contest this week!


I relly appreciate your words, dear @agmoore and I am delighted that you liked it!
Thank you for your visit and so nice words
