Fresh Air and Footpaths

I haven't been on many long walks recently, so these are a few snapshots from my shorter walks. It's been a bit too cold to be out for too long. If it's bitter, it takes the enjoyment out of it and I just hanker to get back inside to get warm.

On the plus side, we've had some lovely rainbows appear this week. That's the good thing of having a bit of rain. I'm still looking for that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

The lovely blossom practically appeared overnight at the country park. It looks a bit bare until it suddenly springs into life. When the weather gets a little better, it won't be too long before the mobile coffee van turns up. They do a good trade with all the dog walkers here. Something to look forward to.

I put a bit of bird seed down in the park. I didn't get many takers apart from two robins. One looked a little cold. They were more bothered about chasing each other. Spring is definitely in the air!

The Canada geese were basking in the sunshine, enjoying the warmth while it lasted. Half way around the park it rained. You can't get too complacent with the weather as it can quickly change.

Walking around the village one night, we had some lovely sunsets over the ponds. A good note to end on ....

#wednesdaywalk is initiated by @tattoodjay.
