Un altar para adorar a Dios en tiempos de crisis. (ESP/ENG)


Sin duda, estamos viviendo una época de creciente crisis y carencia espiritual. Las adversidades son tiempos de muchas aflicciones que deben acercarnos a Dios y ayudarnos a buscar en la presencia de Dios, tiempos de refrigerio.

Cuando Adán y Eva entraron en la crisis de la desobediencia, Dios les enseñó a cubrir su vergüenza mediante el sacrificio de un cordero, en el que sólo la piel del cordero cubría la vergüenza pero no la culpa del pecado.

Es a través del sacrificio que podemos acercarnos a Dios en un intento de cubrir nuestras faltas, sin embargo, es la sangre del cordero perfecto, que es Cristo, la que puede limpiarnos de toda culpa y acercarnos a Dios para levantar un altar de adoración y alabanza.

Abel, hijo de Adán y Eva, comprendió que la mejor manera de acercarse a Dios era mediante el sacrificio de un cordero. Esto complació a Dios y bendijo la ofrenda de Abel. Hoy, nos acercamos a Dios a través del sacrificio del cordero que fue inmolado antes de la fundación del mundo, Jesucristo. El cordero perfecto, que quita el pecado del hombre, es la razón y el objeto de nuestra adoración. Por medio de Cristo, nos acercamos al Padre celestial y lo adoramos.

El mundo vive en crisis, pero Dios exige ser adorado y alabado, para manifestarse en la vida de los hombres y librarlos de las tormentas que lo acosan.
En la crisis del pecado, el altar del sacrificio es Cristo. Dios nos ama y busca que todos los hombres, en todas partes, lleguen al conocimiento y al arrepentimiento para una vida nueva con la gracia abundante que viene de la presencia de Dios.

Después de los terribles días del diluvio, Noé bajó del arca y lo primero que hizo después de la gran crisis del diluvio, fue un altar para adorar a Dios. Allí sacrificó y exaltó el nombre de Dios y el Señor lo bendijo grandemente.

En tiempos de crisis lo importante es buscar el rostro de Dios en la alabanza y agradecer al Señor por la multitud de sus misericordias.
Haz tu propio altar y adora a Dios aunque tengas que afrontar algún momento de crisis. No olvides que todas las inundaciones pasan y la abundante paz de Dios permanece en los corazones de los que le buscan.

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An altar to worship God in times of crisis

Without a doubt, we are living in a growing time of crisis and spiritual lack. Adversities are times of many afflictions that have to bring us closer to God and help us to seek in the presence of God, times of refreshment.

When Adam and Eve entered the crisis of disobedience, God taught them to cover their shame through the sacrifice of a lamb, in which only the skin of the lamb covered the shame but not the guilt of sin.

It is through sacrifice, in which we can approach God in an attempt to cover faults, however, it is the blood of the perfect lamb, which is Christ, that can cleanse us from all guilt and draw closer to God to raise up. an altar of worship and praise.

Abel, son of Adam and Eve, understood that the best way to approach God was through the sacrifice of a lamb. This pleased God and blessed Abel's offering. Today, we draw near to God, through the sacrifice of the lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world, Christ Jesus. The perfect lamb, who takes away the sin of man, is the motive and object of our worship. Through Christ, we draw close to and worship the heavenly Father.

The world lives in crisis, but God demands that he be adored and praised, to manifest himself in the lives of men and free them from the storms that threaten him.
In the crisis of sin, the sacrificial altar is Christ. God loves us and seeks that all men everywhere, come to knowledge and repentance for a new life with abundant grace that comes from the presence of God.

After the terrible days of the flood, Noah descended from the ark and the first thing he did after that great crisis of the flood, was an altar to worship God. There he sacrificed and exalted the name of God, and the Lord blessed him greatly.

In times of crisis the important thing is to seek the face of God in praise and to thank the Lord for the multitudes of his mercies.
Make your own altar and worship God even if you have to face some time of crisis. Do not forget that every flood passes and the abundant peace of God remains in the hearts of those who seek him.


5 years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. https://peakd.com/gangstalking/@acousticpulses/electronic-terrorism-and-gaslighting--if-you-downvote-this-post-you-are-part-of-the-problem
