Shadow Walking


Morning magic, isn't it the best? I stepped out into my day, giving the flowers on the porch a little love. To them, that means a little bit of water. I have more than a few pots on my porch, some with two or three tiers, allowing for the same footprint, but, more flowers. This is one of the three layers of beauty. Instead of putting a pot inside to hold the soil, I use sphagnum moss and make a basket to put the soil in.

I put all the moss in a bucket and fill it with water. I let it soak overnight, and they take it out and mold it into the shape of the planter. I make sure there is a generous amount of moss. Let it dry overnight and then add soil, plants, and water thoroughly. I keep them in there until frost comes, close to December, sometimes later.

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I know! It is hard getting by the plants, everyone looks like they need a little attention! I haven't watered in a few days, and with the extreme heat, everyone is feeling a little wilty. If you look closely, you can see this going to seed! Do you see the seed beginning to form in the middle of the flower? That means I really need to deadhead these flowers. Do you spend any time deadheading or do you just let your plants go to seed?


This is the bottom part of the three-tiered basket. I really liked these petunias last year so I got them again this year. I have already had them for over four months and they still look fresh and vibrant. I will have to make a note on getting them again next year. I make notes on what looks great and what looked only okay. I have been known to get the same loser two years in a row... loser sounds harsh... let's just say some things would have worked better! Okay! We have fussed enough with the plants. We need to head out for a walk. Step right this way!

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I post these flowers almost every day. They are common Yarrow and they are delightfully ferny and every blooming. As you can see, the purple flowers are turning white, which means they are going to seed. (Good night! They are all trying to reseed on me!) I will snip them down, some of them, all the way to the ground. Sounds harsh, but, no worries, in no time, they will rebound!

They are framed by the Stella D'oro lilies that are yellow and a Hydrangea bush in the back. I think I have six hydrangeas in the yard, each a different color. There is one in the front garden that is almost to the second story. It is insane. I didn't know they could get that big! It has giant white masses of flowers.


I want to thank @Tattoodjay for hosting the #WednesdayWalk challenge! It is a challenge that allows you to share what you see as you walk through your day. Show me where you walked today, I want to see what you got to see and hear what you have to say. If you want to do the challenge, drop him a link on his #WednesdayWalk post here, so he can try to visit yours! Whatever your day looks like, it is worth a walk-through. You can't always have sunshine and rainbows, but, you can always have a #WednesdayWalk!


We are just taking the neighborhood by storm today. We will walk until the sidewalk ends, which is never! I love the fact that I can stay right close to home, yet walk endless miles if I want to. The view is different no matter which way you go. Lately, I have contractors doing work on a few things, from damage received when a burst pipe, I know, right? How can you say, Lucky Duck? I need to be available. But, some days, things just line up perfectly. Today is one of those days. Insert a big smile here! Don't you love the purple clematis? That is a lamp post it became besties with. They bloom all spring, right to the Autumn. Big, vibrant flowers. It was instalove when I met my first clematis.


I like the big, long stretches of road we have here. It gives me a little bit of freedom to do a sprint. Now, just listen up. Hang onto the camera, hold it close to your body and let's go! Just a short one!
Come on! Let's go!


I am le tired. I didn't expect to keep it up, down one block and up another. But, it does feel good, mixing it up a little bit. Sometimes I don't sprint at all, but, I walk an extra mile or an extra few steps. We don't have to kill ourselves, just get out and do a little. I am not looking to run a marathon, but, a little bit of extra movement makes me feel alive. Isn't that sort of the point?

At work or in play, I like to make the most out of my day. I love that JJ @tattoodjay has created this day for us to get out of our comfort zone and move it around. I have skirted the entire (almost) neighborhood, running some of it, so the pictures are sporadic.

I have to admit, I love the shadows created here. The white picket fence is kind of cool! I spy my house straight ahead! The grey one is beyond the fence that you can see. Thank you for taking the time to come on a walk with me. I has been my pleasure!


All I have are my words, armed in my mind, written in pen, stand by stand. Oh, yes. Still by hand. It has a different feel. Altered not by keys, backspace, and delete, I write, erase, tear it to pieces and start all over again. And again.

It’s my way. I walk out to the deep end of the page and dive right in.


Flowers. Asiatic Lilies to be exact. Flowers. Always. To color my world. #alwaysaflower. And just like that, this post is over! Come back tomorrow and we will do it again! Have a fabulous day ahead!





The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 115 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


Lovely shors. I guess the human shadow was yours right?


Thank you! Indeed! The human shadow was mine. How could you tell? :)


Lol bravo to me.. that was a sharp guess and I was lucky to guess right😃😃😃


I love these flowers they are beautiful


Thank you for the lovely comment. Have a beautiful day.


You're welcome and you also enjoy your day


Nice pictures and beautiful flowers! It caught my attention a lot the shadows that you took, they really are very particular!!


I did take a human shadow, you are right. :) Once in a while, if the light is right, it is fun to take the shots.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!



We got something similar. Here, this flower is also called 9 o'Clock flower because of the morning magic as you said.
Good to see all the beautiful photos.


Sweet!! Here we call those flowers moss rose or purslane. They are succulent-type flowers. I have those here too, on a shepherd's hook in one of my gardens. They bloom all summer into fall!

They are lovely spots of pretty!


Wow😍 those flowers got my attention ,I really love flowers😍😍


Thank you. They really are beautiful! Thanks for stopping by!


Beautiful flowers you got there @dswigle... would love to wake up each morning to those beauty


Thank you! The only way I wake up to them is by planting them! :)


You know I do love the mornings even more so at the moment when the heat of that day is intense

Your flowers are doing so well your clearly looking after them in this heat

Here so many have been beaten down by the sun and the grass so dry and brown

Love the shadows

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)


I was fortunate enough to have the morning sun and afternoon shade in most of the gardens. That has saved me, but, I think it has been hotter where you are than here. We have been having afternoon rains to cool us off.

I am sure we will pay for all the nice weather we are having. :) It was a nice walk (even if I did it on Tuesday!) and off to the dentist, I go today.

Le sigh.

You know. Everyone's favorite place to be!

Happy #WedensedayWalk!


thats part of the problem here, we have had hardly any rain for a couple of weeks and now with temps close to or at 90 and clear skies the sun is cooking everything,
I was trying watering the grass in the early morning, for an hour or two, but even that isnt helping the ground is so dry it soaks up the water and then is quickly dry once the sun come sup

I have noticed very few in the area watering the grass, seems most like I am now thinking is realize its pretty pointless

Good Luck at the dentist, I have to admit I am fine with any other medical visit, but Dentists freak me out, even when I went with Lulu a week or so ago, she realized what I meant, I was just there to keep her company and was fidgeting away LOL


I found that if I don't water my grass but once or twice a week, the roots go deeper and the grass is better than watering every day. I was told that by a landscaper long ago and it seems to be true for plants/trees as well. The roots become shallow and dry out quicker. My grass is still green, but, we have been getting enough rain, I guess. It is still getting in the '90s (94 today) but, I had a sprinkle last night, so it is fine.

I have always gone to the dentist a lot. I am just that lucky. :( Today wasn't too bad. I have an Invisalign because my mouth was shifting and this will line it back up. Always something, right?

Hey! Happy #WendesdayWalk! I made enchiladas tonight. I will tell you how my Mexican is coming along. :)


Thanks for the info, I will try that watering every few days and see if that helps, all the grass around here is far from green, I havent seen one with green grass driving around the last couple of days

glad it went well at the dentist


Good morning dear @deswigle!

It is always so nice to read you and enjoy with your wonderful flowers from your gardens.

Undoubtedly you give daily a great love to your plants and they repay you that dedication with beautiful colorful flowers that surely must brighten your days as it did mine when I saw the photos.

I love the lilac flowers on the vine that climbs the lamp post and the lilies that have dreamy blooms.

I send you a big hug and thank you for beautifying Hive with the tenderness of your words and your beautiful photos.


Good morning, Pablo! @pablo1601

Thank you, I do love to spend some time in the garden from time to time. They reward you with long-lasting beauty for as long as they shall live. The lilac (purple) vine is called a clematis and grows prolifically all season long, giving out blooms endlessly. The Asiatic Lilies only bloom once, but, they make it worth it!

Thank you for stopping by and leaving your words! Have a wonderful Wednesday!


I love that poem by Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken".☺️ And you have a beautiful sidewalk/road near your house too! Is it less taken?

Your love and care for flowers are clearly shown on your post. Its fascinating.🥰🌿


Actually, it is taken every day. :)

I love that poem too. It is one of my favorites! Thanks for stopping by!


You have a way of writing so personally that it speaks volumes. You neighborhood looks beautiful, calm and serene. You pay so much attention to your flowers that I am envious. They are beautiful.


Thank you. The flowers deserve attention! They are planted and dependent on my for care. :)

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words.


Beautiful all the flowers Denise, I like seeing the moss baskets. They are such a great way to brighten up an area. I had a few hanging baskets like that on the porch. And a staghorn in it inside the house. Now it stands on a cabinet. Growing well, sadly we can’t take plants. But I will find good homes for them.
Love the clematis 🥰 stunning!
Lovely to see sidewalks you can walk on for miles. Here they hardly exist especially outside the cities.
It is good to move and even sprint a little stretch… such a fun. I keep it with walking though, and put in the extra mile 😉😎
Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos and flowers… great neighbourhood.
Have a wonderful Midweek @dswigle



I do love those moss baskets, so soft and sometimes, on the romantic side. It is sad we can't move plants, but, I understand. I am really glad you have homes for them. That is awesome that you don't have to struggle to find a good place for them.

I do love the clematis! I have it every year.

Walk/run/sprint... it is all the same. As long as we are moving it, it is all good.

Thank YOU for stopping by! Have a wonderful day, or what is left of it!


Yes, they do look romantic you are right. 🥰 we can’t have enough plants and flowers hehehe 🤭

Every time we move… we are active and being healthy… good for us in the long run. We so need to stay active 😎💃🏻💃🏻
You are welcome, anytime 😁 still quite a bit. 15:50h now. So all good. 🥰


We can never have enough plants and flowers! You got that right! Good for us in the long run. If I am upright, I will be doing something!!

It has been a busy day, of course. :)

I hope you are having a good nights rest for a change!


I would like a little jungle in the house 🪴🌱🪴🌱🪴🌱 plants everywhere 😉
Busy days are good, kinda 😉
I have been sleeping earlier the last days but I think I’m collapsing with the heat. The air con unit couldn’t be fixed… so still waiting for the landlord to decide what to do. Only way was a new unit… the technician said. Hope he comes back soon, to hot 🥵
Wished it cooled down more at night…
Have an amazing Thursday Denise 👋🏻🤗😊


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Thank you for the notification! I hope you have a wonderful day!


Do you spend any time deadheading or do you just let your plants go to seed?

I don't even know what that means, so I wouldn't be able to tell you one way or the other. When it comes to flowers my wife and I are strictly hands off. It's better for the flowers that way. We tend to kill everything.


Deadheading it pulling off (cutting off) the spent blooms. This usually encourages new blooms to come forth. I do it all summer and so the garden stays in bloom. Some flowers deadhead themselves, others will go completely to seed if left to their own devices. :)

Haha! Hands off! :)


And why is it bad if it goes to seed? Shouldn't that be a good thing? It sounds like it would equal more flowers to me.


Well, let me just say that some flowers will bloom all summer and then go to seed, so you get to enjoy the blooms longer. Mine still go to seed and come up again next year, but, not till later after they bloom all season.

It's not bad, but, it is like getting more for your money. :)


Flowers are such a happy thing. Love the photos of yours and the shadow photos too.

I don't have so many flowers now as I use too. As I got old and lazy, I found that when the scorching temps showed up, it was hard for me to want to go out in the heat to water things. Awful ! Just awful ! I'm talking about ME ! So this year, in fact just yesterday, I hooked up the new hose to the new sprinkler that I have up on my back porch... that's right, ON the porch ! 😂 My idea is to go out, turn it on and leave it going a while, then go out and turn it off. I think I have it sitting just right to water the few flowers in pots on my back porch. LOL OH ! So lazy me ! A month ago I was reading something about flowers and watering, some story someone was telling and they had a sprinkler (but not on their porch) ...and they talked about turning it on to water the flowers and then the brilliant idea hit me, I could put one on my back porch ! It is a deck and uncovered and..... I imagined it working perfectly, saving the flowers from my heat related laziness. We'll see how my theory works out. I might have happy flowers out there all through the heat wave.... that is my hope at least.


OMG! You are getting lazy! What is up with you, Missy? I think Covid brought it all on. Honestly. Everything was running to work and home again, home again, jiggety jig. Even though you love telecommuting, a part of me thinks that has ruined our lives just a wee bit. We no longer have this need to get out and do like before. I can see it all around me,

Have you tried watering in the early morning? It might e better for the plants to have that little bit of moisture early on. You could take that cup of joe out with you and just get that hose going, you know, while it is cooler. I actually take the watering can at the crack of daylight because it is just the front porch, although it does wrap halfway around the house. But, it gives me a little bit of quiet time, me and the plants, going back and forth with my little yellow watering can. Now, I could use the sprinkler system, it has a separate little system to spray the ferns and geraniums but, I don't like to water them all equally. Some of the leafy stuff will rot at the roots with too much water. I must pay more attention to that next year, mixing equal watering buddies together.

I made chicken enchiladas tonight, It is the first time that the enchilada sauce came out well. I am so spoiled after living in San Antonio and Del Rio (by the Sea) on the Mexican border. When you have had the real deal, ill attempts will not be tolerated.

Another day is almost done. I am done already. If it wasn't still light out, I might have gone to bed. A few more hours... If I went to bed now, I would be up at midnight for the rest of the night.

Thanks for stopping by, El! Have a great rest of your evening!


The spigot for the hose pipe is down on the side of the house, so I have to go around the house to turn it on, go back up, stand there for each plant and then go BACK around and turn it off. Not anymore ! Now go out and turn on, glance up on the porch to make sure it is on with just the right pressure, let it water for however long and go back and turn it off !

The heat has bothered me more and more each year. I simply feel like my body is WAY too hot once it gets up in the 90s. I might die of a heart attack one day, but I would like it not to be any sooner than it has too...LOL ...

I still carry jugs out to the plants on the front porch, multiple trips as they are under the porch cover and can't get any rain.

I always heard it was best to water in the evening so that once the dirt was soaked, it had all night to soak in and give the roots a sip, before the sun dried some of it up ! Don't know how true, but it sounds like it makes sense.

I had a routine doctors appointment mid afternoon, so I stopped at Cook Out and got a BLT and some fried cheese curds..... on.... and don't tell, but I also bought a Cheerwine float.... yum yummy.....

I understand about the food ins SA. No matter whether I went to an age old, multiple generation restaurant or on of the many family owned hole-in-the-walls..... the Mexican food was excellent ! I'm missing that myself.

There are a few small places here now that do have good food and a nice restaurant called San Marcus that has great food. We're trying ! :)


Morning watering is actually preferable to evening watering as the plant has time to dry before the sun goes down. At night, water tends to rest in the soil, around the roots, and on the foliage, which encourages rot, fungal growth, and insects.

If you water in the middle of the day, a larger amount of water might evaporate from the soil, leaving less for your plants.

Picky, picky.

I have a watering can inside and fill it up in the kitchen sink or laundry room sink/tub Because I don't water every day, it is a no-brainer and not any trouble. Plus, I get to have coffee while I do it.

It is always best to get the big cheat on the day blood is drawn. You have 90 more days to get that out of your system. I am not sure I have been to a Cook Out, but, I want to say I have been in North Carolina. It is related to the In 'n Out? I think that is there too. I am a real pro when we are talking about eating out. Although, I do love a good burger. I really loved a place in SA called Chesters, the best burgers ever! Except for maybe Bracken Train Station. I have San An on my brain tonight. Must have been the enchiladas. I have to agree with the hole in the walls. Best food always.

Cherrywine Float. Yummmmmmmm


Watering in the early mornings makes sense too when you put it that way. In this heat, I doubt staying wet too long will be an issue, that.... and the fact that I will not get up early enough to water before I log on to work. ha....I don't think they will wait for the weekends over here. Good to see different views though. I have two watering cans, one with a long thin spout and one with a sprinkler head. Funny that I found I went for the gallon milk jugs instead when carrying multiple trips out to the front porch.


True! At the shore, I am too lazy to do it in the morning and usually am busy with more important things so I break my own rules. :)

I get it with the gallon jugs. Seems easier in the long run.


Yarrow is indeed delightfully ferny and every bloomy! Love your pink shades. I only have white but I love it. As you know I'm a herbie gal. Herbs may not all be ferny but they are always bloomy! Which also means a profusion of little pollinators - aaaaaaand HONEY!!! My kiddos and I just went on a sunbird hunt. It has been a delicious winter's day and the sunbirds met all our expectations. So did the bees! As you can see it is the end of the aloe flowers but they are still a picture. As far as your question. I should deadhead but I simply can't keep on top of all the gardening as well as homesteading chores. I am happy to see that my children are willing to spend time and effort on something that is to me a chore, like snipping off the older flowers

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I totally missed this! Yarrow is so ferny and yes!!! Bloomy! Great word, Tracey! @buckaroobaby

You are a herbie girl and a beeseeker too! Oh, Honey!!! I see you never get enough! I see you caught them in action.

How lucky! The kiddos do your work for you? Tom Sawyer has nothing over you!!! That is awesome!❤️


Yes I learned from my daughter that gardeners need to be brutal! LOL My hydrangea are very demanding of water or they get quite droopy. I typically enjoy watering, but recently it is just one more thing on the to-do list!

I do love that clematis.


Clematis is such a beautiful flowering vine and they love Virginia! While I am not brutal, I tend to be a little more aggressive than most when cutting back plants and deadheading.

I get one more thing to do. Seems like we never get a break from the working end of the stick.
