Working on the Holidays/How new doctors suffer


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Before I started working this week, my friend who did his training as a medical student in this institution told me that the number of patients would reduce drastically as people go to their villages to celebrate with family.

So far the cases seem to still be flooding in and becoming worse in terms of number.

This week I am in the Children's Emergency and it is nice that I can get a break from the wildlife of chemo and cancer to yet another type of wildlife...The Wild Life of the emergency room.

Unlike what you find in adult medicine where people are doing dangerous stuff like fighting with fists against people with guns at times, with children you get silly to serious emergencies.

Children will be at home and just decide to put a beans seed into their ear. I'm not the one who takes it out though, but it's annoying whenever they present to the hospital. The ENT surgeons are the ones to do it and I am sure they too are tired of it.


When I came to work yesterday, I found that there were two mortalities over the night.

One case was a child with Severe Malaria and the other was a case of Acute Glomerulonephritis (AGN).

I met the Malaria case in the hospital. I started out the process of blood transfusion.

I took the blood sample and I sent it to the lab for grouping and crossmatching.

The person that took over from me was a new house officer so it did not make things easy for him when the child died and they blamed him for it.

He apparently did not shot off the blood at the right time...he was a few seconds late and when the child died the parents knew that he was supposed to have shot it off but didn't.

When that happened the whole family wanted to beat the guy up...He told me he had to hide in the toilet.

His first call was duty and he had to hide in the toilet!!!

My first call

There was death too, one man who died protecting his family. He was shot. According to the story the shooters came for him anyway. But he died and no one blamed me for that.

The time my abilities as a doctor were questioned by a patient was when I was taking care of a patient postop and he was unconscious. As he started gaining consciousness he started requesting another doctor and would be upset whenever I came around him.

Back to the holiday

There is a Christmas party on the 23rd...It's by 7 pm and promises to be nice. I hope I am not as exhausted on that day as I was yesterday. I slept by 6 pm and woke up by 2 am this morning.
