RE: Pave the Way


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I have not heard of the disenchantment series but that's a cool clip of art.

I don't do drugs, if you can believe that, I actually don't think they would work well with me.

I post the way I do because I just vent online I guess because I think I am feeling disaffected and it pains me not feeling great about the future. I'm pretty sure disillusionment with the status quo and general evil structures and people of this world has something to do with it. I would like to be less offensive but I come off like a total asshole because I don't think I'm doing all that well. That isn't an excuse for people taking what I say and hating me for it, like physically raw hating me for it (and they would be justified too if they want! people are free - sort of). I just wanted to say that I guess. There are many times more evil people than me or anyone on hive out there in the world and those people are the ones in charge. Trickle down is real because ofc it is. Old power structures have remained. Old ways and families and ties and realities have retained power in current year. We're living in a simulacra of simulation they've designed nwo.

maybe things will get better but I feel strongly that many of us share a general sentiment that things aren't going well and there is so much disharmony it's affecting pretty much everything and everyone. I don't personally know of anyone who is actually doing well right now and is happy. I don't know many people, but everyone is suffering more than just superficially.

It's to the point now where if you listen to a song that has emotional timbre in it, you are on the verge of blubbering. I think that's happening even amongst the really tough, macho people too because I notice these things I feel like. OFC, I definitely could just be a total fucking clueless asshole with a fucked up world perspective and no forward momentum in my life.

Anyway - it'd be so nice to be a normal, god-fearing (or not!) person who could just accept everything that is they cannot realistically change and just go forward, work at a career, make money and skills, have a family and house, pay ALL taxes and NEVER say bad things in person or online or have bad feelings about things or people. But I just don't think I can be that person and I'm destined to be a failure and to never amount to anything other than ranting online. which i'm not okay with but what else can i do, the situation is beyond hopeless and fighting against it, actual fighting like what chelsea manning and julian assange and edward snowden and SO many others did (mlk, malcolm x, rachel carlson, peter shulgin, paul stamets, Terrance Yeakey, running bull, so many more dude I just obviously don't know that much off the top of my head, but literally everybody of eveery color and creed under the sun) gets you permanently punished for trying to fight for objective GOOD. It's really sad.

I don't help the fight for good at all because of all my ignorance and hate and misalignment but I am long-winded and maybe there is a somewhat coherent statement in here or not. I don't know. thanks.


ah look at that i got way more than i bargained for
well said
