Poema: Dulce amor [ESP/ENG]

Dulce amor

Como panal de miel, tan dulce es el amor.
Como mermelada de sueños y esperanza que tejen la vida en el pecho de una mujer.
Tan dulces son los labios de un niño en los gemelos del pecho de su madre. Tan dulces se hacen sentir al beber la leche de su crecimiento.

¿Con qué podemos comparar el amor?
Si miramos a los ojos de una madre que no duerme por la enfermedad de su hijo, encontraremos la perfección de su dulce amor.
El hombre que deja caer de su frente el sudor para el pan de su familia, allí entre la tela de su sueño camina su gran amor.

El dulce amor lo dejas ver cuando abrazas entre tu pecho al ser que te hace amar.
Una madre que te abraza y un padre que te besa con sudor, te hace sentir en la cuna de un dulce amor.
No pierdas el sueño de tu esperanza de ver que el amor te roba el cambio.
La vida sigue su curso de indiferencia sin mostrarte que su sentido es el amor.

Puedes amar a quien te odia sin que lo sepa y puedes amar a quien te causó dolor, sin que llegue a entender, que en ti hay perdón.
La vida tiene sus calles oscuras y otras con luces encendidas. Tú decides por cuál caminar, pero no hay nada mejor que caminar al abrigo del dulce amor.

Imagen source

Sweet love.

Like honeycomb, so sweet is love.
Like jam of dreams and hope that weave life in a woman's breast.
So sweet are the lips of a child on the twins of its mother's breast. So sweet, they make themselves felt as they drink the milk of their growth.

To what can we compare love?
If we look into the eyes of a mother who does not sleep because of her child's illness, you can find the perfection of her sweet love.
The man who drops from his brow the sweat for his family's bread, there among the fabric of his sleep walks his great love.

The sweet love you let it be seen when you embrace between your breast the being that makes you love.
A mother who embraces you and a father who kisses you with sweat, makes you feel in the cradle of a sweet love.
Don't lose the dream of your hope to see what love robs you of change.
Life follows its course of indifference without showing you that its meaning is love.

You can love the one who hates you without him knowing it and you can love the one who caused you pain, without him ever understanding, that in you there is forgiveness.
Life has its dark streets and others with lights on. You decide which one to walk on, but there is nothing better than walking in the shelter of sweet love.


The best thing is sweet love without a doubt. A sacrifice that is made for the loved one, that is sweet love. Very beautiful poem.
Thanks for sharing your letters in the community.
Good day.


Thank you friend for visiting and commenting. Nothing as sweet as the love that feeds our soul and our whole being to lead us to feel the passion for the one we love so much.

Happy afternoon.


@elpastor, el amor y la miel son el alimento del espíritu.

Gracias por ser feliz.


Gracias amigo. Comparto en mucho tu comentario, el amor y la miel endulzan en gran manera el alma y la hace sensible a los asuntos de la vida.

Feliz tarde.


We can still choose to love in diverse situations, although it is not easy. Love always wins.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful poem.


Greetings, my friend. Very valuable your words. Love always wins, especially when it is able to forgive. Sweet love leads us to give meaning to life no matter the moments when someone causes you a hurt.

Happy afternoon.
