RE: Diablo IV Beta: Things I missed the first time.


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I rather like the difference between D3 and D4 regarding aspects part of a legendary item. In D3 it was just going and farming till eternity for some needed legendary to put into the cube and use if needed. Then you are all set for the entire season.

I’ve been hovering over dungeons looking for the one-time reward to see if anything interesting stood out for each of the classes as I’ve played them.

I ended up redoing some aspects of the legendary items I looted from killing the event boss. Those items for the most part had better stats I wanted. I was not willing to give up some aspects I already. This new system resolved that issue without me having to play shuffle with gear trying to sort out how I can still keep the aspects I want and get better items.

It’s a shame the material cost to reroll stats on legendary items is rather rare and hard to get in the beta. I’ve not managed to find any. I would love to further improve some gear I’m wearing. I’m kind of shocked they did not make it a bit easier in beta. There are some +1 to skills I'd love to get on gear.


Ha wow you are really goin hard.
I hit 25 one time and was like meh game over pretty much.
I'm sure I'll commit an absurd amount of time to it in June.
Typical me.


From a content creation standpoint, it’s “I have a very tiny window to extract out as much information as I can now leading up to launch.” I would not be shocked if they got a single server that is up for big content creators and game testers for months on end. It seems many have been building up a lot of content over the past few months leading into early access and beta.

Diablo fans have been starving for a new and real Diablo game for far too long. There will be a bloodbath for the search traffic leading up to this games release and beyond.


Oh wow good point huh... we can easily drive more traffic to Hive and to our blogs.
