Youth and Aged


Proverbs 10:29; The glory of young men is their strength, and the splendor of old men is their gray head.


When we are young we are vibrant and full of energy, i know this because am a youth and i can testify to this, and then you will see the old and age and then you realize that their strength have fade and that they are not as vibrant as you are now. But is their old age the word of God is telling us today that there is knowledge, wisdom and accumulation of life experience over the years that would be worth learning from perhaps to guide your own life and to avoid making mistakes they made.

But our youth of today look down on the aged, they refuse to help them and go about their own thing, they do not consider the knowledge, wisdom and experience of the aged and refuses to heed to any advice until things so south and everything turn sour and regrets set in from making wrong choices which could have otherwise been avoided. The Word of God is our life guide as Christians and we have come to learn and understand over the years that it has all the knowledge and wisdom of the past, present and future just like the aged but even more and we are been informed of what is with the aged. So we should take heed and do try to learn as this would impact our lives positively.

The word of God is the beginning of wisdom, lets take heed to what the word teaches daily and we would progress in life and be successful accordingly. Have blessed week and stay safe.

