RE: Rewinding back in time - Memoir Monday

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You brought me right back to your childhood, Lizelle! Wonderful post. Expectations are so much higher now for children in many parts of the world after decades of consumerism. Our family would pile into the car during Christmas to look at the lights downtown and the department store windows, that was our entertainment. One of the local insurance companies would also put up an elaborate Nativity scene and that was another stop in our Holiday car tour. : ) Thanks for participating in this. There are six of us contributing so far hopefully we pick up more along the way!


Thank you for the wonderful topic Eric, it was a wonderful trip down memory lane.
It's actually sad how demanding children are today, but of course, we know why! And parents just oblige, even if they cannot afford it! Worrying about brand names also wasn't an issue for us, I wasn't even aware of that! I'm sure Memoir Monday will pick up.
