Retro Film Review: Timemaster (1995)



Few young actors have choice of roles as unusual as Jesse Cameron-Glickenhaus had in mid 1990s. Being a teenage boy didn't prevent him from tracking down demented serial killer in Slaughter of the Innocents. One year later in Timemaster, again under direction of his father James, he played a character with even greater responsibility on his young shoulders.

In this film Jesse Cameron-Glickenhaus plays Jesse, teenage boy from the orphanage. He has just discovered that his beloved tutor Isaiah (played by Pat Morita) used to work for some nasty people from parallel universe. In that universe virtual reality contests arethe favourite form of entertainment and humans from this and other worlds are kidnapped in order to provide fresh competitors. Things are getting even worse when it turns out that the nuclear destruction of Earth is going to provide spectacular finale to the next big competition. Jesse and Isaiah decide to stop those plans and they start travelling through inter-dimensional gates, experiencing numerous adventures in many parallel worlds.

Timemaster looks like it is composed of scenes that were never intended to become part of the same film. Glickenhaus doesn't seem to be discouraged with that problem and directs some of those scenes with great vigour. The plot also represents one of the rare occasions when science fiction film makers actually try to deal with the intriguing concept of parallel universes. Unfortunately, their effort is without success and the plot doesn't make much sense. Nor does the appearance of otherwise respectable actors like Pat Morita, Joanna Pacula and Michael Dorn (Mr. Worf of ST:TNG fame). Actually, any attempt to understand what is really going on in the film would probably require couple of subsequent viewings. But, for most of the viewers that would represent too much of a sacrifice.

RATING: 2/10 (-)

(Note: The text in its original form was posted in Usenet newsgroup on May 13th 2003)


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