What is everyone up to??


Welcome to 2022 and let me ask in the spirit of the New Year where and when everyone is in high spirit and even the negatives of all, stays positive..(at least for the first 3 weeks of the New Year.)

It is no brainer that, there will always be a new day and new hour and new minutes and new second and new now etc and as is, the tradition dictates that, we stay positive and wish ourselves and everyone well even if we aren't sure of the standing of our positions.
SO, what are you up to?

The case for a vaccinated world?

I think I like the fact that, when you create something of "value", you should be able to make some money doing it.
Who wants a vaccinated world anyway and why would anyone not want it? I mean, we all are here and there has been so much pain since 2020.

Polio, measles and couple of other illnesses have vaccines and the need to take it was and still is mostly one we must all be eager to. So, good case for vaccines?

More Variants and more scare to lockdown?

Who wants to be restricted all over again and for how long will this second phase of global lockdown be?
Staying connected got easier and well, kinda strange and unexpected but it worked. Lots of things we all never imagine will be were birthed and sustained. One after the order, the narrative changed and we all embraced something bigger.

Sunshine more?

Smiles are sunshine to the soul and when there is sunshine, there definitely will be no cloudy day hanging over you. We need to start smiling again and stay with the joy.
Many countries have been thrown into state of depression and their wealth being pillaged by a corrupt few (arise O compatriots.)

How much more? Why will you be so happy and well fed feeding off the pain of others? Another day for this story.

Are you up to something?

Just take your time and ask...

Images and Gif.


Many countries have been thrown into state of depression and their wealth being pillaged by a corrupt few

This is actually a bitter truth that those corrupt few wouldn't stand to listen. My country is not an exception of this depression, we thought that after the covid things would get better but instead it got worse. Wealth has become something that's not seen in the hands of the few who are good at looting. We have no choice other than to face our reality.


The corrupt state mind in some is all over irrespective of country, race, tribe or orientation. No one has that much power to be good all through seeing how the world is moving against the good ones.
Stay Awesome and keep a clear head.


I definitely have no choice but to keep a clear head always. Hehehe.
