RE: Binance Rug Pulls USDC


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Explain why Binance wouldn't also liquify USDT, the coin with the biggest cap and volume.
Logically that makes zero sense within the given narrative.
'USDT' appears nowhere in this article.
What a surprise. Didn't quite fit in there did it?

Also your title is obvious clickbait.
The definition of rugpull is illegal theft.
Why should anyone take the rest seriously when you bootstrap with an obviously sensationalist lie?

How can you stand there with a straight face, call everything a shitcoin, and then still manage to complain when binance removes assets that you already know are shitcoins from the platform? Make it make sense. Your blog is a constant paradox as always.

Ever stop to consider that perhaps Binance wants more control of stables so they can avoid holding the bags on an asset that systemically collapses? Look at how much shit they had to deal with because of UST. Ever stop to think they are trying to avoid being forced into a similar scenario? Course you didn't. Binance just wants more money and power? No shit that's true for every corporation in existence. Thank you captain obvious. You could literally say that to explain every decision that every corporation has ever made. If that was the real answer they wouldn't have waited this long to do it.

Write a single post with positive constructive undertones.

I dare you.


Why didn't you take all of 10 minutes to go look at a data aggregator like coingecko and look at Binance, Binance US volume for USDT pairs and you can see even if they wanted to go BUSD only, they couldn't because those markets are so deep and liquid, USDC and the others are a drop in the ocean.

Why are you so triggered? You have plenty of people everyday here giving an opposing and glowing opinion, when you know a lot of what is posted on this site is false, and misconceptions, but do you call it out? NO, when its positive sentiment, it needs to be encouraged, promoted even if false.

You can't have it both ways

All my posts provide sources for my claims and I can embellish my opinion as I see fit, if a reader cannot enjoy using sarcasm and wit, that's on them and they can choose to ignore the content.

While my comment section won't be filled with wow, amazing, shitcoins are the future from a bunch of NPCs, my DMs are far more well stocked with people saying thanks for explaining this, I always knew this sounded fishy, you saved me from getting rekt, so clearly there's a demand for my point of view

I don't shy away from critique, I welcome it, go through my posts, point out where I was wrong. Go check my time stamps, when I was calling out Luna while others were shilling it right on this platform.

Sure I am happy to do it, if you go first! Why don't you take your own advice and write posts that don't conflate nonsense and sell baseless hopium.

I dare you


Why don't you take your own advice and write posts that don't conflate nonsense and sell baseless hopium.

I dare you

Oh look he used my own words against me!
Look out!

LOL did you even look at my feed before writing that?
As if every single one of my posts is hopium shilling shitcoins?
Name a single coin I've shilled in the last month.
Okay now write it down on a piece of paper.
If I can guess what it is then you're full of shit.
Just kidding there's only one answer.
Bit of a trick question.

I also blog about the importance of Bitcoin... a lot.
Security is an important niche.
But it is just a niche.
Bitcoin will fall into the background eventually.
The vast majority of people do not care about the robust infrastructure that keep everything from falling apart.

a lot of what is posted on this site is false, and misconceptions, but do you call it out? NO,

Are you trying to be serious right now?
Is this a joke?
I never call out the bullshit?
Who do you think you are talking to right now?



I could easily pull up a hundred examples over the years.
My entire brand almost revolves around being contrarian.
Oh look at that it's happening right now, in this thread.
You must be 'conflating' me with someone else.

Hey you know I do appreciate you talking shit about LUNA.

I fondly remember that... because I didn't do any research on it but had a bad feeling about it and wondered why everyone and their mother was shilling it. Then you popped in and were like, "guys this is hammered dogshit," and I was like nice at least one person thinks so.

Me being triggered is a common theme recently it seems.
Perhaps I have a reason to be.
Perhaps not.


Clickbait? I found it well researched and helpful. Respectfully his points are factual. Just my take but how’s he wrong?


I already said how he's wrong.
A rugpull is theft.
Show me who lost money over this.
Not only has no one lost money over this, no one has lost any opportunity.
In fact, deeper liquidity pools means traders are gaining money in terms of lower slippage.

Exchanges have to consolidate liquidity pools all the time.
It's not shady.
It is standard operating procedure.
Go run an exchange and tell me it's a shady thing to do.

This is just another reminder that any value you have on exchange is just paper promises, you can't enforce anything, you are at the mercy of these shady companies who only care about extracting as much value out of each user as possible.

What money?

Show me how value is being extracted from the users due to this consolidation.
This is a fantasy.
It is provably false.
Everybody wins.
Everybody makes money.
These are fucking stable coins for god sake.
Who gives a shit?

OMG what am I going to do? Binance just delisted USDC.

Said no one ever.


Couldn’t disagree more. Time will tell though.


You can't just say you disagree.
Show me who lost money.
No one lost money.
There is nothing to disagree with.


if you're issue with me using the term rug pull, then let me explain, you as a USDC holder for example are exposed to a certain amount of risk, because on how circle runs their treasury, being pushed over to another asset white labeled by Paxos changes your risk assumptions, you're exposed to a different smart contract, you're exposed to different liquidity pools,

Just because the unit is the same doesn't mean the backing is, and please feel free to compare circles attestations versus paxos and tell me they are equal


Rug pulls do not get announced in advance.
Binance is a business.
A business that offers services.

To make the claim that a business that pulls services is somehow an attack against the customer is entitled beyond belief.

Well I prefer the counterparty risk of USDC so this is attack against me.

Seriously? Whoever said that can fuck right off. Welcome to the real world, jackass.

Do I think you're entitled? No, actually. Because I don't think you use USDC or Binance in the first place, so you're just complaining to complain just like the pattern of all your other blog posts. And then when the bull market boots up again: crickets. Or rather a lot more football posts to balance it out.

How am I doing so far?

Do you use USDC or Binance?
See how funny this is?
You can't say 'yes' and you can't say 'no'.
Either way it makes you look like a hypocrite, or just completely out of touch.
Such is the dichotomy of the maximalist.

You're legit tilting at the windmills, and not only fighting invisible enemies, but projecting those enemies onto other people because you don't even use this shit. Wild.

Why do you think you get a say over which pairs Binance lists and which ones they don't? To the point of calling them shady criminals if you don't get what you want. The shear unmitigated entitlement of it all is mindblowing.


I'm not going to do this song and dance with you, anyone can read these comments and see you're talking yourself in a circle, quit while you still had a point, now you're simply arguing semantics to try and hold on to a semblance of a point.

Lol isn't that the point, you don't have a say, you never had a say in binance, you're always taking custodial risk so you're always at risk of being rug pulled.

I don't use Binance, I don't use stablecoins, I have no use for it!

I had the same arguments with people about Celsius and got the same responses, and look how well that turned out. Sadly you have not convinced me of anything, so I suggest you pack it in you're wasting your breathe and I'm done wasting mine


Anyone can read these comments and see you keep deflecting the issue and avoiding points that you're clearly in the wrong about. See? I can do it too, it's not hard. I'm not being unreasonable, you are. No you. No you.


Wait a second... I'm 'anyone', which means I can read these comments and see that I'm talking myself in a circle. Let's see...

Obviously not a rugpull

No it's a rugpull because counterparty risk.

What? That's ridiculous. No one is entitled to trade USDC on Binance.

Well now anyone can see you're just talking in circles.
Everyone agrees with me!
You should just quit while your behind.

Like... lol.

Are you for real right now?
It's like debating a five year old.
Yes, I agree it does appear to be pointless.
