RE: Pave the Way


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That's a very loaded question coming from you.

Have you read any of my posts on communism?
DPOS compromise to communism.

At the end of the day your definition of radical-left and mine are completely different.
If I call myself a communist and everyone should get paid the same...
What else is that besides radical left?

The problem comes in when we factor in authoritarianism and taxes.
Authoritarianism is wrong; we shouldn't force people to participate in a (possibly) corrupt government.
Taxes are theft; we now have directly control over currency and they are irrelevant.

Traditionally, being left-wing means you want higher taxes, so obviously I'm not in that camp.
It's all about libertarian opt-in governance structures from here on out.

I feel like I still haven't answered the question.
It's not an easy question to answer.


as long as you believe that morality is grey and not black and white, then you're a radical leftist in my book.

morality is really, really clearly definable.

the fact that millenials and zoomers delude themselves into drinking jewish propaganda that morality is what you make it is why we're fucked as a civiliation.

imho opinion economics is not as important as social cohesion.

the jews have really fucked us all in the West.


First of all, I'm a bit confused about how we got from there to here.
But whatever.

If I Goggle 'morality':

Morality is the differentiation of intentions, decisions and actions between those that are distinguished as proper and those that are improper.

The definition itself is based 100% on opinion and varying cultural standards. What is improper and what is proper requires opinions that have strong consensus, nothing more. Making the claim that they are definable and inarguable is easily proven wrong.

Would you steal bread to feed your family?

  • Stealing is wrong.
  • Starving in a world full of abundance is wrong.

The most basic philosophical questions prove that morality is cultural.

I can easily make the argument that factory farming animals is obviously amoral, and if you eat meat you're a piece of shit and you're going to hell. See how quickly that escalated?

I can easily make the argument that killing and suffering are completely necessary, because change is constant and evolution can't happen without these things in play. If everyone just got what they want they'd all be soft, weak, and completely vulnerable at all times. Life is robust. Nature doesn't care that we have to suffer. These things are not up for debate. Nature itself is not a person, and thus cannot be amoral.

So what many people are calling amoral, is actually completely neutral and the standard practice across the board. Making the argument that "that shouldn't happen", is a very risky statement to make. It's a very "be careful what you wish for scenario" because there's no telling what kind of butterfly effect would spin off of that result. People think they can isolate one variable without that affecting everything else. Again, provably incorrect.

Don't you find it interesting that you think you have the ultimate playbook as to what it right and what is wrong and there is zero wiggle room whatsoever? Speaking of "The Jews", that kind zealous rigid rhetoric could come from no other place than religious dogma. "We have all the answers." "Never question it."

So from that one single comment alone anyone can see that you are:
  1. Not Jewish (even though there are Jewish people out there that believe the exact same rhetoric)
  2. Christian.
    I'm gonna go with Catholic because they are particularly rigid and unmoving.
  3. A conspiracy theorist on the "anti-Semitic point of no return" scale.

How am I doing so far?


Unfortunately I never did my post on this chart.

I find myself pretty deep into this one as well.
And there are things that are obviously real that are labeled as not.
Most notably 9-11.

In any case blaming everything on a single particular group is not helpful.
Humanity, as a whole, is the problem.
Greed is the problem.
That is the only thing that needs fixing.

Loaded question confirmed



yeah, I'm not christian or religious at all.

i'm pure schitzo :P

I want to know where evil comes from and I think I've figured it out but they don't want me to type it out. The monsters in my head, I mean.

ow! let me out! they say.

but i dont lsiten



pure schitzo is always fun
that's what I turn into when I smokes the refers

The monsters in my head, I mean.
ow! let me out! they say.

Oh interesting. Yes sometimes I imagine a caged demon in my chest that wants to come out and play when I'm particularly enraged and high as a kite. It's been a while (haven't smoked in years). The demon isn't chaotic evil, rather chaotic neutral, so he's actually a pretty fun guy. People are still scared of him though.


Do you know who this is?
It's kinda like that.
From Disenchantment series.


I have not heard of the disenchantment series but that's a cool clip of art.

I don't do drugs, if you can believe that, I actually don't think they would work well with me.

I post the way I do because I just vent online I guess because I think I am feeling disaffected and it pains me not feeling great about the future. I'm pretty sure disillusionment with the status quo and general evil structures and people of this world has something to do with it. I would like to be less offensive but I come off like a total asshole because I don't think I'm doing all that well. That isn't an excuse for people taking what I say and hating me for it, like physically raw hating me for it (and they would be justified too if they want! people are free - sort of). I just wanted to say that I guess. There are many times more evil people than me or anyone on hive out there in the world and those people are the ones in charge. Trickle down is real because ofc it is. Old power structures have remained. Old ways and families and ties and realities have retained power in current year. We're living in a simulacra of simulation they've designed nwo.

maybe things will get better but I feel strongly that many of us share a general sentiment that things aren't going well and there is so much disharmony it's affecting pretty much everything and everyone. I don't personally know of anyone who is actually doing well right now and is happy. I don't know many people, but everyone is suffering more than just superficially.

It's to the point now where if you listen to a song that has emotional timbre in it, you are on the verge of blubbering. I think that's happening even amongst the really tough, macho people too because I notice these things I feel like. OFC, I definitely could just be a total fucking clueless asshole with a fucked up world perspective and no forward momentum in my life.

Anyway - it'd be so nice to be a normal, god-fearing (or not!) person who could just accept everything that is they cannot realistically change and just go forward, work at a career, make money and skills, have a family and house, pay ALL taxes and NEVER say bad things in person or online or have bad feelings about things or people. But I just don't think I can be that person and I'm destined to be a failure and to never amount to anything other than ranting online. which i'm not okay with but what else can i do, the situation is beyond hopeless and fighting against it, actual fighting like what chelsea manning and julian assange and edward snowden and SO many others did (mlk, malcolm x, rachel carlson, peter shulgin, paul stamets, Terrance Yeakey, running bull, so many more dude I just obviously don't know that much off the top of my head, but literally everybody of eveery color and creed under the sun) gets you permanently punished for trying to fight for objective GOOD. It's really sad.

I don't help the fight for good at all because of all my ignorance and hate and misalignment but I am long-winded and maybe there is a somewhat coherent statement in here or not. I don't know. thanks.


ah look at that i got way more than i bargained for
well said
