Why We Worry. How We Worry.

I am one of the most elite level of the overthinker. I always wanted to tell the world that I worry a lot. Like I have a capacity of overthinking to such an extent that I can easily computer 1000 different situations in which life can go wrong.

Think of it as a mind put to use for being a black box tester. Like you get to design the scenarios in such a way that life scenarios are worked upon. In short, using mind for good but in the bad possible way by thinking the most negative scenarios of the life.


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So let's get to the bottom of this and find out how we worry and why we worry about things that are around us.

We Think of Things that Go Wrong

We often have this habit of thinking about things that always go wrong in our life. And we have to consider that this could be because we don't think of them in sequence. Our base is always about the things that affect our life.

So when you think with the end in mind, then you are going to think of the scenarios that could make the life harder for others. So we think of the life in terms of the things that go wrong if we try to guide our mind that way.

We think of Things that don't favor us

Our mind is like thinking about things that favor us and things that don't favor us. I have realized that there are always things that affect us. And we have to work on those things so that our mind can find some sort of assurance about actions.

So in order to avoid this worry, we have to find the closest possible way to see things that favor us. And that way we would be worrying less in the long term. So that we can design things that we can do and build on the top of those things too.

We think we don't have a way out of this

This is the stage of helplessness. And we think like that because we assume that there are not many things out there that could be helping us to get out of situation. Like say we would be always broke or we could be not make it to the next good part of our life.

So in order to avoid thinking like this we have to think for each moment. Like one thing at a time and then move onto the part where we realize that we have a small portion of the life where we have more control.


How do you find a way out of worries? Writing about them and trying to solve with your perspective often helps out. I have seen that working out for some people. You should write about worries, then get a different perspective on things, which could reduce the worry.

How do you deal with worry?


My way out of worries is simply selfcounseling and planning what I'll do when things go bad. That's usually all one can do.
