Boxing Day Walk

The weather is still good, so I took a walk down to the local nature reserve. I was surprised at how many people had the same idea. Walking off the excess food, no doubt.

Looking up at the sky, it looked as though lots of people were jetting off to sunnier climes for the new year.

Walking around the man made ponds, there were some nice reflections in the water. There are a few walking trails that you can choose from around the reserve, including the boardwalk.

There weren't any unusual visitors on the water today, just the usually ducks and coots. Even the family of herons have moved on. The nature reserve was created nearly 20 years ago. Now that it is established, they are hoping it will attract a variety of wildlife in addition to what's already here.

I carried on along the footpath, avoiding all the children who had all got new bikes for Christmas! It is a lovely peaceful walk apart from the odd train and bike whizzing past. Pity it is surrounded by a new housing estate, but that's how it's going these days.
