El secuestro

Despertará en algún momento. Entonces verá la luz clara que se filtra por la ventana, reaccionará al verse tendido y amarrado. Pensará en cómo pasó esto y suplicará, verás que suplicará. Entonces le daremos una oportunidad, y llorará. Quién sabe, a lo mejor nos diga algo antes de que el sonido se propague y avise a los vecinos que algo ha pasado aquí.


Imagen creada en Canva/ Image created in Canva.

He'll wake up at some point. Then he'll see the bright light filtering in through the window, he'll react to seeing himself tied down. He'll think about how this happened and he'll beg, you'll see him beg. Then we'll give him a chance, and he'll cry. Who knows, maybe he'll tell us something before the sound carries and alerts the neighbors that something happened here.

Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.
