Where Did She Go | DARK DAYS


...To my surprise the sheriff picked up the ash tray and dropped some ash from the blunt on his left hand.


He said with a strange voice.

"If The World is going to end today, I might as well smoke one for the road"

I was confused

"Why? How? Who is planning on ending the world?"

"You haven't heard? An alien ship just landed in the neighboring city. Word is they are killing every one they come across, and snatching babies away from their mothers"

I was shocked. I had a million question for the sheriff, but one popped out of my mouth first

"What Do They Want With Our Babies?"

I said taking a quick glance at my child to make sure he was still intact

"Some people say they need their brains to power their technology, some say they need them for their future army."

"What The hell are we supposed to do now?"

"Our orders are to evacuate everybody out of the city before they arrive here"

"How possible is it to evacuate everybody in the city on such short notice"

"We Are Using every bus available, and we are starting from those with babies."

"The Next bus leaves in 30minutes, I advice you to be there when it does."

He said as he dropped the ash tray in my hands and left.

I was still in shock, what to do first? became a very difficult question to answer. My husband just left few minutes ago to drop Diana in school. I picked up my phone and called him immediately.

"hey there. Hey pretty. Hey handsome. What you up to this time around. Well don't answer that. You have reached Kennedy Smith's voicemail. Drop your message and if I'm not dead I'll get back to you."


It's always annoying when I hear that, especially when there's an urgent situation at hand.

I became more confused. I wasn't going to sit around and wait for him to come back, and probably leaving my princess in school. I took a quick glance at the wall clock, 25 minutes left before the bus departs.

"I'm not getting on that bus without my family"

David was quiet now, he had probably read the situation of things and knew it wasn't time to play around. I jerked him off the floor where he was sitting, grabbed the keys to the SUV and went straight for the door. I looked back at my dog and my cat.

"I'm sorry lovelies, you've been on every adventure with me, but you have to sit this one out."

This Is My Entry For The Pop-Up Contest by @owasco. The Continuation Of Where Did She Go? By @owasco


Posted via proofofbrain.io


Very nice! My favorite part is Kennedy's voicemail message - lol!

Thanks for participating. Keep an eye on @erh.germany, who is planning on running an official #finishthestory contest soon.
