Crypto allows us to be our own banks


In my country, a lot of things happened that shocked our finances and it was the REdesign of the Naira. It was a hectic experience and no one ever wants to be put through such a difficult situation anymore.

Although the older notes are back in circulation, the population has cursed the government for putting them through a high level of stress and still returning the old notes into circulation.

But I am not planning on talking about the Naira REdesign nor how the old notes were back into circulation today. Instead, I want to talk about how crypto allows us to be our bank.
This is something that we have seen happening throughout the last few years. We have been able to have access to our currencies and no one had taken anything away from us nor kept us from reaching out and using our tokens whenever we needed it.

But with the physical notes and physical banks, we have heard stories of how people's account has been locked up because they suddenly moved in a large amount of money whether it was fraud or not the bank seems to have control over our hard-earned money.

Cryptocurrency gives us the chance to hold onto our money and not give it away to a third party to be in control of. And so if we needed to do anything no one locks it up because it's ours and ours alone and no one can tell us what to do with it when we want to do something with it and no one can ask us to sign a lot of paperwork whenever we want to access a large amount of money.

Neither will we have to stand in a line or queue under a hot scorching sun just to access the money that we worked hard for. It is therefore important that everyone should embrace decentralization because it truly gives us the freedom to do whatever it is we want to do with our money.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The banks don't always exercise their control of our money the right way. They sometimes make us feel powerless with our money in the bank. We might own it and yet not have access to it when we need it. It's a frustrating experience tbh.
