The Word Sorry Is Powerful


The Word Sorry Is Powerful


A simple apology can turn around a situation that is able to cause harm and ensure a more better understanding between people. Pride is one of the basic reasons why many good relationships and families crumble. Many people find it so difficult to apologise for wrongs, for reasons best known to them. And that has made them loose a lot of opportunities.

I have seen how friendships that are supposed to go far and yield positive results fell to the ground and died because of lack of apologies. We humans are always driven with this mentality of if I was not at fault I cannot/will not apologize. We often feel it's a sign of weaknesses for one to apologise when he or she is not at fault. In fact some persons will not even forgive when they are wronged until the offender, does it again and again. They claim they want the offender to learn. But things ought not to be so.

It is divine to have the heart of apology, that trait is rare. We are in a world where people are full of themselves no one wants to be the one considered as small. For me, I feel the strongest person in the world is the person who has the heart to say sorry even if he/she is not at fault.There are many disputes, wars and crises that could have been avoided if only sorry was employed at the right time.

I am the sorry kind of a guy, initially it made me looked like a fool but when I understood it's power, I held firm unto it. I am so used to sorry that, I sometimes say sorry to myself hehe! I don't see anything wrong with apologizing, I don't know why it is very difficult to some people. Sorry is just a five letter words, it is not even too difficult to pronounce. But others prefer to drag matters than use it and quench the fire. Oh! Fire? Yea! The word sorry is a fire extinguisher, if properly used there is no kind of fire out break of the heart that it can't quench.

Only a wicked and hardened man, will not overlook wrongs when the culprit says sorry genuinely. The word, sorry doesn't only have power with men, it has power even with the almighty God. That is why whenever we sin and we turn unto him and say we are sorry genuinely, he forgives us. Sorry is a magical word, it can never fail if not misused.

Nevertheless I am a man, we are full of weaknesses, no matter how good we seem to be, there are days that we do silly things. The fact that I am used to sorry doesnt mean that there were not days that my ego puffed up too. There has been many occasions where I felt I shouldn't apologize though I was wrong.

This one happened today, I and my grand father arranged to meet at the bank by 8:00am this morning, he wanted to get an Automated Teller Machine (ATM) card, he opened a new account and needed a mean through which he could get access to his money.

He informed me last night about the matter so that I can prepare ahead of the day. Funny enough, I over slept and I woke up around 7:00am . The bank is far from my house and I don't have any cash on me to get a ride. Besides that, I have to get my breakfast, I know how bank can be these days coupled with the issue of cashlessness. I can't afford to go and be on queue for hours without eating anything. So I had to prepare my breakfast and take my bath, before I finished time was far spent, it was past eight already. My grand father kept calling and calling I ignored the calls because I don't know what to tell him

After dressing, I hit the road and I called him, he was very offended though but you know what? I only told him I was on my way coming and I didn't apologize, I just felt I was not supposed to say sorry. I knew I was wrong but I didn't apologize because initially I didn't even want to follow him to the bank.

Well, when I met him, while I was yet greeting him he started scolding me for keeping him waiting, hmm! To be honest it took me time before I apologized. The funniest part was he didn't even respond to my apologies he just said let's join the queue and that was how everything ended. Though we were not able to get what we wanted from the bank because of network glitch but I and him ended up well. He even gave me money to take bike home.

In conclusion, I know that sorry can be very difficult sometimes but I assure you, it is not as difficult as not saying it, your conscience won't let you be. No matter what circumstance we may find ourselves, we should endeavor to be people of apologies, it will save us from a lot of troubles. Although, sometimes, apologies seem to have time limit. It can be late, This is why we must learn to make use of every opportunity we have to do what is right at the right time. It doesn't cost anything to say sorry, rather it proves how strong and matured you are.


This is my entry for week 53 Edition 01 contest on Hive Learners community with the title: I'm Sorry. You can check it out

Thanks For Reading


To say sorry is so hard for many people for reasons best known to them just like you've said.
However, I learnt something from your blog that apology is enough kill crises or problems that may arise between people then making them friends.


Thank you so much for stopping by sir.. I am glad you learnt something from my post too🥰


Its my pleasure man!




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Thank you so much for always supporting me🥰🥰


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You are welcome . Thank you for your support too


Sorry is indeed a powerful word, we just need to learn when and how to use it properly.


Omo that is just it.. though sorry is powerful, but it has timing. If not properly timed the powers Therein can be of no effect.
