Strong Bad News: I Did a Good Job.


strong bad deleted.jpg

I took my Amazon interview for a full-time "process assistant" position the other day, and it did not go terribly. I'm not going to say I did well, because I'm very bad at interviews in general, but it might have been the best one I've ever completed (which is not saying much).

It took 30 minutes and they only asked me five questions.
One of the questions was a math problem.

Math Problem.

You are in charge of 40 associates. They can process 120 packages an hour. If they work four ten-hour days with two 15 minute breaks a day how many packages will get processed?

Now on one hand this is a very easy math problem. In fact, apparently they give the same math problem over and over and never change it, so if you know it's coming you can easily cheat and just have the answer ready.

I did not have the answer ready.

During an interview, which is already a very high-stress situation, trying to figure out a math problem (no matter how simple) is pretty nerve wracking when your job could depend on it and someone else is just sitting there watch you do it.

I hastily scribbled an answer down and came up with 18,900, which I immediately knew was wrong because we can process 50,000 in a single shift using more people and the auto-sorter (the 120/h scan rate has been the standard since day one).

When the interviewer asked me if that was my "final answer" I had to say no and go back to my haphazard handwritten math. I think this was the thing that threw me off the most. Who does math by hand anymore? If I had a calculator I would have been fine.

In any case, the first mistake I noticed was only giving one person a break instead of all 40. The second mistake was the big one: 40 x 40 = 160. OPPS! Yeah I'm missing a zero there (1600). Although perhaps this was a good mistake to make considering it was the mistake that made it painfully obvious how wrong my answer was (off by a factor of ten).

In my opinion, the correct way to set up this math problem is set it up into three parts with two sub-parts for simplicity.

(total_hours - break_hours) * scan_rate

The sub parts are finding total_hours and break_hours separately so it's easier to check your work after. This is how I got 40 x 40. I'm in charge of 40 people and they are working four 10 hour days (10x4=40).

The break hours are also a bit annoying because they are measured in minutes and need to be converted into hours. Two 15 minute breaks a day for four days is 2 hours. So each person gets 2 hours of break total times 40 people (80 hours).

This leaves us with:

(1600 - 80) * 120 = 182400

So I did get the right answer in the interview, but it took me way way longer to come up with than it should have. Not sure if I lose points for that but whatever. My experience with math is that people are really bad at it, so I imagine that many people who take the interview get the answer wrong either from being bad at math or simply because of the high-stress environment combined with doing an archaic handwritten math problem.

Honestly I should have mentioned it in the interview, but the hardest math class I've taken is Physics. Not just any physics (regular physical physics is easy)... Physics: Electricity & Magnetism. The prerequisite for this class is Calculus, which is also a pretty hard class (integrals). So to almost bomb a math question that is just addition, subtraction, and multiplication? Yikes, embarrassing.

On the other side of the coin I feel like interviews are less about finding the right person for the job and more about finding out who is good at interviews and who isn't. There are so many tricks used on both sides of the table to game the system that the system doesn't even really make sense anymore. Almost reminds me of the economy itself.


Some other questions I was asked:

  • You are in charge of a group and notice that they are performing a bunch of [wrong actions] (examples given). How do you handle that situation?
  • Recount a time that you made an error and what you did in response.
    STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Response)
  • If you were in charge of performing a QA inspection on a truck that was running late, would you prioritize the inspection or getting the truck out on time?

I forgot the fifth question, but whatever, you get the idea. These questions are designed to put people on the spot and try to gauge what potential employees would do in high-friction situations. I was reminded of The Office when Michael Scott was asked what his biggest weakness was.

"I work too hard, I care too much, and sometimes I can be too invested in my job."

Indeed, these are the kinds of bullshit answers that one needs to give in an interview
(with a bit more tact, to be sure).


For example

When asked the STAR question about an error and what I did to correct it, I was compelled to talk about something I do all the time: self direction. As I'm walking around the warehouse, I look for lanes that need help and help them. By abandoning the task I was assigned I am technically disobeying orders from Operations to stay "on-task" and not self-direct. However, at the same time I'm also putting myself in a position that will likely net a gain for the company even though I'm technically going against standard protocol.


Interviews are bullshit.
Wage-slavery is bullshit.

Wish me "luck" on this one. I should be contacted within the week with whether I got the job or not. Truth be told, there are a lot of advantages and disadvantages of both sides.

As someone who believes Bitcoin is going to spike up to $280000 over the next 12-18 months, I'd like to get as much as I can before it starts spiking out of control. Because I hardly spend any money, a full time job means I'll have a lot more money to pump into Bitcoin. If I work hard for the next year I may never have to work a bullshit job ever again in my lifetime.

On the other hand, it leaves me a least 15 hours less a week to do what I do here: blogging, programming, and learning more about crypto. My blog payouts are starting to reach a point where I realize that if Hive's USD value keeps going up I can make more here than at my job. However, if that ends up being the case I can always just quit or bust myself back down to part-time (3 shifts a week is the minimum). Also, it's not impossible to write a blog post every day and still have a full time job. It's not hard to do both, I suppose.

Clearly, I have mixed feelings on the subject.

I guess we'll see what happens.



Make sure you wear your mask and practice social distancing:)

Posted Using LeoFinance


I'm a hero, bro.
I deliver from distance.
Haven't you heard, guy?


psh no Haiku bot I got ripped off.


You are in charge of 40 associates. They can process 120 packages an hour.

Poorly worded math problems are a bitch. Does “they” refer to an average employee, or to the total of the team? Those two sentences could be construed to mean that each associate can process 120/40=3 packages an hour and that the entire team does 120 per hour OR that each associate can process 120 packages per hour so 4,800 per hour for the team as a whole.



I hated it when my teacher gave me dumb questions like that


I hate that kind of problems, too. People who can't write unambiguously worded math problems have no business presenting math problems to other people. But I guess it's clear from the context that processing 3 packages is an hour is not what happens.


Quote Poorly worded math problems are a bitch.

Agree completely, my maths suck but if is referring that the whole 40 associates makes 120 packages per hour, then is simplier, in ten hours without break they'll do 1200 if you count the break then in one hour they'll do 120 - 120/4, so 90 then are 1100.

If each associate makes 120 then are 4800 as a whole as you said but you have to give them the break so are 4800 - 4800/4 = 3400 in one hour with break then in ten hours 48000 - 3400 = 45600

Pd: See? I suck at math there will be 4800x9 + (4800/4)x3 then 46800

And above are 120x9 + (120/4)x3 = 1170

Maybe I'm wrong I've always been pathetic in math. The problem is more "bitchy" than it seems at first sight.


Pd: And again I fucked up because there are TWO breaks of 15 minutes. 🤣

120x9 +(120/4)x2 = 1140

4800x9 +(4800/4)x2 = 46600

This is for every day so x4

4560 and 186400


I'm sure the way I'm explaining it is actually worse than how it was explained to me. Each person processes 120 packages an hour. This is the standard that everyone at work has known for years.


So glad i dont have to rely on working for another human being.

Good luck...



The most important thing/conclusion:

Interviews are bullshit.
Wage-slavery is bullshit.

Amazon is perfect when it comes to these two bullshit things!



As someone who believes Bitcoin is going to spike up to $280000 over the next 12-18 months, I'd like to get as much as I can before it starts spiking out of control

Dude if we get to 280K then just be patient and 12 - 18 months from now you can tell them to go fuck themselves.

Or you could just make that 28K(?)


I make it a practice when interviewing to remember I am interviewing them. You wouldn't believe how that changes your feelings and performance during the meeting.

Math is good. I can count to 21 with my pants off.


Good luck with the job
This is how I would have solved the math problem.
40 x 120 x 40 x 0.95
(the 0.95 part would be tricky without a calculator!!)


you need to escape your * characters with backslashes.

\ *

Turned 120 into italics.


Ahh thanks. I will change to x :-)


You should purse what you love and in this case you seem so passionate about crypto i guess this is where your heart it :)
