

Words have the power to change the world. They can help in describing one's emotions as progressing through the journey of life. Why not put pen to paper and fullfil our deepest desires, our aspirations for a bright future with love?


I enjoy working with children as I did earlier today. Something of their innocence makes their way into my life which enables me to see the vivid colors of music. Synesthesia is a strange phenomenon and one that expresses a deeper understanding of what life has to offer. Instead of having our senses siloed into a narrow view of our experience we can mix and match them to serve us in exploring the confines of existence better than a video game ever could.

I feel elated when I realize that all my worries are meaningless, that I have my health to thrive off of, the most important of all ressources. I want to inspire others to feel the same way. To not think so much about material wealth in order to transcend unnecessary woes of lack. I am a fine idealist because I choose to see the best in people, their will to do better by the poor and disenfranchised.


One might think I am exaggerating and yet I insist on bringing happiness in focus, yours, mine and that of everyone. You never run out of things to say when in the business of inspiration. Of course, I am not always in the mood to blog about this. On the other hand, there are a plethora of angles to create compelling twists and turns for people to identify with the purity of good intentions, ones that work when cheering a friend up.

Be vulnerable, be you and don't worry about pleasing others, it will happen on its own, like a flower towards the sun.


Un beau petit texte qui fait du bien @edouard :)
Un rayon de soleil qui me réchauffe le cœur ce matin.
Je part au travail le coeur tout en couleur comme un arc-en-ciel.
Vive les idéalistes !!! Ce sont de "valeureux chevaliers de l'âme" qui combattent sans cesse la morosité des temps modernes.
Une belle journée à toi cher ami :)


Merci, J'essaie de faire ressortir le positif un peu et ça semble fonctionner! Lache pas la patate!
