Nutritious breakfast, rice pancakes with cheese and cambur... Desayuno nutritivo, panquecas de arroz con queso y cambur..

Happy evening to all of you my Hive's panitas, today I want to present you the preparation of a delicious breakfast, composed of rice pancakes, cheese and slices of cambur, this is a very nutritious breakfast that will provide our body with many vitamins and minerals, which will generate the necessary energy that our body needs to develop the different activities during the day.


Feliz noche tengan todos ustedes mis panitas de Hive hoy quiero presentarles la preparación de un rico desayuno, compuesto por panquequas de arroz, queso y rodajas de cambur, este es un desayuno muy nutritivo qué no suba a proporcionar a nuestro organismo y cuerpo muchas vitaminas y minerales, qué nos van a generar la energía necesaria qué nuestro cuerpo necesita para desarrollar las diferentes actividades durante el día.

Wheat flour, cooked rice, butter, sugar, salt, eggs, vanilla, oil, cheese, cambur.

Harina de trigo, arroz cocido, mantequilla, azúcar, sal, huevos, vainilla, aceite, queso, cambur.

In a pot we add water, wheat flour, salt and sugar to taste, eggs, vanilla, butter and cooked rice, butter and the cooked rice then we proceed to stir everything until we obtain a mixture of somewhat thick consistency then we preheat a frying pan with oil and with a measure we pour the mixture and flip and take out the pan when it is already golden brown and cooked when we have them all ready we proceed to serve on the plate we grate the cheese, vanilla, oil, cheese and cambur. serve on the plate we grate cheese on top and chop some cambures in slices and ready we are ready to taste this dish full of vitamins as shown in the photosHappy evening have all of you my panitas of Hive today I want to present the preparation of a rich breakfast, composed of rice pancakes, cheese and slices of cambur, this is a very nutritious breakfast which does not go up to provide our body and body many vitamins and minerals, which will generate the necessary energy that our body needs to develop the different activities during the day.



En una olla agregamos agua le echamos la harina de trigo, sal y azúcar al gusto, los huevos, la vainilla, mantequilla y el arroz cocido luego procedemos a revolver todo hasta obtener una mezcla de consistencia algo espesa después precalentamos una sartén con aceite y con una medida vamos echando la mezcla y voltear y sacarte sartén cuando ya esté doradita y cocida al tenerlas todas listas procedemos a servir en el plato le rallamos queso por encima y picamos unos cambures en rodajas y listo ya estamos preparados para degustar este plato lleno de vitaminas quedando así como muestra en las fotos.

hank you for reading me and your valuable support, I'll see you another time.

Fotos de mi autoría @elgatoshawua.

Photos by me @elgatoshawua.

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