Togetherness is a Source of Strength



Assalamualaikum Indonesian Hive

May everything always be in good condition and ease in all our affairs by Allah swt. On this occasion I will try again to share with all my friends in this beloved community, this time I will share some photos that I took last night when we held an event.

A hope will be realized if togetherness is still maintained, an event will also be successful if there is serious teamwork then because that is what we want will work well, so here I say that a togetherness will be a source of extraordinary strength that is difficult broken.


Likewise with us when preparing for a big event last night and trying to be able to bring this many people certainly requires extra struggle, we in the forum had planned this several months in advance to hold a millennial recitation at a cafe in the Lhokseumawe area.

We think that for an era like this one should be a bit more advanced in spreading knowledge, not only in Islamic boarding schools and schools or colleges but also for being able to do it in cafes or coffee shops in every region, maybe it's more enjoyable to listen to the enlightenment of knowledge while enjoy a cup of espresso coffee or espresso sanger or some other kind of drink that can give an impression to every visitor.





In the event we have invited a speaker who is an expert in the field of science, he is Abi Dr. Safriadi S.HI.MA is one of the most senior teachers at a well-known Islamic boarding school in north aceh and the cafe we ​​chose at that time was Cafe Harun Mart, one of the cafes and has many visitors in the city of lhokseumawe.




Alhamdulillah, we feel very grateful because the event that we have dreamed of has been carried out well and successfully without any obstacles. in the city of Lhokseumawe.

Maybe this is what I can share on this occasion tonight, I hope you enjoy reading it.

Best regards @engraver.
