
¡Hola comunidad de Hive! Hello ¡Hive comunnity! Bienvenidos a una nueva receta para principiantes, algo delicioso y súper fácil de hacer, que puedes acompañar con un rico jugo y degustar a la hora del almuerzo. Me encanta cocinar y compartir mi recetas, es muy reconfortante escuchar a tu familia chuparse los dedos de lo divino. Admito que he estado un poco alejada de la comunidad pero aquí estamos con ¡la mejor energía!

Welcome to a new recipe for beginners, something delicious and super easy to make, that you can accompany with a delicious juice and enjoy at lunchtime. I love to cook and share my recipes, it is very comforting to hear your family licking their fingers of the divine. I admit I've been a bit away from the community but here we are with the best energy!


  • Pollo
  • Pasta
  • Plátano
  • zanahoria, cebolla, pimentón, ajo y papas
  • condimentos: Curri, color, salsa de ajo, salsa de soya y sal al gusto.

Ingredients: Chicken,Pasta, Plantain, carrot, onion, paprika, garlic and potatoes. seasoning: Curri, color, garlic sauce, soy sauce and salt to taste.



Empezamos picando los aliños, preferiblemente en cuadritos. Luego colocamos los trozos de pollo en el sartén a sofreír con la cebolla. Después de que la cebolla este cocinada, empezamos a agregarle el pimentón y el curri. Dejamos cocinar un rato y agrego medio vaso de agua junto con las papas y las zanahorias picadas (Estos últimos dos ingredientes debemos dejar cocinar muy bien para que no nos quede duro). Para finalizar el pollo agregamos sal, pimienta y las salsas.

Preparation: We start by chopping the seasonings, preferably in small squares. Then we put the chicken pieces in the pan to fry with the onion. After the onion is cooked, we start adding the paprika and curry. Let it cook for a while and add half a glass of water together with the potatoes and the chopped carrots (these last two ingredients we must let it cook very well so that it does not become hard). To finish the chicken add salt, pepper and the sauces.





En un sartén ponemos a freír el plátano picado en lajas. Dejamos dorar por los dos lados y listo.

In a frying pan fry the plantain chopped in slices. Let it brown on both sides and it's ready.


Para la pasta solo ponemos a hervir agua hasta que burbujee y luego agregamos la pasta, dejar cocinar unos 5min

For the pasta just boil water until it bubbles and then add the pasta, let it cook for about 5 minutes.


Y listo!!! Ya puedes servir este delicioso platillo con tu familia y disfrutar.

And that's it! Now you can serve this delicious dish with your family and enjoy.

Ustedes saben cuanto me gusta hacer esto, la cocina y su magia. La verdad me sentí un poco abrumada con la preparación, sentí miedo de que no me quedara bien, pero al final lo rápido que se acabó me demostró que quedó muy bueno, y por eso es precisamente por lo que lo hago, para que puedan disfrutar de algo diferente y ponerlo en práctica. Mi mamá no es una mujer de la cocina, no le gusta y no le sale muy bien la verdad jajajaj. Entonces por esa razón me gusta darle a probar algo que le guste mucho y se sienta feliz. Les dejo esta fabulosa receta para que la compartan y se sientan tan feliz como yo cuando lo preparo. Hasta luego comunidad, nos leemos pronto!!!

You know how much I love doing this, the kitchen and its magic. The truth is that I felt a little overwhelmed with the preparation, I was afraid that it wouldn't turn out well, but in the end, how quickly it was finished showed me that it was very good, and that's precisely why I do it, so you can enjoy something different and put it into practice. My mom is not a woman of the kitchen, she doesn't like it and it doesn't come out very well to be honest hahahahahah. So for that reason I like to give her to try something that she likes a lot and feel happy. I leave this fabulous recipe for you to share and feel as happy as I do when I prepare it. See you later community, see you soon!!!!



The people doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved deeply with her group and @fyrstikken . Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant prove she is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing it. I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome
