RE: Oops I did It Again

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It has been a while since I have seen one of your posts (only on Hive a couple of days). You won't remember me but we exchanged a few messages a few years ago. I like that you have found something "healthy, useful and productive" and to quote you from the linked post "over the moon and proud." I've gone back over a few months of your posts to see how you survived the "event". It is an interesting exercise reviewing your own, your friends, or in your case someone I have only a particle of interaction with.

Go outside, get fresh air, see the sun, have a long walk, drink something else than soda, coffee and alcohol all the time and eat your greens, and spend time with your loved ones!!

I was happy to see the PDA on the beach. I do have a question. Do people swim in the water at that beach in the summer?

What an odd occupation - suppressors!

I suppose you understand why women in the Victorian age were always fainting - corsets.

Is your sourdough still alive?

It took me a while to clue in about self-portraits in elevators. Your clothes are impeccable by the way.

Are you going moose-hunting soon?

Are these pictures anything exceptional? 100% no. But am I super proud of myself? YES!

I disagree. People remember when babies have their first steps but the baby never starts out as Fred Astaire or Ginger Rogers. I don't have the same eyes as you do, but how would you make those two pictures better?

I have never seen or heard of vesirinkeli before.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! Make it stop make it stop make it stop!

I am going to stop now in case you think I am some sort of a creeper. I tell everyone that I write as if a descendent 100 years from now will read everything that I post so I try to give them a balanced glimpse at the journey I make.

Describing even a simple part of your life as knitting a sweater (kudos btw) might be inspiring to your descendent in ways you cannot imagine. I have a quotation from a very wise woman that I read about one time.

Go outside, get fresh air, see the sun, have a long walk, drink something else than soda, coffee and alcohol all the time and eat your greens, and spend time with your loved ones!!


Okay, there is a lot to unpack here, I’m trying to figure out everything you refrenced in your comment because I can’t remember everything I’ve posted 😁

Let’s start from the ”event”, didn’t really impact me too much, everyone else just overreacting.

PDA beach, yes people swim there, some where swimming there even then and it was sooooo cold!

Someone makes everything there is, from doorknobs to supressors.

The corset thing is not actually true, victorian women, nor any other corset wearing kind didn’t tightlace (only the few extremists) and thus weren’t more likely to faint.

Haven’t baked sourdough in a while but I dried my starter so it will keep indefinitely.

Thank you, I do like to dress myself.

Moose hunting just started and I’m trying to go at least once, maybe in a week or two.

I have no recollection on what self portraits we are talking about but there is always something that can be done better.

Vesirinkelis are superior.

You surely made quite the journey through my posts, kudos.

Damn that women sounds smart and reasonable! You should listen to her.

Thank you for your interesting comment! :)


Are these pictures anything exceptional? 100% no. But am I super proud of myself? YES!

I disagree. People remember when babies have their first steps but the baby never starts out as Fred Astaire or Ginger Rogers. I don't have the same eyes as you do, but how would you make those two pictures better?

I have no recollection of what self-portraits we are talking about but there is always something that can be done better.

These are the images that are found in this article: Autumnal Girl Mini Photoshoot.

You can look at these pictures on at least three levels. The first level you identified in your post: "I did something super scary today and asked to take a strangers picture." It has nothing to do with the pictures but it has everything to do with you. We have a "thing" in Canada. It is called an Inukshuk.

The Inuit people used to erect these constructions as a message to the future "I was here". In a sense, those pictures are an Inukshuk of your journey. The fact they exist is perfection.

On a second level as a person who can sympathize as a female model and a photographer (I am neither), you see with different eyes than I. There might be a hair out of place or an issue of shadows or maybe it is the way her clothing is hanging. I can't comment on that because I don't have the eyes to see it.

The third level that I can feel is the emotion or message that is transmitted by the image(s). These pictures raise my spirit when I look at them. The colours and the expression on the model's face make me feel happy.

I know you don't like bugs but I find this to be a very sensual picture (not in the sexual sense). I have a couple of pictures of my son. I didn't take them but I feel pride when I see them.

In this case, you cannot see them with my eyes.
